Comet 17P Holmes & Sun (Saturn in lower right corner) circa Oct. 24, 2007
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview released Dec. 23, 2011, the human representative of the Andromeda Council revealed reported cosmic astronomical processes relating to the sudden explosion of Comet 17P Holmes in our solar system on October 24, 2007, when the comet became the largest object in our solar system with a diameter of 870,000 miles making it the larger than the sun.
According to a statement (below) by Tolec, a spokesperson for the reported Andromeda Council, “the comet came from, was 'ejected' if you will, from the central core of our universe and was purposefully sent toward us to this specific area of space... to directly participate & progress our transformation into becoming a 4th dimensional world. It’s a key part of our planned celestial transformation, upgrade & evolution.
“Why is it relevant now, at this moment in time, as Drunvalo Melchizedek reported in your interview with him:
“Because… as our solar system & planet Earth have finally crossed the galactic equatorial plane region of the Milky Way Galaxy - during this current phase of our own transformation - the plasma core of the Earth is now vibrating and emanating at a progressively greater rate of 4th dimensional energy. In a manner of speaking, planet Earth, she, has matured to the point where she is vibrationally ready in preparation to give birth... to her new 4th dimensional self.
“And, therefore planet Earth, as a female cosmic body with its newer, progressively greater level of 4th dimensional energy emanating from her - from Earth's core - she is finally ready to be 'fertilized', and is attracting, pulling, drawing to her... the transformative cosmic 4th dimensional vibratory 'male' energy from the new crystal blue star (that was comet Holmes).”
Andromeda Council
The Andromeda Council is a reported inter-galactic governance council of the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies, composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in this populated and organized inter-galactic jurisdiction.
For complete information on the Andromeda Council, please see:
Watch ExopoliticsTV interview on Comet 17P Holmes
Readers can watch the ExopoliticsTV interview embedded in the article above or at the URL below.
Comet Holmes, new crystal blue star
In his statement to this reporter, Tolec states, “Last night, as I promised, I spent some considerable time with the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere, their Ambassador & Spiritual Sage, Tanka… and Vice-Chairwoman Tania.
“We took the time to discuss, over the course of 3 ½ hours plus, the true purpose of the late 2007 arrival and explosion of comet Holmes, its transformation into becoming a new crystal aqua blue star... and its meaning for us today. What I mentioned in my note to you, what I learned was absolutely amazing.
“I learned that the comet came from, was 'ejected' if you will, from the central core of our universe and was purposefully sent toward us to this specific area of space... to directly participate & progress our transformation into becoming a 4th dimensional world. It’s a key part of our planned celestial transformation, upgrade & evolution.
“Why is it relevant now, at this moment in time, as Drunvalo Melchizedek reported in your interview with him:
“Because… as our solar system & planet Earth have finally crossed the galactic equatorial plane region of the Milky Way Galaxy - during this current phase of our own transformation - the plasma core of the Earth is now vibrating and emanating at a progressively greater rate of 4th dimensional energy. In a manner of speaking, planet Earth, she, has matured to the point where she is vibrationally ready in preparation to give birth... to her new 4th dimensional self.
“And, therefore planet Earth, as a female cosmic body with its newer, progressively greater level of 4th dimensional energy emanating from her - from Earth's core - she is finally ready to be 'fertilized', and is attracting, pulling, drawing to her... the transformative cosmic 4th dimensional vibratory 'male' energy from the new crystal blue star (that was comet Holmes).
“The Earth will continue to draw this fertilizing 4th dimensional male energy from this new crystal blue star until she completes her birthing cycle and emerges... as a new 4th dimensional world - beginning January 2014. This happening is a main part of the celestial cosmic upgrade process... of birthing a new 4th dimensional world.
“For that matter, this process is happening throughout our whole solar system... as all of the planets begin their transformation process into becoming 4th dimensional worlds.
“Now I will draw a corollary parallel, which is absolutely amazing -
"Alfred, do you remember our conversation back in October about the process of how 4th dimensional life, the process of - how a new 4th dimensional human is created - where a 4th dimensional man & woman decide to have a child, align themselves with each other, focus on each other & their intent to have a child… and then in its initial coalescing stage the initial form of their human child is in fact a bright crystal blue sphere... which at the end of this process, approximately 20-25 minutes later, it’s a new human child. Remember this part of our conversation about 'Transforming into a new 4D Earth life?
“Well, this story about the true purpose of the new crystal aqua blue star bathing the Earth with its 4th dimensional male 'seed' energy fertilizing planet Earth...
“This process, as you can now see, mimics the very same process... to create and bring forth a new 4th dimensional human life. It’s amazing! It’s just an amazing story.
“Alfred, I was absolutely astounded as I learned all of this information last night. It took me a while to fully grasp the totality of it.
“I asked them why now, why is this process happening at this moment in time? Their answer was simply that all things had to come into alignment, that the planet Earth as a 'woman' needed to be vibrationally ready... so that she could receive what is necessary for her to birth herself into a new 4th dimensional world.
“This is the time of the end of her 3D cycle... and the beginning of her 4D cycle of life.
"And then I thought of the image I choose for the first page of the Andromeda Council web site I developed back in later April/early May of the young celestial woman birthing a new world... and again I was astounded at how all of this information is coming together.
“The birth of this world, planet Earth, as she is about to begin her 4th dimensional life is just an amazing story, a blessed amazing event in her life.”
4th dimensional life creation
Tolec describes the process of 4th dimensional life creation in the following article and interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre.
Andromeda Council: The facts about life as a 4th dimensional human
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released Oct. 15, 2011 a self-described representative of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council whose membership consists of star systems and includes representation from the galactic governance council of our Milky Way Galaxy, discussed a wide-range of aspects of life of 4th dimensional humans in a 4th dimensional Earth, including: 4th dimensional food, sleep, adjusting to 4th dimensional life, infants and children, the aged, work, 4th dimensional money (there is none), education, marriage, sex, procreation, and gifts and abilities (including telepathy, telekinesis, transformation, and teleportation).
ExopoliticsTV interview:
Mayan End time prophecies
The Dec. 20, 2011 interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek that Tolec is referring to is the following:
Drunvalo Melchizedek: Mayan End Time prophecies of Earth changes, consciousness transformation and the divine feminine, 2007 – Jan. 1, 2016
ExopoliticsTV interview:
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Drunvalo states that the Mayan End Time prophecies began with the transformation of Comet Holmes into the Blue Kachina ‘star” on Oct. 24, 2007 and will continue for an indeterminate period ending no later than January 1, 2016. The Mayan End Times is marked by Earth Changes, consciousness transformation, and a return of the divine dominant feminine.
Many of the processes ascribed to the Mayan End Time prophecies by Drunvalo Melchizedek are congruent with processes that the reported Andromeda Council has described to Tolec, notably Earth Changes and consciousness transformation.
How science views Comet 17P Holmes
One scientific analysis of the Comet 17P Holmes explosion on Oct. 24, 2011 is that the comet was in the process of dying. One account states, “What [scientists] witnessed, they believe, is a comet in the process of dying as it ejects fragments of itself into space.
"’This is probably one important way in which comets fall apart,’ UCLA astronomer David Jewitt said. ‘The old idea was that they die by vaporizing material away at a slow, steady rate. It may be, in fact, that comets more usually have hiccups and burps before they 'vomit' all this stuff impulsively into space. Eventually, they run out of material to eject.’
“’The explosion caused the coma (left), the cloud of dust surrounding the comet, to grow to approximately 870,000 miles in diameter, making it larger than the sun (right) and Saturn, shown in the corner.’
“University of Hawaii astronomy graduate student Rachel Stevenson said that Comet Holmes lost about 1 percent of its mass when it exploded — a tiny fraction of itself. She was able to measure 16 distinct fragments that were expelled from the comet at about 200 miles an hour.
"’These fragments were, in essence, mini-comets — some were the size of a bus. Each fragment was also releasing dust and gas, creating its own tail in the dusty atmosphere around it,’ Stevenson said.”
“The explosion, which took place five months after the comet passed its closest point to the sun, was most likely triggered by sunlight. ‘Somehow it's able to store that energy and use it to make this dramatic event,’ the astronomer said.
"’But we really don't know why it exploded,’ Jewitt said. It's even more puzzling because prevailing opinion is that the comet's nucleus is porous and not very strong, with the consistency of talcum power and the density of balsa wood. ‘So how can that sustain such a huge explosion? We have guesses, but we don't yet understand what happened.’
“Jewitt and Stevenson will now have to wait until 2014 when the comet once again comes closest to the sun.
"’We're going to see if it will do it again,’ Stevenson said.”
How to evaluate the model that a male “Blue Kachina” star impregnated a living female Gaia
1. No independent evidence – As Tolec has stated in a previous Sept 30, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, there is no independent evidence of the actual communications from a reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representative regarding a scenario for transformation of the solar system and of the Earth to a 4th dimension, and the nature of key aspects of 4th dimensional human life on a 4D Earth. What we have are Tolec’s communications to us of experiences and communications he is having with the reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representatives themselves. One can evaluate the possible reality of the reported Andromeda Council scenario for transformation to a 4D Earth by testing its congruence with other independent findings or reliable assertions.
Andromeda Council: Molecular & Cellular Transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life
ExopoliticsTV interview:
2. Description of key aspects of 4th dimensional life - such as telepathy, telekinesis, transformation and teleportation - appear to be congruent with research on the nature of the human ‘afterlife’ or ‘Inter-life’. The Andromeda Council communications’ description of key aspects of 4th dimensional life seems in significant respects to be congruent with scientific descriptions of the human afterlife or ‘Interlife’, as described in over 7000 cases of hypnotic regression of soul memories of the human afterlife or interlife.
Please see: Human souls common to extraterrestrials and earthlings, researcher says
One function of the transformation via dimensional shift from a 3D Earth to a 4D Earth, if valid, appears to be the ‘upgrading’ of Earthly life to eliminate physical death (“And death shall have no dominion”), and shift the entire solar system including Earth in to what was formerly described by religious traditions as “Heaven” or “Paradise”. From this point of view, the transformation via dimensional shift from 3D Earth to a 4D Earth would indeed be perceived by 4D humans as the landing of ‘Paradise on Earth’.
Please see: Andromeda Council: Molecular & Cellular Transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life
ExopoliticsTV interview:
3. The intentional, living multi-verse – There is emerging science-based evidence that the multi-verse may well be a living, intelligent, intentional organism. (See, for example, “The Purposeful Universe” (Bear & Co.) by Dr. Carl Johan Calleman of the University of Washington.
It is well beyond the capability of the human ExoSciences at this time to empirically demonstrate, let alone theorize, a version of the pan spermia model in which a celestial visitor like the exploding Comet 17P Holmes is in fact a male inseminator of a living female planet Earth (Gaia), with their Oct. 24, 2007 insemination giving rise to the birth of a 4th dimensional Earth somewhere around 2014 to January 1, 2016.
Some observors of the animate, living multi-verse would comment, moreover, that it is the Sun that is the male counterpart to the femaile Gaia. This is an area of great ignorance for current human culture and this Andromeda Council communication, whether technically correct or not, illustrates the areas into which human science and human consciousness needs to evolve.
As a revelatory guide, these statements by the reported Andromeda Council, if verified, may be useful in giving directions to the present human exoscientists as they explore the next frontiers of discovery of a living cosmos, filled with living celestial bodies.
COPYRIGHT: Permission to use extracts & copyright notice
Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, MEd, All right reserved
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists provided a link is included to the original article.
This article is copyrighted and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author's written permission. For permission please contact: [email protected]. Thank you.
In my experience, it's almost always less than productive to "believe" anything because getting stuck in a belief disrupts the learning process. The greatest minds of this planet still have yet to be able to determine that we exist at all. How can we trust senses when the existence of the very things with which we sense is questionable. My point? Don't believe anything, but consider everything. Our existence, whatever it is, is proof that the possibilities that exist are far beyond our imagination.
Posted by: magnadude | 13 September 2012 at 18:40
Yes, I do believe in this!
Posted by: Noel Pocot | 08 March 2012 at 00:05
Do Anyone really believe any of this ?
Posted by: amir | 30 January 2012 at 21:19
Gracias, por la informacion los tendre en cuenta.CON AMOR.
es un alivio saver que hay muchos planeta que nos estan ayudando en esta trancicion tan importante de nuestra Madre tierra. Gracias
Gracias por tan bella lavor, el amor por el todo este siempre bendiciendo nuestro UNIVERSO.
Ruth C Gormley.
Posted by: Ruth Gormley | 07 January 2012 at 22:16
Thanks for the update Alfred & Tolec !
Always good to hear from you guys. I get the feeling you are not owned by Rupert Marduk. Interesting that the ovum (Earth) had to travel to a place/time to be fertilised. Not unlike the fertilisation of the human egg. No wonder Drunvalo kept quiet about it until now. It wouldn't do to have a 4D Earth born into the bondage of a felopian tube.
Posted by: Trex Simon | 23 December 2011 at 21:34