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Archon of Redemption

Is inter species relations possible? I am looking for an attractive blue skinned species to mate with. 33 year old with 6 inches


I am eternally grateful, as a gay male i personally cant wait to mate with a supple alien homosexual

Joseph Bartolo

The great and wonderful times are just beginning and what a great time to be alive :) It would be a great honor and privilage to treunite and reconnect with OUR families from the Stars :) Abundant Blessings for all and everyone on Mother Earth as in the Multidimensional realities :) <3

Noel Pocot

I had a feeling it is going to be a great time to live- thanks to our space brothers and sisters who have helped us. Can't wait to finally meet them and also contribute to greater universal good. I'd love to help others who are suffering what we have been through by fighting side by side with the Procyons someday.


Thank you from all of mine heart.

Alex trebek

Reading this made my day, amazing news

Willem nectar

Nice to hear that. Finally peace on earth.
Cannot wish a christmas present more pleasantly like this, me and the world, thanks, God bless you.

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