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Carolyn Wilfred

http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012_Harmon_Wilfreds/10_declaration/prweb9962423.htm or google:

US Whistleblower's Declaration of Independence

Carolyn Wilfred

In the period from 1994 through 1997 while under contract with certain agencies including the CIA and indirectly, the Office of the President of the United States, I discovered massive fraud and embezzlement via high level political corruption against US citizens involving billions of dollars at multiple levels of government. My efforts to expose this political corruption and criminal activity resulted in political retribution which caused unbelievable hardship for me, my wife, my children and my businesses.
In November of 1999 I took my evidence of high level political corruption before President Bill Clinton, through his attorney, Gregory Craig, at a private meeting that took place in Toronto, Canada. After examining and discussing my documented information, I was warned if I took this evidence to the US Justice Department and blew the whistle, "You will never see your children again". When I persisted, he patronized me with the additional response, Of course the system is corrupt... What do you want me to do Harmon, get them all fired"? My answer was and continues to be ...Yes! He retorted, "My best advice is... Make peace with your government"… Continue reading on the website included/below the press release.
Please read...Important links included:


Kind Regards,

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