VIDEO: RECENT NIBIRU SIGHTINGS to the left of our Sun - BBC broadcasts Nibiru in a documentary 18 June 2012 must see
The BBC (UK) has inadvertently recorded Nibiru in a documentary.
Measurements from three satellites showed that on July 8, 2012 about 40% of the ice sheet had undergone thawing at or near the surface. In just a few days, the melting had dramatically accelerated and an estimated 97 percent of the ice sheet surface had thawed by July 12, 2012. NY Daily News
NIBIRU UPDATE FROM MARSHALL MASTERS: 25 JULY 2012: "My analysis of the Avebury Crop Circle 2008 shows that Planet X-Nibiru comes up from the South from behind and to the left of the Sun. It then arcs over the Northern hemisphere of the Sun to its point of perihelion, which is on our side of the Sun at it's 2 o'clock position. So all the videos we're seeing of an object off to the lower left hand side of the Sun at this time are consistent with the Avebury Crop Circle 2008. After August 2012, we'll likely lose sight of Planet X-Nibiru for a few months until December 2012 as it travels behind the Sun.
"This is some pretty bad news."
1. NASA: Greenland's ice sheet melted this summer at an 'unprecedented rate'
Climate scientists say they are stunned at how fast and how much of the ice that blankets Greenland has melted this year, and the surprising satellite data leaves them wondering what it all means.
This is obvious NOT Nibiru as you can see from the still frame photos at 1:30 that the object is reflecting the rays of the sun from the opposite side thus making this either Mercury or Venus. The object is NOT on the other side of the sun from Earth perspective or it the whole side facing the sun would be visible from Earth...this is NOT the case...the object is obviously between the Earth and least the object shown at 1:30 into the video! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this fact!!! Stop the fear mongering!
Posted by: Wes Whitewolf | 25 July 2012 at 22:13