By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
WASHINGTON, DC (Nov. 4, 2011) - The Obama White House continued with its policy of official coverup of the extraterrestrial presence on Mars, as well as coverup of U.S. President Barack H. Obama's personal vists to Mars, with the Nov. 4, 2011 release of its official response to the White House Petition on ET Disclosure.
The White House Petition response, written by Phil Larson who works on space policy and communications at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, is entitled “Searching for ET, But No Evidence Yet”
The official White House response began by stating, “The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye.”
The Mars Science Laboratory
The White House response concluded by stating, “However, that doesn't mean the subject of life outside our planet isn't being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth. [For example,] The Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity, is an automobile-sized rover that NASA is launching soon. The rover's onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and other geology in an effort to detect the chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.”
In linking the official White House response to the White House ET Disclosure Petition to the NASA Mars Science Laboratory, U.S. President Barack Obama and the Obama administration are seeking to coverup: (1) Mr. Obama’s training with the U.S. secret space program on Mars and at least one Obama trip to Mars in the 1980s, all witnessed by fellow Mars visitors; (2) the U.S. government’s strategic relationship with an intelligent civilization living under the surface of Mars; and (3) the existence of humanoid and animal life on the surface of Mars, as documented in NASA rover photographs.
Coast to Coast Nov. 10, 2011 Special Program on U.S. government secret Mars program and life on Mars
Mars visitor Andrew D. Basiago will be appearing with fellow Mars experiencers William B. Stillings and Laura M. Eisenhower on Coast to Coast AM on Thursday, November 10, 2011. This promises to be an historic broadcast. It will be the first time that a mainstream program will interview two Mars visitors on the same broadcast and in a joint appearance with an individual invited to join the secret US colony there. Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings state they both attended a 1980 Mars training seminar with Mr. Obama and now DARPA director Regina Dugan. Mr. Basiago states he encountered Mr. Obama on Mars during the 1981-1983 period.
Special Program:
White House ET Disclosure Petition
The White House Disclosure Petition was created on Sept 22, 2011 by Stephen Bassett of X-PAC, the Political Action Committee for and other exopolitically activist organizations. The petition, which garnered 12,078 signatures, states:
“We Petition The Obama Administration to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."
“Hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence. Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon. The people have a right to know. The people can handle the truth.
“Relevant Websites: ,
Response of Stephen Bassett, White House ET Disclosure Petition author
Reached for comment by this reporter Mr. Bassett stated, "The White House response to the Disclosure Petition is unacceptable.
“PRG (Stephen Bassett, Dir.) will formally address the White House response on Monday, November 7 with an international press release and Op-ed submissions.
“The White House response can be viewed at:!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet
“There is a Feedback option in the upper right corner. Feedback to the White House is encouraged.
"PRG will shortly begin the process of submitting a new petition to the White House."
White House links itself to the Mars Coverup
In the remainder of the White House response, the Obama administration links itself with the Mars cover-up.
The White House response to the disclosure petition continues:
“However, that doesn't mean the subject of life outside our planet isn't being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth. Here are a few examples: ….
NASA Mars Science Laboratory
“The Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity, is an automobile-sized rover that NASA is launching soon. The rover's onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and other geology in an effort to detect the chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.
“A last point: Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.
“Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved.
“But that's all statistics and speculation. The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.
“Phil Larson works on space policy and communications at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy”
The NASA Mars Science Laboratory and the life on Mars coverup
In linking the White House response to the White House ET Disclosure Petition to the NASA Mars Science Laboratory, U.S. President Barack Obama and the Obama administration are now seeking to coverup (1) Mr. Obama’s personal training with the U.S. secret space program on Mars and his own trips to Mars in the 1980s; (2) the U.S. government’s strategic relationship with an intelligent civilization living under the surface of Mars; and (3) the existence of humanoid and animal life on the surface of Mars, as documented in NASA rover photographs.
Obama’s participation in the secret Mars training program and trips to Mars
How the cover-up around Barack Obama’s Mars trips is maintained clandestinely by diversions such as the NASA Mars Science Laboratory
DARPA Project Pegasus participant and Washington State attorney Andrew D. Basiago and former U.S. chrononaut William Brett Stillings are two co-participants with U.S. President Barack H. Obama in a 1980 secret Mars training and in teleportation trips to U.S. facilities on Mars.
Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro), Regina Dugan, Major Ed Dames, Andrew D. Basiago, William Brett Stillings in secret 1980 Mars Training
Both Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings have come forward to reveal that they participated in a secret Mars training in the summer of 1980 with a number of teenagers, including Barack Obama (then known as Barry Soetoro) and Regina Dugan, now director of DARPA, the Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency, and was taught by Major Ed Dames of the U.S. Army. Their parents accompanied all the teenagers. U.S. President Barack Obama was, according to Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings, accompanied by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.
The 1980 secret Mars training was held to orient individuals who would be visiting the U.S. secret base on Mars via a CIA teleportation facility adjacent to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and was held at the College of the Siskiyous in Weed, California.
Andrew D. Basiago is a childhood participant in DARPA's Project Pegasus (1968-72) that developed teleportation and time travel, and is a former U.S. chrononaut to Mars. Mr. Basiago participated in a Mars training course in the summer of 1980 and during the time period 1981 to 1983 teleported to Mars via jump room in El Segundo, CA.
William ‘Brett’ Stillings is a former U.S. chrononaut to Mars. He participated in a Mars training course in the summer of 1980 and during the time period 1981 to 1983 teleported to Mars via jump room in El Segundo, CA.
Andrew D. Basiago and William Stillings public statements about 1980 secret Mars training with Obama
Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings have issued Aug. 20-21, 2011 statements confirming that each of them attended a summer 1980 Mars training with U.S. President Barack Obama (then known as “Barry Soetoro).
On August 21, 2011, Mr. Basiago stated, "Something highly significant has happened, and that is that two individuals from the same Mars training class in 1980 (Basiago and Stillings) have met and are comparing experiences and are able to corroborate not only that they were on the surface of Mars together but that before reaching Mars via jump room they were trained with a group of teenagers that included the current President of the United States (Obama) and director of DARPA (Dugan)." -- Andrew D. Basiago
Mr. Stillings statement, released at the same time states, "I can confirm that Andrew D. Basiago and Barack Obama (then using the name "Barry Soetoro") were in my Mars training course in Summer 1980 and that during the time period 1981 to 1983, I encountered Andy, Courtney M. Hunt of the CIA, and other Americans on the surface of Mars after reaching Mars via the "jump room" in El Segundo, CA." -- William Brett Stillings, American chrononaut.
In an earlier Sept 20, 2011 statement, Mr. Basiago confirmed Mr. Obama’s co-participation in the 1980 Mars training class.
Mr. Basiago states, “Something highly significant has happened, and that is two individuals from the same Mars training class have met and are comparing experiences and are able to corroborate not only that they were on the surface of Mars together but that before reaching Mars via jump room they were trained with a group of teenagers that included the current President of the United States (Obama) and director of DARPA (Dugan).”
Mr. Basiago continues, “’Barry Soetoro,’ a student at Occidental College, was in my Mars training class under Major Ed Dames at The College of the Siskiyous in Weed, CA in 1980. That fact has been corroborated by one of my other classmates, Brett Stillings. Two years later, when he was taller, thinner, more mature, a better listener, using the name ‘Barack Obama,’ and attending a different college, Columbia University, we crossed paths again in Los Angeles and I didn't recognize him as the person that I had been trained with in the Mars program and crossed paths with on the surface of Mars. In fact, doing so would be virtually impossible in any case, because measures had been taken to block our later memories of Mars shortly after we completed our training in 1980. When I first discussed Obama in the mass media, it was in regard to the second encounter, in 1982, to exemplify the point that the CIA has prior knowledge of future Presidents.”
U.S. secret Mars teleportation program and facilities on Mars
Mr. Basiago's and Mr. Stillings' whistleblower eyewitness evidence as to the existence of a U.S. secret Mars teleportation program and facilities on Mars is congruent with the direct testimony of three other Mars whistleblower witnesses.
(1) Former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe, who spent 20 years as a member of the permanent security staff of a U.S. facility on Mars;
(2) Former DOD scientist Arthur Neumann, who has testified publicly that he teleported to the U.S. facility on Mars for DOD project meetings; and
(3) Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in 2007 refused a covert attempt to recruit her into a secret U.S. colony on Mars.
Andrew D. Basiago and Barack H. Obama meet on Mars
Mr. Basiago has stated that he and Mr. Obama exchanged words once while both were on Mars during the 1981-83 period. Mr. Basiago recalls Mr. Obama as stating, “Well, we’re here.”
Mr. Basiago states with some irony, “[Mr. Obama] is running for re-election [in 2012] and has yet to reveal that he was enrolled with Basiago, Dugan, and Stillings in the CIA's Mars visitation program and visited Mars. His classmates who went to Mars only to be chased by predators and cheated of their salaries are a tad disappointed at Barry Obama’s interplanetary opportunism.”
Obama tries to take cover behind discredited SETI program
The Obama response to the White House ET Disclosure petition also attempted to use the now-discredited SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program, founded by the late Carl Sagan, as a distraction from current evidence that the U.S. government has 40-year old secret programs with extraterrestrial civilizations on Mars.
The Obama response states, “In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth, [for example]
"SETI—the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence—was originally stood up with help from NASA, but has since been moved to other sources of private funding. SETI's main purpose is to act as a giant ear on behalf of the human race, pointing an array of ground-based telescopes towards space to listen for any signal from another world."
The late scientist Dr. Carl Sagan developed SETI. Since Sagan's death, it has emerged that Sagan was aware of the UFO and near Earth extraterrestrial presence, and intentionally covered this up in order to continue to receive financial grants, academic status and public accolades. Sagan developed the SETI model as a vehicle to hoodwink the public and funding organizations and continue to receive moneys for a bogus search for extraterrestrial intelligence when he was fully well aware of the data that confirmed the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth and in the near Earth environment.
Recommended reading – Secret U.S. Mars program & life on Mars
1. Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted "planetary level" whistleblower for Mars life and time travel
2. Basiago and Eisenhower reveal "Marsgate" and make case for "Alternative 4"
3. Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project
4. Two whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials
5. Discovery of life on Mars by Andrew D. Basiago chosen #1 UFO story of 2008
6. EXOPOLITICS: The discovery of life on Mars with Andrew D. Basiago
7. MARS Takes Its Case for Life on Mars to the American People
8. Vancouver Futurist and former DARPA Time Traveler question de facto Mars truth embargo
9. New data, law of evidence support view of Mars having indigenous, intelligent extraterrestrial life
10. Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers
11. A "New Cydonia" of ancient extraterrestrial monuments found on Mars
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Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, MEd, All right reserved
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