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Hey I know what you are talking about they recently unpublished a number of my articles for no given reason. They were positive and negative article such as the protest in Baltimore and gang members were preventing looters from shoplifting and burning down buildings.


I wondered what happened. Well keep posting things where ever you can, and we will keep reading. Thank you for your effort.


I am behind you Alfred. No more Examiner for me...
A way to tell when something is truth watch them close it down...lol...

Alfred Lambremont Webre

You seem to have forgotten that citizen researcher, the disclosure movement, the Truth movement.

I represent the Truth movement in Exopolitics, and historically was the first to define the concept and field of Exopolitics with my 2000 book EXOPOLITICS.

IN LIGHT, Alfred ;-)


Think about this 1 mister Webre. The Exopolitcs Research Community consists of 4 groups:
(1 Government Agencies
(2 Corporations
(3 Extraterrestrial Contac tees
(4 Extraterrestrials

Which of the following groups do you represent? You actually should be more honest to the public in regard what exopolitics constitutes today.


ALFRED!!!!!!!!!!!! ALFRED!!!!!!!!!!!

~The truth needs and deserves to be heard by all!!!!!!!

Anyone who is blocking this is keeping change from happening, Worldwide.

Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!


I'm behind you Alfred. Screw your boycott!!! And screw you!!! We want Alfred!!!


No more examinor for me! Keep up the good work Alfred!

Alberto Arellano

Dear Alfred: For thousands as me to update the info related with taboos for the establishment consulting fair and honest persons as yourself among the WEB is the only way to get valuable news.
Fight with all your mind, hearth and soul with your conscience
full of light because of warriors as you people can learn the true world history and to open their eyes to avoid those negative forces affecting their lifes. Trinity e Terra a spanish blogh was restricted as Xentor Xentinl from Chile too
Good Luck!


the fact is there are a lot of facts out there the cucka-rachas don't want the human beings to know...

Shari ^i^

LOL about my "freudian slip," above, about following the Examiner in any "manor"...I meant "manner!" -- but isn't it interesting how the higher self interjects here.

I will not follow them in any MANOR or MANNER!

'Nuff said.

S ^i^

Shari ^i^

I'm here.

I hear you.

I only supported Examer.com because they supported you.

As they NO LONGER support you, I no longer support THEM!

Just leave a "cookie crumb," Alfred, and I will follow where YOU go.

Examiner.com is TOAST (to quote your recent comment). I will no longer visit their sites in any manor unless, and until, they reinstate your column.

You ARE the Truth Movement! All blessings to you.

Shari in SF ^i^

Jackie Burns

Alfred, Too bad you can't get paid for click throughs on your own site. But the truth will come out, and thank you for the truth.

Great work on the war crimes trial. Where can I get a transcript of the trial?


Matt Sandy? Like that's his real name...

Juox Aeon

Keep working my support and energy for you good work, we know that this sutiation have to be ended in the few next years.

La Genese

Keep up the good work Alfred. I am 100% behind you!

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