Barry Soetoro AKA Barack H. Obama II. Occidental College 1980. Photo by Lisa Jack
UNICUS.COM RADIO: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd with host author Robert Stanley
"THE OBAMA-SOETORO DECEPTION" - January 20, 2012 (2 hours)
I listened to tonight's show and all my mind keeps saying is Wow.
I did know quite a bit about the Soetero/Obama situation, but some of it was new...but very complicated.
The last 40 minutes or so was what really blew me away...I thought I was pretty up on stuff but what you two were talking about I knew nothing about. I have got to listen to the last part again so I can get my head around it. I don't have long-distance on my phone so I can't call in. The person who called in I really liked the way he was talking and truthfully I don't have anyone around me that talks like you, him, Alfred, nor Alex. I have to admit that I have been thinking that men were way behind the eight ball about this stuff, boy was I wrong.
Makes me wish I was where I could talk with different people about all these subjects... all I got is the internet. and nowadays it is hard to find out what really is truth.
I finally found your articles to read so I will do that also.
A person thinks they got a pretty good handle on info and then they just get knocked on their butt when they listen to the different radio shows that are out there now. I have been researching for 12 years on the internet and it is like I know nothing compared to what I am hearing on the radio show I have been listening to the past few months. I will have to see if the library has your books and Alfred's.
THANKS great great show !!!
PUBLIC EVENT-Rescheduled to Feb. 18, 2012: "The Obama/Mars Connection" with Andrew D. Basiago and Alfred Lambremont Webre@The Awakening Center, Rainier, WA 9AM - 5 PM.