Humanoid on Tsiolkovski Ridge, Mars
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Richard C. Hoagland, a pioneer champion of NASA Viking Orbiter satellite photos of the Face on Mars at Cydonia as evidencing the product of an ancient, extinct Martian civilization, recently drew a public line in the scientific sand regarding the evidence for the presence of current indigenous, intelligent life on Mars.
In a March 8, 2010 email dialogue sponsored by Robert Morningstar, editor of UFO Digest, on the subject of current Martian life, Richard C. Hoagland stated emphatically:
Evidence... Show me evidence of CURRENT ‘intelligent life on Mars.’ :) All we see are ruins... literally thousands of square miles ... of ruins. And, a lot of mud covering them ... slowly eroding and blowing away in the wind. Which is why we can now see glimpses [of] what was once buried in a vast, planetary catastrophe – Which suddenly ENDED the Martian Civilization ... a long, long time ago. RCH – P.S. If there is anyone NOW living on Mars, it is ‘us’ – as part of the ~60-year-old Secret Space Program.
A new generation of data from Mars supporting the existence of indigenous humanoid and animal Martian life has been emerging (1) from the NASA Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity, which have been on the Martian surface photographing it at close range, and (2) from independent whistleblowers who were involved in compartmentalized secret U.S. government Mars programs.
Application of the law of witness and documentary evidence may be a methodology leading to breakthroughs in evaluating this new generation of data now emerging regarding the existence of indigenous humanoid and animal extraterrestrial life on Mars, our nearest planetary neighbor.
This article explores the application of the law of evidence to the question of proving the existence of contemporary intelligent life on Mars. Included is an exclusive preview of a PowerPoint presentation entitled “How to Evaluate The Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life”. (below)

NASA/Andrew D. Basiago - Land-based plesiosaur-like reptile, back to camera, neck on right
How to Evaluate The Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life
Download the preview PowerPoint presentation of “How to Evaluate The Evidence
for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life”.
Click here to download the PowerPoint presentation, which is also available by clicking here.
Proof of the existence of intelligent Martian life
Just as Richard C. Hoagland says that the available evidence proves there is no current indigenous intelligent life on Mars (other than the secret U.S. space program), it is possible to present proof of the opposite of this assertion – i.e., that there is indigenous intelligent life currently on Mars. All sides of the debate about the existence of indigenous Martian intelligent life deserve to be respectfully heard according to the methodology of the law of evidence.
Evidence and the burden of proof - The principle of reasonableness
Witness evidence - One source summarizes the principles of the law of witness evidence as follows: "In systems of proof based on the English common law tradition, almost all evidence must be sponsored by a witness, who has sworn or solemnly affirmed to tell the truth. The bulk of the law of evidence regulates the types of evidence that may be sought from witnesses and the manner in which the interrogation of witnesses is conducted during direct examination and cross-examination of witnesses. Other types of evidentiary rules specify the standards of persuasion (e.g., proof beyond a reasonable doubt) that a trier of fact such as a jury must apply when it assesses evidence."
Documentary evidence - Documentary, including photographic evidence can be treated, according to one source, as follows: "Evidence of an indirect nature which implies the existence of the main fact in question but does not in itself prove it. That is, the existence of the main fact is deduced from the indirect or circumstantial evidence by a process of probable reasoning. The introduction of a defendant's fingerprints or DNA sample are examples of circumstantial evidence. The fact that a defendant had a motive to commit a crime is circumstantial evidence. It is possible to argue that all evidence is ultimately circumstantial, on the premises that no experience whatsoever can directly prove a fact. Recall, however, that courts of law deal with what is reasonable, not with ontology."
“The principal questions of ontology are ‘What can be said to exist?’ and ‘Into what categories, if any, can we sort existing things?’”
The Hoagland-Van Flandern Fallacy
The Hoagland-Van Flandern fallacy, a term coined by Mars scholar Andrew D. Basiago, refers to the mistaken assumption behind the argument of Mr. Hoagland and the late astronomer Thomas C. Van Flandern (1940-2009) that an indigenous humanoid Martian civilization evidenced by monuments, such as the Face on Mars at Cydonia, does not exist on Mars at present, as the civilization behind the Mars face died out a very long time ago.
Richard C. Hoagland has (reportedly) called this reporter (Alfred Lambremont Webre) "crazy" on George Noory's Coast to Coast AM for asserting that indigenous, intelligent Martians - more probably than not - currently exist on and beneath the surface of Mars. The evidence for this assertion I cited in my own appearance before the 4.5 million nightly listeners of the Coast to Coast AM audience was the documentary evidence of recent NASA rover Spirit photographs and witness evidence of independent whistleblowers Arthur Neumann and Andrew D Basiago, both of whom say they have been to U.S. bases on Mars and met contemporary Martians. (George Noory respectfully allowed me to present the MARS findings on Coast-to-Coast AM).
Witness evidence - an intelligent Martian civilization
Whistleblower evidence - Andrew D. Basiago, a Cambridge-trained environmentalist and attorney, has publicly confirmed that in 1970, in the company of his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who worked on classified aerospace projects, he met three Martian astronauts at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, New Jersey while the Martians were there on a liaison mission to Earth and meeting with US defense-technical personnel.
Witness evidence - DARPA's Project Pegasus and The Discovery of Life on Mars
Andrew D. Basiago’s witness evidence reveals the fact that by 1968 the US intelligence community was already aware of aspects of his later Mars work. He tells of seven briefings over 40 years in which he was shown evidence of his destiny involving the discovery of indigenous life on Mars, and explains how the emergence of time travel and this epochal future event were interlinked. As a result of this quantum access, Andy was given a copy of his landmark paper The Discovery of Life on Mars in 1971 and asked to read and remember it, so that when, in 2008, he wrote it, it would contain as much data about Mars as possible.
Corroborating witnesses
Mr. Basiago’s training, his witness evidence says, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old, he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr. Basiago said, were made via a “jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA. The apparent purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarize him with Mars because the CIA knew of his destiny as the discoverer of life on Mars and deemed it important that he visit Mars and experience it first-hand.
Mr. Basiago’s involvement in US time-space research as a child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a CIA officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist who works closely with US military and intelligence agencies, and by US Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in US intelligence included both serving as a guard on the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security attaché to DARPA’s Project Pegasus.
Independent Mars whistleblower witness
On July 25, 2009, at the European Exopolitics Congress in Barcelona, former DoD scientist Arthur Neumann publicly stated, “There is life on Mars. There are bases on Mars. I have been there.” The following day, Mr. Neumann participated in Futuretalk, a Project Camelot documentary interview, in which he provided details of his teleporting to a base on Mars and participating in a one-hour project meeting, which was also attended by representatives of an intelligent civilization that lives in cities under the surface of Mars. Arthur Neumann has stated that he teleported to Mars in order to participate in a project meeting there at which Martian humanoids were present.
Presentation of documentary evidence - NASA rover Spirit photos
Mr. Basiago has indicated that at public presentations of the MARS findings, on average about 75% of the audience can cognize and see the indigenous Martian humanoids, animals, structures, and statues contained in NASA rover photos.
At the November 2009 Barcelona Science and Spirit Conference presentation by this reporter, 50% of the audience that was polled was able to recognize the indigenous Martian intelligent and animal life forms in the documentary evidence contained in the PowerPoint included in this article. (See video of presentation by clicking here). Therefore, one can say that the probable existence of indigenous intelligent Martian life was proven for 50% of the audience at Barcelona.
Why not a greater percentage of the audience? Well, there is the matter of NASA interference with its rover images: NASA's seven deadly sins of data distortion.
NASA's seven deadly sins of data distortion
Mr. Basiago, in consultation with Emily Cragg, a former imaging specialist for Xerox, has catalogued seven techniques that NASA is using to distort its own data from the surface of the Red Planet:
1. Scale. Compress vertical and horizontal dimension to make everything look ordinary;
2. Contrast. Set light-and-dark ratio to extreme value or invert light and dark aspects altogether;
3. Color. Add false hues and unnatural colors;
4. Skew. Move forms out of vertical alignment;
5. Consistency. Paint over to make a solid color look black, white, or opaque;
6. Integrity. Alter natural forms to look like forms that do not occur naturally;
7. Content. Embed content with altered contrast, non-human data, and strange pixels.
Documentary evidence from NASA rover Spirit image PIA10214
Click here to download. To view the sample documentary evidence supporting indigenous intelligent life on Mars and go to the PowerPoint “How to Evaluate the Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life,” click here.
Evaluating the evidence for indigenous Martian intelligent life
The basic standard in evaluating witness and documentary evidence in the common law is the standard of “reasonableness.” This standard can be stated as “what would a reasonable person conclude?” When a jury in a court of common law is determining a question of fact, as to whether contemporary indigenous Martian life exists, the members of the jury resort to the standard of reasonableness in weighing direct and expert witnesses, and documentary evidence.
Evaluating the Witness Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life
1. Evidence of Andrew D. Basiago – The witness evidence of Andrew D. Basiago as to indigenous Martian intelligent life both on the surface and under the surface of Mars, it seems to me, is highly credible. I have had the opportunity to interview, question and cross-examine Mr. Basiago closely over all aspects of his accounts regarding Project Pegasus and Mars since the year 2000. I have found his verbal and written accounts to be consistent and verified by available witness and documentary evidence, including written versions of his evidence which he has made available to me. As an attorney (member of the District of Columbia bar) myself, I have found Mr. Basiago, who is a lawyer and graduate of UCLA and Cambridge universities, to be extremely conscientious in the execution of his duties as an officer of the court and a member of the bar of the State of Washington. He consistently tells the truth – even punctiliously so – and is a conscientious reporter of his activities. The professional penalties for an officer of the court engaging in public deception or fraud regarding an issue of public importance, such as U.S. secret bases on Mars and personal knowledge of indigenous Martian intelligent life, could be grave.
There are credible, corroborating scientific, academic, and U.S. intelligence witnesses to Mr. Basiago’s participation in Project Pegasus and his two teleportings to U.S. bases on Mars, where he encountered life forms on the Martian surface (see PowerPoint).
2. Witness testimony of Arthur Neumann – In Barcelona, Spain (July 25-26, 2009), this reporter personally examined former DoD scientist Arthur Neumann’s official U.S. passport credentials as a former U.S. DoD scientist and National Security Agency retirement pamphlets, and questioned him as to his teleportation experience to Mars and his project meeting with Martian humanoids on Mars. Mr. Neumann is an independent whistleblower who has made his account – of teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials in a DoD-related project meeting on Mars – public at great personal cost. He is a highly gifted and intelligent scientist, and in my questions of him and his account, I found him to be reasonable and concluded that he is being truthful about his experiences and that the evidence of his account as a genuine experience is reasonable.
To my knowledge, Mr. Neumann and Mr. Basiago have never met and have had no contact with one another.
Evaluating the documentary evidence for indigenous Martian intelligent life
A representative sample of documentary evidence supporting the existence of indigenous Martian intelligent life is set out in the PowerPoint entitled “How to Evaluate The Evidence for Indigenous Martian Intelligent Life”. This documentary evidence consists of images enhanced from selected portions of NASA rover Spirit photo PIA10214, a composite photo taken of the Columbia Basin on Mars (about the equivalent Martian latitude of Columbus, Ohio) in November 2007 and released by NASA onto the Internet in January 2008.
These enhanced images are documentary evidence of indigenous humanoid and animal life on Mars. This reporter first began examining these images on December 7, 2008, in Portland, OR, when I was invited by Mr. Basiago to examine images he discovered during the course of 2008 in NASA rover Spirit photograph
As this reporter can attest, viewing and cognizing these often novel and strange Martian life forms requires imagination and persistence by the observing Earthling. The immediate visibility and certainty of this documentary evidence of indigenous Martian humanoid and animal life should improve with advancements in photo-analytic technique.
Ms. Cragg, who has reportedly analyzed over 4,000 NASA photos, as well as the evidentiary documents in this PowerPoint, states that NASA manipulates scale, contrast, color, skewing, consistency, integrity, content, and up to five levels of image within NASA Rover photos to conceal indigenous intelligent Martian life on Mars’ surface.
Individual MARS evidentiary documents (see PowerPoint)
Each sample of the documentary evidence in the PowerPoint (download here), as photographed by the Mars rover Spirit in November 2007 in PIA10214 from the Martian surface, seems to contain reasonable representations of indigenous humanoid or animal life on the surface of Mars.
Each of these documents falls under the scientific rubric of the evidence of new apparent life forms on a neighboring planet – Mars – using a new, advanced technology – the NASA Mars exploration rover. Unlike the earlier generation of Viking Orbiter satellites, which photographed the Martian surface from orbit around Mars, the Mars rovers can capture photographic close-ups, as well as composite landscapes of Mars, which contain images of apparent indigenous Martian life forms.

NASA/Andrew D. Basiago - Two insect-human hybrids,
scorpion-like body, human-like head, shoulders, arms
An evaluation of each sample of the MARS documentary evidence reveals the following (Please refer to images in PowerPoint):
1. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: Figure of Humanoid Being (in center of photo leaning on rocks with back to rover camera) in the Rock Enclosure on Tsiolkovski Ridge, Columbia Basin, Mars – This is a classic enhancement from NASA rover Spirit photograph PIA10214. One of the documents at contains step-by-step instructions as to how to locate this life form using one’s own desktop or laptop computer and a copy of NASA photograph PIA10214. In the PowerPoint image, the figure of a Martian humanoid being has his back facing the rover Spirit camera, and is leaning on the middle rock wall of the three-wall rock enclosure, as though on his knees. The human appears to be masculine and has spindly, flesh-colored arms and legs and a large, oval, flesh-colored head, almost in the shape of some of the Gray extraterrestrial archetypes. He appears to be dressed, to this reporter, in turquoise- colored spandex-type pants. This is a reasonable conclusion this reporter has reached after multiple viewings of this particular image since December 2008.
2. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: Figure of insect-human hybrid The Scorpion Man (See insert) in the Turquoise Field, Columbia Basin, Mars – This enhancement of an apparent Martian life form found on the Columbia Basin on Mars within NASA rover photo PIA 10214 is a new species, that at first glance may grate our own Earthling sensibilities. The documentary evidence appears to portray an apparent insect – human hybrid that has been dubbed “the Scorpion Man.” In the original evidentiary document containing both images and analysis derived from NASA rover Spirit photograph PIA10214, insect-human hybrids and lizard-human hybrids are among the apparent new species that appear in NASA rover photo PIA10214. In this document, two insect-human hybrids, each with a turquoise scorpion-like body and an apparent flesh colored human-like head, are resting next to each other on the Martian terrain. This reporter takes no position on the biology of an insect-human hybrid, which the new science of exobiology obviously must address. As an observer, this reporter can reasonably conclude that the NASA rover photograph indeed depicts an apparent new species of insect-human hybrid. This is a reasonable conclusion this reporter has reached after multiple viewings of this particular image since December 2008.
3. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: A second category of animal species on Mars combines elements of animal species that inhabit Earth at this time in its biological history and that, from our perspective, are hybrids of living animal species, such as one animal species on Mars that combines the bodily shape of an octopus with the face of a lion or a dog but which is terrestrial rather than aquatic in nature. This documentary evidence is an image enhanced from NASA rover Spirit photo PIA10214 that depicts an apparent hybrid animal resting on the Martian terrain of the Columbia Basin in November 2007 and looking toward the Spirit’s camera. As in the case of the insect-human hybrid, this Martian hybrid animal is unlike any animal we know on Earth. This reporter can reasonably conclude that the documentary evidence is an exhibit of an octopus-like land animal, perhaps furry, with facial features that may be reptilian, feline, or canine in nature. This is a reasonable conclusion this reporter has reached after multiple viewings of this particular image since December 2008. This reporter takes no position on the biology of this Martian animal hybrid, which the new science of exobiology obviously must address.
4. Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: The third category includes reptile species extinct on Earth. In this category we can place land-based Martian species of the plesiosaur, which has often been proposed as a solution to the Loch Ness, Lake Champlain, and Lake Okanagan mysteries. A reptile with a bulky body like a tortoise and a long neck like a snake, plesiosaurus is quite common on Mars but did not survive the K-T extinction on Earth. The documentary evidence for this Martian reptile species is contained in enhancements of NASA Spirit image PIA10214 of the Columbia Basin, Mars. In the PowerPoint, three evidentiary images of the Martian land-based plesiosaur from PIA10214 are provided. In the left-side image, the plesiosaur has its back facing toward the Spirit’s camera, so that its bulky body is visible from the rear, and one can see its elongated, curved neck and head in front of the animal. In the center photo, the Martian plesiosaur is facing the Spirit’s camera, and its head is tilted slightly towards its left, with its arching neck visible curving down towards it bulky reptilian body. The right-most photo is the image of the carcass of an apparent dead Martian plesiosaur, lying on the Martian terrain in the Columbia Basin, as it was photographed by the Spirit in November 2007. After examination of the documentary evidence, this reporter can reasonably conclude that it accurately represents the image of actual living Martian plesiosaur-like animals in the Columbia Basin in November 2007. The original research paper containing documentary images and photos from NASA image PIA10214 contains some analysis as to the reasons why reptilians like the Martian plesiosaur may have survived on Mars, and not on Earth, which suffered a K-T extinction event. The documentary evidence supporting the existence of a land-based Martian plesiosaur is reinforced by direct witness evidence of Mr. Basiago, who states that he and CIA agent Courtney M. Hunt were chased by a plesiosaur that they encountered on the Martian terrain during Mr. Basiago and Mr. Hunt’s teleportation to Mars in 1981. Mr. Basiago has related that he and Mr. Hunt had to take quick refuge in the surface entrance to a U.S. base on Mars. This is a reasonable conclusion I have reached after multiple viewings of this particular document since December 2008. This reporter also takes no position on the biology of this Martian plesiosaur, which the new science of exobiology obviously must also address.
Reasonable implications deduced from witness & documentary evidence as to indigenous, intelligent Martian life
In the opinion of this reporter, the witness and documentary evidence meet the standard of reasonability and more probably than not demonstrate the existence of contemporary indigenous Martian humanoid and animal life. To wit:
1. Mars is – more probably than not – an inhabited planet – The evidence suggests Mars surface has a fragile, post-collapse ecology, inhabited by humanoid and animal life. There is prima facie witness evidence to support a conclusion that a sub-surface contemporary indigenous intelligent Martian civilization exists.
2. Indigenous Martian intelligent humanoid life exists – more probably than not – The evidence suggests Mars surface is inhabited by humanoid beings like and unlike us and by animals that are like those that exist on Earth at this time, that once existed on Earth in pre-historic times, or that are hybrids with the traits of two or more Earth species.
3. Hybrid human and animal Martian species exist – more probably than not – The evidence suggests that animal species on the surface of Mars include human-insect hybrids and human-lizard hybrids that do not exist on Earth and that to our knowledge have never existed on Earth.
Richard C. Hoagland and Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd will both make presentations at in Los Angeles, CA on March 20-21, 2010
MARS: There are more than 60 research papers on indigenous Martian humanoid and animal life that Andrew D. Basiago has authored, and that are available for public review at This spring, an additional set of research documents on Mars' indigenous humanoid and animal life are scheduled for release at the MARS website.
A human note: Mars, Richard C. Hoagland and Andrew D. Basiago
Asked to comment on the significance of Mr. Hoagland's Mars research as compared to his own, Mr. Basiago said, “I was once asked at a conference to compare myself to Richard Hoagland. I responded: “He is the Frank Lloyd Wright of Mars anomaly research, and I am its Buckminster Fuller.” By that I meant that Richard has made the lifelong comprehensive contribution to our field, and is regarded as the preeminent figure in the field, much as Wright was regarded in the field of architecture. I have made a very significant contribution to the field of a more singular nature, that is, the discovery of life on Mars, much as Fuller was responsible for bringing the geodesic dome to architecture. Others may disagree, but that is how I see it. I would be less than humble were I not to credit Richard for his 30-year campaign to focus public attention on the existence of ancient artifacts on Mars and the Masonic conspiracy within NASA, which are major parts of the cosmic jigsaw puzzle that we are all trying to piece together. Likewise, it is now incumbent on Richard to acknowledge my discovery and show that Mars is big enough not only for him and me but for the literally millions of individuals who will be exploring and discovering things on Mars in the 21st century!”