By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
In a wide-ranging Oct. 5, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, Paradigm Research Group director Stephen Bassett reminded the viewing audience that 80% of adult North Americans believe that the U.S. government not telling the truth the extraterrestrial and UFO presence.
The remedy, Mr. Bassett said, is for the ExopoliticsTV audience – and the world population (who are eligible to sign this petition) – to sign the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition before the Oct. 22, 2011 deadline, and send the petition to 10 or more of their friends and networks for them to sign.
By the terms of the Obama White House website, the Obama administration is legally bound to give an official response to the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition, which already has over 7000 signatures and has met the legal threshold requiring a an official U.S. government response.
Sign the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition now
Any person - in the U.S. and worldwide - who has not signed the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition can do so right now at:
Watch ExopoliticsTV interview with Stephen Bassett on the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition
Readers can watch the ExopoliticsTV interview with Stephen Bassett on the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition embedded in the article above or at the URL below:
White House ET/UFO disclosure petition
The White House ET/UFO disclosure petition is now up on the Obama White House website now. All readers - in the U.S. and worldwide - have until Oct. 22, 2011 to put as many signatures behind it as possible at:
White House ET/UFO disclosure petition text
The of the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition states:
"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."
If you have not done so already you can sign the White House ET/UFO disclosure petition at:
Sign and share the link
Mr. Bassett states, "The Disclosure Petition on the White House website currently stands at over 7000 signatures, which is 26 out of more than 140 petitions submitted to date. The media is starting to take notice. The Wall Street Journal did a lengthy interview with PRG on the petition and the article should appear shortly. As the signature count increases, media interest will continue. This creates the potential for a viral distribution of the petition link on the Net.
"One way to measure the potential virality of UFO/ET related material is to check on YouTube videos by view count. See: The top 90 UFO/ET videos have posted between 2 and 36 millions views. The most viewed YouTube video on any topic stands at 210 million views. This reflects the viral power of social media on the Internet.
"Over 80% of those polled on the UFO/ET subject state they do not believe the government is telling the truth. That represents about 200 million adults in the U.S. alone. If they knew about the Disclosure Petition, how many might sign their desire to finally get the truth from their government?
"Share the link.
Sign The Disclosure Petition
ExopoliticsTV Interview
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