1980s CIA jump room program participants Bernard Mendez (left) and Andrew D. Basiago (right at microphone), with Alfred Lambremont Webre (center) moderating ExoUniversity seminar
Third whistle blower confirms Obama’s participation in CIA jump room program of early 1980’s
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, B.C. – A third whistle blower has confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was a participant in the CIA’s teleportation "jump room" program of the early 1980’s.
Bernard Mendez made this allegation during a seminar held in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 1st under the auspices of the B.C.-based ExoUniversity.org.
During the seminar, Mr. Mendez stated that he, Mr. Obama, former DARPA director Regina E. Dugan, Andrew D. Basiago, and William B. Stillings attended a jump room training class taught by Maj. Ed Dames at College of the Siskiyous in Summer 1980.
Bernard Mendez also stated that he teleported with Mr. Obama and Mr. Basiago in jumps that took place from 1981 to 1983, when Obama and Basiago were college students.
At the time, Mr. Mendez, who once served as a special assistant to President Richard M. Nixon, was investigating the jump room program for the US intelligence community.
On November 8, 2011, this reporter was the first to report revelations made by Basiago and Stillings that Obama served with them in the jump room program of the early 1980’s.
The two chrononauts then appeared on late night talk radio’s Coast-to-Coast AM with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great-granddaughter of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, to discuss their involvement in the US secret space program.
Maj. Dames called the show to deny his involvement in the jump room program.
Then, in January 2012, through National Security Council spokesperson Tommy Vietor, Mr. Obama also denied that he was part of the 1980-83 CIA jump room program.
Mr. Mendez’ statements confirming the existence of the CIA’s jump room program and the roles played by Maj. Dames and Mr. Obama in it directly refute these denials.
Other jump room program participants identified by Mr. Mendez and Mr. Basiago, including Dugan [who is now an executive with Google], as well as a female program participant who is a member of a Presidential family, have neither confirmed nor denied their involvement in the CIA’s jump room program as of this writing.
Asked for comment on Obama’s silence in the face of confirmation of his participation by three jump room participants, Mr. Basiago stated, “President Obama campaigned for president pledging that his administration would be one of transparency. He must now fulfill that promise and acknowledge that he served with us in the jump room program.”
1980-83 CIA jump room program
During the ExoUniversity.org seminar, Mr. Mendez explained that his mission to evaluate the CIA’s jump room program originated from discrepancies being reported by the jump rooms on the U.S. east and west coasts, respectively. The east coast jump room was located in New York City, the west coast jump room in El Segundo, CA.
According to Mendez, the jump room technology had been transferred from a species of Grey extraterrestrials to the U.S. government. The west coast and east coast jump rooms were reporting up to 40 incidents of participant injuries per month occurring during jump room “teleportation” to unknown environments in space. Yet, several days after each teleportation jump, the reported injuries to participants had disappeared.
Both the east coast and west coast CIA jump rooms experienced losing power at times when their control room in Ohio was reporting normal operation of both jump rooms. The speculation was that the source of the jump room technology – Grey extraterrestrials – may have been covertly interfering with the functioning of the jump room teleportation technology, unbeknownst to control room operators in Ohio.
The U.S. government deployed Mr. Mendez, along with an evaluation team that included several prominent U.S. astronauts, to determine the causes of these discrepancies and determine the true destinations of the jump rooms.
Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings have confirmed that Mr. Mendez was both one of their fellow chrononauts taking jumps with them and a federal investigator whose primary function was investigating questions like where the jump rooms were going.
Synthetic Quantum Environments (SQEs)
Upon arriving at the jump room training class at College of the Siskiyous in 1980, Mr. Mendez debriefed Maj. Dames about his intelligence mission to evaluate the program.
He then began a series of test jumps from the west coast jump room. On one such test jump he recalled teleporting with Mr. Obama and Mr. Basiago to a planetary environment in space that was initially thought might be the Mars they had been trained for. Mr. Mendez recalls that when he had Mr. Obama shoot a flare at the sky, the flare bounced off a ceiling at about 62-foot in the sky, indicating that the three chrononauts had teleported to an artificial environment or domed enclosure of some kind. The precise location of that enclosure was uncertain, and may have been either a dome on a celestial body, such as Mars, or a freestanding holographic creation in space.
Mr. Mendez determined after multiple jumps that the destination the jump rooms were reaching was not Mars. Mars was out of position when most of the jumps took place. Its atmosphere was deficient in oxygen to sustain human life. Gravity on the surface was stronger than Mars’ gravity would have been. The temperature swings on Mars (from -175 F to +225 F) would have made surface visits not survivable. Mars' lack of an ionosphere would have led to the irradiation of the jumpers.
He concluded that the jump rooms were actually taking the program participants to a “synthetic quantum environment” or SQE, a term invented by Mr. Basiago to describe a fold in the time-space continuum in which the Grey extraterrestrials have established an “artificial holographic planetary domain.”
During the ExoUniversity.org seminar, Mr. Basiago stated:
“According to Bernard Mendez, the jump rooms were not visiting Mars but "folds" in time-space created by the Grey extraterrestrials that the Apollo astronauts called “slots.”
“These ‘slots’ or niches in time-space contain synthetic quantum environments in which the Greys have stored event scenarios that have taken place at different times on different planets, including Earth and Mars.”
The jump room program resulted, Mendez explained, from an ET-human liaison project involving the Greys and the US government, in which the young Americans involved were selected by the Greys and then trained by the CIA.
“This astonishing revelation means that President Barack Obama is a contactee selected by the Grey extraterrestrials to participate in the secret space program,” Mr. Basiago commented.
New land in time-space
According to Mr. Mendez, the US government has identified 153 “synthetic quantum environments” constructed by the Greys in the near Earth environment ranging 400 miles from Earth, on the surface of the Earth, and beneath the surface of the Earth.
Because they contained new land that might be territorially acquired, the US government was actively discovering and exploring these SQEs with a view to making them part of the United States.
Mr. Mendez was tasked to negotiate with the Greys as part of his evaluation mission. During the negotiations, the Greys indicated that the system of “synthetic quantum environments” had been built by them for purposes of conditioning and educating humanity to be able to sustain a future role among organized intelligent civilizations in space and in the inter-dimensional multi-verse.
A chrononaut’s contrary view
In a panel discussion sponsored by ExoUniversity.org held on June 2nd that included all three whistle blowers – Mendez, Basiago, and Stillings, Mr. Stillings shared his view that the destination the jump rooms were reaching was, in fact, Mars.
Mr. Stillings argued that the Martian moons Phobos and Demos could be seen in their proper locations and trajectories in the sky and that jumper Courtney M. Hunt once stated that the Viking 2 apparatus was about 20 miles away from the jump room infrastructure that the jumpers called “the Corkscrew” because of its spiral structure. These clues indicated that the jumpers were on the real Mars and not a simulation.
NASA cannot be relied on to provide accurate data about Mars, Stillings stated, citing the space agency’s claim that atmospheric pressure on Mars is only eight millibars. Such an atmospheric pressure would not have been sufficient to sustain parachute deployment of the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity to the surface.
A cosmic-level disclosure event
Mr. Basiago, who has spearheaded efforts to have America’s chrononauts come forward and share their experiences with the public, called Mr. Mendez’ account “a cosmic-level disclosure event.”
For his part, Mr. Basiago thinks that both Mr. Mendez and Mr. Stillings may both hold a key to the truth. He thinks that since the origins and operation of the jump rooms were unknown, they might have sometimes been taking the jumpers to Mars, but at other times were being diverted by the Greys to synthetic quantum environments where human responses to the threshold of contact with the wider Universe were studied.
Mr. Basiago stated:
“A third plausible explanation is that the CIA jump rooms, given to the United States by the Grey extraterrestrials, were devices that were sometimes being diverted by the Greys. Sometimes we were visiting Mars, and other times the jump rooms were teleporting us to the kinds of micro-Universes that Bernard Mendez is describing.”
In support of this explanation, Mr. Basiago cited the fact that Grey observation of US activities in time-space was sometimes noted during time probes using US time travel technologies while he was serving on DARPA’s Project Pegasus as a child in the early 1970’s.
He also cited the fact that power losses were being recorded during times when the jump rooms were ostensibly functioning normally. This could be evidence that during operation, the Greys were diverting the jump rooms from Mars to elsewhere.
Mr. Basiago stated that since NASA has been lying about natural conditions on Mars, determining whether Mendez’ “elsewhere” interpretation of the CIA jump room program or Stillings' “Mars” interpretation is the correct one will hinge on official declassification.
Mr. Basiago observed:
“What we have now is three fellow jump room participants sharing their experiences… We were trained for Mars in Summer 1980 and the domain that we were visiting from 1981 to 1983 was certainly understood to be Mars. What we are grappling with now is Bernard’s claim that as the U.S. government investigator tasked to study the project he discovered that we were not visiting Mars but a… simulation of Mars architected by the Greys in a bubble Universe… That's a highly provocative claim, but since Bernard Mendez and Brett Stillings and I were project participants together, in the interests of truth, I have facilitated all three of us coming forward publicly and sharing our understanding of what we were part of… Even if it was not Mars that we were visiting, all three of us agree that it was an off-planet location in time-space.”
Obama as a time travel pre-identified CIA asset
Whistleblower Bernard Mendez' detailed testimony that Mr. Mendez not only participated in the 1980-83 CIA jump room program with Barack Obama, but engaged Mr. Obama in jump room experiments such as a flare experiment to determine the location the jump room technology was teleporting to, further bolsters emerging evidence that Barack H. Obama was involved at the early age of 19 in a highly classified, top priority U.S. national security project, and went on to be a life-long CIA asset or operative.
It is logical, then, that the Obama administration would use such a high-level asset as Tommy Vietor, official spokesperson of the National Security Council, to deny, on January 3, 2012, that Mr. Obama was a participant in the 1980s CIA jump room program.
The CIA jump room program, and its origin with a species of Grey extraterrestrials with whom the U.S. government has had an ongoing secret human-extraterrestrial liaison program, is of the highest national security to the U.S. government.
The CIA and U.S. national security apparatus surrounding U.S. President Barack Obama will do everything in its power during the 2012 election year to suppress evidence that (1) Mr. Obama was part of a secret teleportation jump room program using Grey extraterrestrial technology to reach synthetic quantum environments (SQEs), destinations architected by Grey extraterrestrials.
The CIA apparatus has been suppressing evidence that (2) Mr. Obama has been since 1980 a full time covert CIA operative, deployed to infiltrate, perform surveillance on and report back on community activist, Leftist, African nationalist, and Islamic circles.
The CIA apparatus has been suppressing evidence that (3) Mr. Obama was pre-identified in 1971 via quantum access time travel as a future U.S. President and essentially briefed and groomed for the job by CIA since 1980.
The subject matter of Barack Obama's identity as (1) a life-long CIA operative/asset and (2) pre-identified as a future U.S. President in 1971 by the CIA using DARPA time travel technology will be explored in a Sunday Sept 9, 2012 ExoUniversity.org Forum, entitled: “Who is Barack Obama?: The Time Travel/Teleportation Connection” with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre.
Preview version of Public Seminar: “Third whistleblower publicly confirms CIA jump room program, including Barack Obama’s participation (1980-83)”
Credit version of Public Seminar: “Third whistleblower publicly confirms CIA jump room program, including Barack Obama’s participation (1980-83)”
Sunday Sept 9, 2012 - ExoUniversity.org Forum,
“Who is Barack Obama?: The Time Travel/Teleportation Connection”
with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Copyright 2012 - This article is copyrighted by Alfred Lambremont Webre, all rights reserved. This article may be freely reproduced on other websites, so long as a link to the original article is included in any excerpt.
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These guys are all emissaries for Invader Races. Don't trust anyone except Christ.
Posted by: Eustace Mullins | 09 February 2017 at 20:31
The longer our world governments keep this from all humans, assuming it is all real and at least our U.S Gov is in touch with a superior more intelligent species. The more dangerous they will become, and if that day ever came that they would need to be stopped from say, annihilating us! It would behoove our world or U.S Gov to let every man, child, woman, and human know all information on these past, present, and future interactions, experiments etc. Full disclosure, and transparency is the only way that will allow all minds access to this knowledge. And we know knowledge can lead to great power and progress. And the more human minds that know of all this. The more powerful we will be, and become.
Be it ever became a defense situation, or just a general enlightenment and progress. That would happen with more minds having all this information and in turn man would take interest in the matter etc. The next great step into knowing more and understanding all of this bizarre world stuff that is in front of us, and ahead of us. The greater chance of future innovation, and understanding is most likely in the mind of someone that our Govs have kept in the dark. If we want to see great light and "enlightenment" in our future. Out Governments need to accept that the greatest minds in the world are not Gov employees with top secret security Clarence. This numbing and dumbing down our people is the very thing that could ultimately be mans demise. Trust that we can handle and take all these bizarre things and hold our sanity, and eventually can help contribute to the evolution of this whole thing! To not trust that, is for one selfish and egotistical and says that Gov is all knowing and all powerful. Which they are not, and never will be. The quicker they can understand and accept this. The quicker we can help them and become part of the solution, and not be a potential problem waiting to explode.
Posted by: James | 11 August 2016 at 19:30
According to Mendez, the jump room technology had been transferrd from a species of Grey Extra-terretrials to the U.S. government.
Barack attended this CIA run Jump Room during early eigthies. He denied this in Jan.2012 throught spokesman.. even though four wittnesses say he was there.
THIS is loaded with information. Do you see the BIG picture??
If you aren't awake yet.. you will be when you understand the implications of this report... THREE BIG REVELATIONS... NAME THEM.
From: Barbara Sandlin
Date: August 10, 2012 2:44:52 AM CDT
To: Barbara Sandlin , [email protected], Scott Hinds , Thomas A Barnes , Britta McCaleb , Bonnie Mccutchen , [email protected], PSG-1 Carolyn Miller , Cindy Neely , Chase Brugh Gmail , Kenneth Davis , "Dr. Jarvis" , jeannemitchel , jjsons Sons , matt schryer
Subject: You have received a YouTube video! Best Speech ever made. 4 min.
Posted by: Barbaragsandlin | 18 August 2012 at 18:12
Posted by: Cool Cool | 16 July 2012 at 00:48
Barack Obama was not born in the United States. But he will be.
Posted by: D | 15 July 2012 at 17:36
John - Hi! I am not evasive. I answered two private emails from you, first with a suggestion that you actually view the Seminar which you are criticizing, which you have not done:
Preview version of Public Seminar: “Third whistleblower publicly confirms CIA jump room program, including Barack Obama’s participation (1980-83)”
Credit version of Public Seminar: “Third whistleblower publicly confirms CIA jump room program, including Barack Obama’s participation (1980-83)”
And then forwarding the dialogue between Andy Basiago and USAF Sgt Brad MacBolen to which you have not responded.
UPDATED: Synthetic quantum evironment (SQE) & Fifth dimensional/Multiverse construct - a dialogue between Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF(dav) USAP-DOCC Survivor & Andrew D. Basiago
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 08 July 2012 at 12:38
This is nothing but fantasy a fifth dimension is not tangible !It is place where different scenarios might happen or then again they may not.I questioned Alfred Lambremont Webre on this subject and he remains evasive.
See my blog for an understanding of such technologies and their relevance to this subject line and my response to what I can only term disinformation agents.
Posted by: John Wall | 08 July 2012 at 12:31
Dan continues; the appearance of these two angels was so attractive that the whole city of Sodomites wanted to have sex with them. Were these "angels" in fact genetically refined Pleiadians? My father worked in highly black projects for a contractor in Silicon Valley and he told me a few tidbits but being a man of very high integrity would not reveal more simply because he had promised someone namely his employer that he would not. He passed on 10 years ago. Scripture when read carefully with an open mind reveals many aspects of the issues that this website addresses. The one above is only a small example. Do not believe what any church tells you or any organized religion but DO read the biblical account for more information on the subject than any other source I have found.
Posted by: Dan B. Graves | 08 July 2012 at 09:51
I fully support Alfred and Andy and the others with one exception. IT's can disquise themselves at ET's and while I do not believe that all ET's are demons as Lot in the Old Testament entertained in household two what the Bible sometimes called "men" and in other descriptions "angels" while homosexuals gathered outside the house and beat on the door demanding they come out as the men wanted to have sex with them indicating perhaps they were extraordinarily attractive and as the door was opened the two angels smote the crowd gathered outside with blindness proving that they were not merely "men" at least of that time period or one we have yet attained. We are dealing as Alfred knows with very complex matters here and one aspect of the issue that I believe needs more emphasis in this whole matter is the spiritual one. What I am referring to is the battle between good and evil that is not necessary in the Universe as some eastern philosophies propose and it well may be in fact the total reason for our interest to so many ET's that seem to be visiting this planet now and in the past. I do not believe the world is 6,000 years old and there is nowhere in the Bible to prove that. I also do not believe that all visiting ET's are evil. However, that being said we are enlightened by scripture that "the whole creation" "fell" at the door that was opened by Eve in the garden and "the whole creation moaneth for it's release" from this tyranny and torment of evil that was allowed through free will to occur. Alfred especially I plead to read the entire bible non catholic version from cover to cover to gain insight on some of these subjects as it is considered by some as myself to be an historical document and therefore under just those circumstances bears looking into. It is filled with much insight into this whole matter. I believe that the increase in ET attention is because they know that we are approaching Armageddon although scripture clearly states that no man or any other being "not even the Son" will know the exact time it does state that we can know the "season" just not the "day or the hour" of Jesus second coming. And yes He is coming and boy is He pissed. He came 2,000 years ago as the suffering Savior of humanity and in the second coming he will come as King and set up a Theocracy on this planet. But before that happens all hell will break loose upon the earth like "never before". The proverbial shit is going to hit the fan and the scripture states that men will hide themselves under the earth asking for the earth to crumble on them and that "men's hearts will be failing them for fear."
Posted by: Dan B. Graves | 08 July 2012 at 09:39
Synthetic quantum evironment (SQE) & Fifth dimensional/Multiverse construct - a dialogue between Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF(dav) USAP-DOCC Survivor & Andrew D. Basiago
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 07 July 2012 at 22:36
Andrew D. Basiago responds: "Daniel, You have identified a valid line of inquiry. The quantum domain that was being accessed by the jump rooms has not been definitively identified at this time. We were trained to go to Mars and the domain that the jump room took us to was certainly understood to be Mars. US chrononaut Bernard Mendez concluded after his investigation of the jump room program that we were not going to Mars but an artificial holographic planetary domain architected by the Greys that I have called a "synthetic quantum environment" (SQE). The SQE explanation is amenable to your fifth dimensional or multi-verse construct. US chrononaut William B. Stillings, however, believes that we were going to Mars in real time. The Mars explanation implies that we were visiting Mars in our present dimension and so would fall within your third dimensional construct. Since the technology might have been either provided by or diverted by the Greys, I think it's possible that sometimes we were going to Mars and sometimes we were being decanted to an SQE, where our responses to operating on the threshold of contact with a new planetary domain was being studied by the Greys. Andy"
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 07 July 2012 at 21:41
Correction... Construct-Jumping (Time-Space 3-D) vs Time-Jumping (Space-Time 5-D)...sorry...
Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF(dav)
USAP-DOCC Survivor
Posted by: Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF(dav) | 07 July 2012 at 09:21
Have any of these participants been briefed on the existence of the 1,728 each slightly out of phase, 64-Octave Constructs of a 3-D Earth, commonly referred to as the Multi-verse?
Each 64-Octave Earth Construct is .21 degrees out of phase with the Primary Homopolar structure of Sol or Earth's singular Sun.
This could lead some to postulate that these "Chrononauts" may have been Construct-jumping (Space-Time 5-D) vs Time-Jumping (Time-Space 3-D). This could lead many jumper's astray in their prospectives as to the actual location of each of their "jump" destinations.
Just a thought...
Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF(dav)
USAP-DOCC Survivor
Posted by: Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF(dav) | 07 July 2012 at 09:18
Ouch, a ghastly typo: I would NOT trust gray alignment intentions. The grays are merely subordinate, genetically designed dependents of a large, very unequal alien population (Verdants and their assocites) who really don't listen to you. They are proven to lie, when they want to gain or steal resources in your vicinity. Their worst failing is their (compared to more evolved, mature aliens) immature, unequal ambitions. The only possible basis for alien interactions is a universal equivalency BETWEEN populations, essentially one alien (or group), one vote. That way aliens can't just barge in and violate or destroy a planet. But Verdants grew too large, too fast, and their regime is tightly controlled from a single planet reportedly 14 million light years away. They're pleased to abduct, breed obedient hybrids and materially favored gofers (like Rockefeller, allegedly) who commit heinous crimes against humanity pursuant to a colonizers "pacification" strategy. Again, the error is grotesque violation of the equivalency BETWEEN populations, on Verdants' part. Krapf writes that of a Verdant population of 500 trillion (yes trillions) living on 246,000 planets, all crews must (nearly instantly) report crew rotations, etc. back to the home planet. Since they're all thought monitored using mind-sensing/mind-responding technology, that means dissent and challenges to cruel, destructive regime policies is nearly non-existant. They don't want to be identified as trouble makers. So interventions and planet kills proceed apace, if a people like us are stupid enough to allow them to penetrate here without alerting our public. Numerous worlds have been destroyed, say the Verdants (their doing).
Posted by: George LoBuono | 06 July 2012 at 11:35
This kind of technology does, in fact, exist. Every time a gray or related alien abducts, they use a device that can, as Col. Philip Corso noted, "fold" gravity, allowing translocation (even going through walls). Grays certainly have it. In his books on aliens, Pulizter winner Phil Krapf notes that he was moved from his house to an alien craft owned by "Verdants," older dominant aliens of the grays' alignment. Krapf says when he was translocated a small roundish device on the aliens' craft's celing emiited a light (or waveform) that did the translocation. And that would be done by "gravitics," or scalars. Krapf even got to see their main device of the sort, which he noted reminded him of a large telescope, which also makes sense, because the gravitics must be essentially lensed or contoured.
Wayne Madsen writes voluminously about Obama's family CIA ties, but I have questions. Verdants told Krapf they can't travel backward in time. We do know that remote viewers can easily sense across time. so that sensing part is a given. It's truly conceivable that Obama could have been identified, but once you see a future, does your action to alter a sequence change that future? We need more specific info about Obama and others cited in these reports to give us a better sense of this allegedly witnessed story.
Another question: College of the Siskoyous? Isn't that a community college? Why do so momentous a project there? Why not a carefully guarded military location or such? Finally, grays could easily divert a translocation, given their larger system of contouring technology, i.e. Krapf was told that they would bend a contour of translocating gravitics to resonate with another device, i.e. to bend an abducted person around the moon to a large ship behind it (in Krapf's case and that of about 1600 others who were taken up there as part of a diplomatic opening (which failed circa 2000-01) Most importantly, in this context, if, as alleged, Obama had actual gray-related contacts, it could have biased his judgement of grays and their doings. We know about Rockefeller family use of the CIA to remove US presidents from direct control of alien-related programs. David Rockefeller appears to be a gray alignment "asset."
Imagine being a CIA-related family teen. Do you want to be transported? Most would say yes, if it's safe. And that wouldn't necessarily mean you favor grays or gray alignment colonization. It would just mean you and others are interested in this weird science.
Those cave-like intermediate spaces would also be easy for grays to create. Simply converge and then heat or evacuate energy in a subterranean location and you could smooth or remove material. Many reports suggest that aliens mine materials in this way and they also have created subterranean chambers, obviously. So, grays and their cohorts could easily hack a device that fell into human hands and bend the resonance to any location that they choose. But to be led around by grays is chilling. Their alignment wants to colonize and control here. They are cooly manipulative, if not coldly indifferent, in some cases. I would trust their intentions, given abductions and other, worse violations of humankind. So many questions.
Posted by: George LoBuono | 06 July 2012 at 11:21
Great work guys !
Posted by: Norm | 04 July 2012 at 19:30