Buckingham Palace: Prince William holding the cloven rear hoof of the Lamb
1. VIDEO: Deconstructing the CIA time-travel-captured U.S. Presidency: Bush Sr; Clinton: Bush Jr.; Obama - Alfred Lambremont Webre with host Roxy Lopez
"Wow, I needed to hear this and how it all ties in together. Now things are making sense, the pieces are fitting together perfectly and the puzzle has a picture. Alfred's truth and bravery is bigger than the universe and a benefit to us all. What he shares definitely takes balls +add your brain=open up your mind."
"Thanks for sharing, people needs to hear and understand whats going on! Love and Support from Denmark!"
2. Time Travel and Political Control
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
3. "Expert: Prince William as Antichrist, future king of one world government"
4. Date: April 1, 2012
MEMO TO: David Wilcock, Drake, Benjamin Fulford, Alexander Romanov, Chodoin Daikaku
RE: Plan for MASS ARRESTS 2012
FROM: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd - Yellow belt (Aikido)
The purpose of this Memorandum is to support your/our/humanity's project for planetary "regime change" and to transform the international war crimes racketeering organization leadership hierarchy and structure of our planet into a sustainable, democratic, transparent, abundant, multi-dimensional galactic society.
5. Hermeneutics expert: Obama will bring "peace" and ET false flag attack followed by an “Armageddon” against good ETs
USA TODAY For Santorum, Hope That Voters See Message as Pins Go Flying
Posted by: Nike Free 5.0 v4 | 01 April 2012 at 20:02