“Exopolitics”, the new political science of outer space, is the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the universe.
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
In January 2006, the Associated Press reported that “Exopolitics” was nominated for 2005 Word of the Year. “Exopolitics” was coined in Canada.
“Exopolitics” gave a name to what adult Americans had reported to pollsters at Ropers several years earlier in 2002: that American public opinion was in agreement with the existence of intelligent life on other planets.
In fact, the 2002 Roper poll on American beliefs and personal experiences on intelligent life on other planets, using rigorous scientific polling methods, found that about half (48%) of U.S. adults believe that intelligent life from other planets or dimensions is now visiting Earth, and that two-thirds (67%) of U.S. adults believe in the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe.
The Roper poll also found that 72% of U.S. Adults believe the U.S. government is not telling all it knows about space craft or “unidentified flying objects” visiting Earth. Fully 14% of Americans say they have had a close encounter with a space craft or “unidentified flying object.”
Two percent of Americans told Roper that they have had an encounter with intelligent beings from other planets or dimensions. Roper also found that among those adult Americans who believe in abductions by non-terrestrial beings, fully one-third (33%) claim they either experienced or know someone who experienced a close encounter with intelligent beings from other planets or dimensions.
The “Exopolitics” Model of the Universe
“Exopolitics”, the new political science of outer space, is the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the universe.
The Exopolitics Model of the universe, first presented in June 2000 by this author at a scholarly conference at the University of Wyoming chaired by Prof. Leo Sprinkle, may be one candidate for triggering a crucial sea change in human perception.
The Exopolitics Model of the universe is the obverse of the 20th century canon of science, which held that all intelligent life ends at earth’s geostationary orbit.
The 20th century penalty for any professional, educator, journalist, or government official not towing the scientific canon that only earth harbored intelligent life was probable loss of employment, professional status, and harassment by government authorities.
The Exopolitics Model holds that we live in a highly populated universe filled with intelligent, evolving civilizations operating under universal law, with governance systems and mediated by universe politics. We on earth are just becoming aware that we live in a populated universe.
Like all models, Exopolitics provides a path for minds to go where they had not ventured before. The Exopolitics Model provides the interface between human and Extraterrestrial societies.
The Exopolitics Model is a human version of the 100 monkeys syndrome - that 100 monkeys washing their yams on one island will result in all monkeys on all islands washing their yams.
Exopolitics allows us all to internalize a truth: that we are part of a populated cosmos and that the neighbors are outreaching to us at this time.
As Thomas Kuhn (author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) has written, scientific revolutions come about in paradigm-shifts, in sea-changes about the way that our entire human species chooses to see its reality.
No amount of scientific data will change any single individual’s mind about humanity’s living in a populated universe, filled with diverse advanced civilizations, some of which are seeking to engage us now. Each person has to want to change her or his own mind, on the basis of available data and context.
Here is some hard, scientific evidence that the exopolitical paradigm shift is well underway.
More adult Americans (67%) believe in the existence of intelligent life on other planets than voted in the historic 2008 U.S. Presidential election (61.6% of eligible voters) of President Barack Hussein Obama in the largest voter turnout in 40 years.