Part I - Hour 3
Part II - Hour 4
Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars
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This an amazing and incredible release of information, none of which I would discredit. There are some who stand for truth, honesty, hope, future, love of our Country and most of all belief in God's creations. Thank you brave people who have shared to most, the unbelievable with the World. Barry Soetoro I still havent gotten my modification but thank you for trying. I'm still in your corner and plan on supporting you.
Posted by: Rick Montoya | 16 November 2011 at 19:52
When I was there, It was a very very Light blue sky. The ground was Powdery about 1/4 inch deep in that area. it was Clay. I picked some up and compressed it in my fingers. it was a little sticky, but not moist really. Don't know why.
Posted by: William Stillings | 13 November 2011 at 23:34
Ed was so nice to have called in. :)
I was informed Ed Dames was Cut off because he Started Screaming the F word at George Noory. just a
Posted by: Mystery person | 13 November 2011 at 23:26
A friend of mine had cteated teleportation machine and it is actually working. We are keeping the machines in a secret location. I can easily imagine these stories to be true.
Posted by: Shuichi Sato | 12 November 2011 at 20:19
Wow! what a military cover up on the part of Major Ed Dames. That's to bad.
Posted by: Barbara | 12 November 2011 at 15:47
Actually, yes. Mars sky is blue. JPL colorized the first group of photos that came in. The first images were not shown to the media, until colorized. This is straight from a JPL insider and employee who was there.
Posted by: bill | 11 November 2011 at 23:32
This is such disinformation nonsense. Mars, our solar system neighbor, is not a pretty place with living creatures on the surface and a blue sky. Absurd. Is this an elaborate hoax or intentional obfuscation?
Posted by: Ron Bracale | 11 November 2011 at 16:03