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"We agree that something is coming. We just have to determine the accurate timeline."
This is my email to Kerry over at Project Camelot on this Black Star topic
Hi StuNoodle and Kerry:
I have written Kerry many times on this topic and related topics and never receive any reply, but here is my two cents:
The evidence clearly indicates that we have an inbound black star-type object from the Leo Constellation.
1. The Earth as experienced three earth axis shifts since 2004 with the last two on Feb. 27, 2010 and March 11, 2011 with the Chile and Japan events respectively on a 188-day cycle.'s_axis_10_centimetres 2. Saturn developed an extra ring and the current super storm in the northern hemisphere after passing through the Leo Constellation, just like 30 years ago when Saturn passed through the Leo Constellation.,2933,561500,00.html
3. Michael Owens was lead astronomer and feature writer for Terral's 2012 Newsletter who shared with us advanced programming allowing us to see the bulk of asteroids falling out of the asteroid belt were coming out of the Leo Constellation. Newsletter Volume #9:
4. March 12-13, 2012 the Earth magnetosphere turned around for the bow shock to face the Leo Constellation for 28 hours, while the magnetopause (tail) pointed at the Sun. The evidence indicated that we have a secondary source of subatomic particles coming from the Leo Constellation, as the Earth is passing the 10-11hour area of space during the month of March.
Reconstructed Magnetosphere Data 3/12-13, 2012:
5. Elenin Comet was a lettered agency psyop with the supposed comet discovered by Leonid Elenin who name is NineEleven backwards. His comet was also coming out of the Leo Constellation, which means any black star-like object would be in the same field of view.
6. Leo Elenin's comet reached perihelion position nearest the Sun in the center of orbit on September 11, 2011, which is the day Barry Obama gave his Psalm 46 speech on route to Denver on September 27, 2011 where the CIA has set up puppet government operations.
7. The Elenin Comet never fit the profile for a Kuiper Belt object that should have reached maximum velocity at perihelion at around a million miles per hour like Lovejoy and other comets. Elenin's average relative velocity from 2 AU to 1AU was only 62,500 miles per hour, which is much too slow for anything originating in the Kuiper Belt some 30 to 50 AU from the Sun.
8. Elenin never showed signs of having a coma nor a comet tail. Reports surfaced that Elenin broke apart reaching perihelion, which is typical for more than 40 percent of all Kuiper Belt objects nearing the Sun. However, the OttoMatic Super Computer continues tracking Elenin on the original predicted flight path saying the JPL is tracking the original object.;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
9. Information passed to me from the astronomers say that Elenin is a psyop that includes valuable information encoded in the orbit diagram. Elenin crossed the celestial plane of the Earth with a 0.0 declination on September 26, 2011.
10. Elenin passed directly between the Sun and Earth directly on the ecliptic and celestial planes on September 26, 2011, which is three days beyond the equinox.
11. September 26, 2012 is the next day on the 188-Day Cycle from where we gathered the Earth axis shift data going back to 2004.
12. John Moore, Bill Deagle and their sources continue repeating the September 26, 2012 date with great frequency, which seems to point in the direction of the coded date for the upcoming 'event.' By 'event' I mean that the proximity of the Sun, black star and Earth are in perfect alignment on the ecliptic and celestial planes for a 90-degree variety geological pole shift.
Turning the orbit diagram around 11+ days allows us to recognize the pattern of Earth axis shifts and backside alignment events (Fiji = 9/15/2011, Christchurch = 7/4/2010, etc.). By moving the Elenin orbit diagram forward 11 days and 1 year we see an expected black star perihelion event on September 22, 2012, which is one day before the equinox leading to the September 26, 2012 alignment/pole shift. If that scenario is true, then the orbit diagram also predicts an earth change lull period extending from May 8, 2012 to about July 8, 2012; because of the stretching magnetic portal connection between the black star and Earth in the neighborhood of 38 million miles. The evidence indicates that Earth did indeed pass through this anticipated lull period, but the important fact to understand is that the same result is true for 'any' black star-like object coming from the Leo Constellation. That is the reason why so many researchers were fooled by Elenin in the first place and why potentially we can be fooled again, if this Moore/Deagle information turns out to be deliberate disinformation to throw us a curve ball.
I understand that Kerry is in communications with Nitehawk from Freedomslips/Revolution Radio. I know Hawk very well having done a hundred or so shows on that radio venue. Hawk is also the owner of Revolution Research Group on, which is a reconstruction of Terral's Research Group that was disbanded around the March 21 equinox earlier this year for multiple reasons. Nitehawk is former military with additional resources saying that Earth will experience a 'crossing event' in May of 2013, which would obviously mean that the Moore information is indeed incorrect and part of some disinformation program being spun for insiders preparing to descend into their underground ark cities. The fact is that Earth dodged a bullet earlier this year by crossing the black star orbit path around May 8, 2012. The fall date that our dark star would cross Earth orbit path is around October 28, 2012, which is 11 days and 1 year after Elenin crossed the same Earth orbit line at a distance of 22 million miles. The next crossing event after that would take place on May 19, 2013, which seems to fit Nitehawk's descriptions to a tee and the testimony of Cliff High from his remote viewers that see devastation on the coasts and mass populations migrating to the central parts of the continent in the direction of where John Moore is located in the Ozarks.
If my calculations are correct, then Earth reached outside orbit position to any black star object coming from the Leo Constellation around June 24, 2012. The Earth/black star magnetic portal connection would be stretched by 38 million miles for the Earth to find equilibrium much easier through this period. The Earth then began orbiting back into the direction of the black star, but gradually at first, for the slack to be taken up in the stretched magnetic portal connection. The point is that the connection must shorten again that 38 million miles, before the Earth begins receiving larger doses of magnetism from this secondary source and mother Earth begins convulsing again with signs of increased earth changes (birth pangs of 1Thessalonians 5:1-5) that tell us that the black star is indeed upon us. The combined portal connection (Sun to Earth + black star to Earth) is currently around 3 AU, or about 270 million miles. However, by September 26, 2012 that number will be reduced to only 1.003 AU, which will remove 180 million miles from the portal connection equation; which means Earth will be receiving an ungodly amount of magnetism that will cause super-heating of the core and massive magnetic fluctuations in the magnetosphere and everything magnetic around the globe. Therefore, if Moore and Deagle are misinformed, the Earth will tell us the truth here in the near future. You wrote:
Update: according to one of my trusted sources, the above is not true... This is a psy-op to distract attention away from the more "earthly" problems that will be coming to the fore in the next few months.
I have a problem with your source right here off the bat having investigated this subject now for more than a year and a half. For your trusted source to claim that John Moore and Deagle are spreading disinformation, then he/she MUST KNOW the details of what is really going on here. I want to know 'his/her' sources and the current object position, velocity, background constellation and expected perihelion date. This is what John Moore write on July 18, 2012:
This source tells Mike that Nibiru will make it's closest passage to Earth coming into our Solar System on August 17, 2012 and it's closest passage outward bound on September 26, 2012.
Part of this information as stated cannot possibly be true for an object coming from the Leo Constellation. The August 17 date cannot possibly be the date that this inbound object is coming into our solar system. For this object to be near Earth on September 26, 2012 (this date keeps coming up in my investigation), then our black star must already be inside Mars orbit; IF the velocity data is encoded in the Elenin orbit diagram. While the Elenin velocity is much too slow for a comet, our black star would be an unclassified object that has yet to be observed by anyone in history; which means nobody 'officially' can tell the Otto-matic super computer the parameters describing the behavior of this object. My personal belief is that NASA and JLP have been tracking the object unofficially for decades, which is how they constructed the Elenin orbit diagram with its anomalies in the first place with the encoded September 26 timeline information. The reality is that a black star coming out of Leo would reach perihelion around the fall equinox, which we know by drawing a line from the Leo Constellation directly through the Sun. However, again, the inbound crossing events for that inbound object would be in the months of May and October (using 188-day cycle data) having nothing to do with August 17, 2012. The August 17, 2012 date could be very important for other reasons that include a sudden uptick in earth changes, the black star nearing Mercury orbit to suddenly ignite to become a second sun, magnetosphere collapse due to nearing black star proximity allowing complete F1 and F2 layer penetration and a list of other potential threat scenarios too many to describe including false flag events, sleeper deployment programs, etc., etc..
What I do see is that Elenin crossed Earth orbit around August 4, 2011, which gives us August 15, 2012 when we add those 11 days. The August 17, 2012 date appears to be an operational signpost indicating that the black star has indeed crossed Earth orbit line and is from that point forward within 1 AU of the Sun and within 1.5 AU of Earth. Remember again that the total length of the two magnetic portal connections will be reduced to 1.003 AU by September 26, 2012 pointing to catastrophic earth changes between August 17 and September 26, 2012, even though the black star is actually nearer to our planet upon crossing Earth orbit in late October; which seems to be in the neighborhood of about 25 million miles pointing to even more severe earth changes through the fall after the predicted pole shift (9/26) and pole shift reversal (9/29). You wrote:
From a scientific point of view if such an object were "close" to Earth it would seem to be visible as well as making it's presence known for many months if not years in advance. From the pov of conventional science this information would be considered untrue and misleading.
This kind of statement sends chills up my spine, because this shows an definite inability to think outside the box. The first brown dwarf star was officially discovered in 1995, but the black dwarf stars remain invisible to modern telescopes even today. We can be looking at evidence of a binary twin that collapsed to become a transitional dwarf, or this rogue dwarf-like object could have formed as a secondary gravitational vortex on the perimeter of the dust cloud that condensed to
become our current solar system. In either case, the black star would be super cold (just above absolute zero) and micro lensing (gravitational lensing effect = ) would create an invisibility cloak around this object allowing astronomers to see the background constellation stars in the distance. This object would be a ball of electrons and subatomic particles released as protons. A dwarf star that is half Sun mass is only 50 percent larger than Earth. Remember that NASA warned its families and employees to prepare for unforeseen dangers last year with the warnings of a 'photon belt' coming out in 2010.
While the electron and subatomic flux readings are indeed increasing and the magnetosphere is under increased attack and weakening, these extra photons and electrons are being released by our black star; as the saturation level in the inner solar system continues to increase, while the black star is reaching perihelion position. This object would become visible 'IF' the star is made up of typical atoms and molecules that I am sure you realize are filled with empty space. However, the secondary solar disk with insufficient mass to ignite contains 'separated' protons, neutrons, electrons smaller subatomic particles that continue to cascade into that gravity well. The smaller particles pass through the larger ones to create a dwarf star with protons on the outside and then a layer of neutrons and then electrons and then the smallest of subatomic particles released as photons. This dwarf would transition over billions of years by releasing the photons first (white dwarf) and then the neutrons (red/brown dwarf) and then transition into the dark star (black dwarf) that is undetectable by traditional telescopes. StuNoodle is the current feature writer for Terral's 2012 Newsletter investigating the deaths and disappearance of astronomers. That number is now up to 66 astronomers engaged in dark star imaging research since 1997. Therefore, one reason you cannot see the dark star is because the very people engaged in that research have been made to disappear.
It may simply be the PTB doing a market research study to see how the information of such magnitude would travel. How it would be handled etc.
This scenario seems unlikely, because the masses are being told to prepare; which is counter to the overall agenda of putting the masses back to sleep. The steady stream of extra-celestial warning information is definitely part of a lettered agency psychological operation that encompasses the Elenin psyop and the current Continuity of Govt Plan-related information we are seeing in the media today. The saturation level of the data says that we must be looking at more than just a marketing research study. However, false information might very well be sent through these sources to discredit John Moore, Bill Deagle and those of us paying careful attention to the earth changes going on all around us in anticipation of something like a May 17-19, 2013 black star crossing event.
MY ADVICE: BE AWARE. STAY CALM AND WAIT FOR ADDITIONAL VERIFICATION AND DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Update: according to one of my trusted sources, the above is not true... This is a psy-op to distract attention away from the more "earthly" problems that will be coming to the fore in the next few months.
I have much difficulty buying the distraction hypothesis, as if a majority of the population is even aware of a any potential black star already inside the solar system. After all, the message coming out is to prepare for an unseen threat, which matches the warnings of NASA and the USGS and other lettered agencies to a tee. My duty as threat assessment analyst is to help people identify the threat and create contingency plans, so they can execute those plans on time. The information coming from John Moore and others about September 26, 2012 only serves to help me get my people ready for this threat, or the one coming later in the timeline. We agree that everyone needs to run their own investigation by gathering all the facts possible in order to be prepared for what is coming. That means you and John Moore and Dr. Bill Deagle and I are all on the same page with Mike over at Revolution Radio, DeaconJohn, Hijacker and others sending out the same message. Please write if I can be of service in any way.
Take care,
[email protected]
Skype: terral03
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Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 05:11:32 -0700 From: [email protected] Subject: i was just think again To: [email protected] DEVELOPING STORY: PLANET-SIZED OBJECT COMING NEAR EARTH AUGUST 17TH? Unverified... Thursday, 19 July 2012 23:33 Written by Kerry Cassidy Update: according to one of my trusted sources, the above is not true... This is a psy-op to distract attention away from the more "earthly" problems that will be coming to the fore in the next few months. CAUTION URGED: Here's a link to a youtube copy of today's radio program with host Mike Harris, who announced, based on information given to him from a high level source (at the level of General Patreus) in a Foreign Intelligence group, that a "planet sized object" is coming close to the Earth as of August 17th and then moving out of the solar system around September 26th." I spoke with Mike Harris tonight who was a member of my Camelot Roundtable on Project Blue Beam. In answer to a question from the audience regarding a similar piece of information that has apparently been announced by Dr. Bill Deagle today as well from another source talked about the same dates. Mike Harris then came forward on the Ustream and announced that according to his high level source this is indeed true. In other words, both sources are saying the same thing. I have invited Mike Harris on my radio show tomorrow night on Revolution Radio. He is checking with his source and will let me know if he can accept my offer and whether there is any added information he can release. All Mike said when questioned for further information is that there will be earthquakes and other affects from this passage. He is urging people to prepare. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am seeking verification of this information at this time. I cannot confirm that it is accurate in any way. If you have independent verification please get in touch with me [email protected] DEVELOPING STORY.... unconfirmed and unverified. Be warned that there are often efforts to deceive members of the Alternative Community with bogus information. This could be such a time. This may be an effort to discredit Mike Harris and Dr. Bill Deagle and others who automatically take this information for the truth without further investigation. From a scientific point of view if such an object were "close" to Earth it would seem to be visible as well as making it's presence known for many months if not years in advance. From the pov of conventional science this information would be considered untrue and misleading. It may simply be the PTB doing a market research study to see how the information of such magnitude would travel. How it would be handled etc. MY ADVICE: BE AWARE. STAY CALM AND WAIT FOR ADDITIONAL VERIFICATION AND DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Update: according to one of my trusted sources, the above is not true... This is a psy-op to distract attention away from the more "earthly" problems that will be coming to the fore in the next few months. stunoodle comment : i agree with kerry....this maybe a psy-op.....John Moore source seems to be the same....remember that the powers that be distract us by looking over here but start something else over somewhere else....thankyou for the radio show last was enjoyable...i will be doing more if you wish....when the report comes out(soon i hope) i would like to spend a bit of time on air talking and answering question.....over the time ive know you Terral ive been on the say page as you...i feel that you are absolutely correct about the HMO the own thing is that i feel it is further out but coming in....i cant prove this point...its just a feeling based on evidence of what is happening at the moment on earth...(if it was close)we would have alot more activity and just a gut feeling....onward and upward...stunoodle
From: Terral Croft <[email protected]> To: stunoodle <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 6:32 PM
Subject: RE: in plane sight Hi Stu: Thanks for writing. I shared with the group. Take care, Terral
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 07:36:53 -0700 From: [email protected] S
ubject: in plane sight To: [email protected] here is the latest bit of information coming out from hollywood in plane sight....they are showing us whats coming
have a great day stunoodle