Video: ‘Operation Mockingbird’-like censorship leads to call for consumer boycott
by Jon Kelly
SUMMARY: "Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Judge and founder of Exopolitics Alfred Lambremont Webre is calling for consumers to occupy an immediate boycott of pay-per-impression advertising funded news website Citing a “frontal assault on the Truth movement,” Mr. Webre shows a timeline of events demonstrating how’s corporate publication ban against the Seattle Exopolitics Examiner is an Illuminati agenda-inspired media hit targeting the columnist who revealed President Barack Obama’s participation in the CIA’s secret Mars visitation program."
What a wonderful description of recent material counterparts to the evolving spiritual civilization of the cosmos whose courts have now adjudicated high crimes of selfish delusion, a blight of many worlds.
Posted by: Rob Davis | 13 December 2011 at 13:10