By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Two former participants in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface after reaching Mars via “jump room.”
Andrew D. Basiago, 50, a lawyer in Washington State who served in DARPA’s time travel program Project Pegasus in the 1970’s, and fellow chrononaut William B. Stillings, 44, who was tapped by the Mars program for his technical genius, have publicly confirmed that Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and that each later encountered Obama during visits to rudimentary U.S. facilities on Mars that took place from 1981 to 1983.
Their astonishing revelations provide a new dimension to the controversy surrounding President Obama’s background and pose the possibility that it is an elaborate ruse to conceal Obama’s participation as a young man in the U.S. secret space program.
Mars training class held for future Mars visitors
According to Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings, in Summer 1980 they attended a three-week factual seminar about Mars to prepare them for trips that were then later taken to Mars via teleportation. The course was taught by remote viewing pioneer Major Ed Dames, who was then serving as a scientific and technical intelligence officer for the U.S. Army. It was held at The College of the Siskiyous, a small college near Mt. Shasta in California.
They state that ten teenagers were enrolled in the Mars training program. In addition to Basiago and Stillings, two of the eight other teenagers in Major Dames’ class that they can identify today were Barack Obama, who was then using the name “Barry Soetoro,” and Regina Dugan, who Mr. Obama appointed the 19th director and first female director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2009.
As many as seven parents of the ten students, all with ties to the CIA, audited the class. They included Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who was the chief technical liaison between Parsons and the CIA on Tesla-based teleportation; Thomas Stillings, an operations analyst for the Lockheed Corporation who had served with the Office of Naval Intelligence; and Mr. Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who carried out assignments for the CIA in Kenya and Indonesia.
From 1981 to 1983, the young attendees then went on to teleport to Mars via a “jump room” located in a building occupied by Hughes Aircraft at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, California, adjacent to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
Obama identified as having visited Mars at least twice
Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings have each issued public statements confirming that they both attended Mars training with Mr. Obama and later encountered him on Mars during separate visits.
On August 21, 2011, Mr. Basiago stated: "Something highly significant has happened, and that is that two individuals from the same Mars training class in 1980 (Basiago and Stillings) have met and are comparing experiences and are able to corroborate not only that they were on the surface of Mars together but that before reaching Mars via jump room they were trained with a group of teenagers that included the current President of the United States (Obama) and director of DARPA (Dugan)."
Mr. Stillings’ statement, released at the same time, read: "I can confirm that Andrew D. Basiago and Barack Obama (then using the name "Barry Soetoro") were in my Mars training course in Summer 1980 and that during the time period 1981 to 1983, I encountered Andy, Courtney M. Hunt of the CIA, and other Americans on the surface of Mars after reaching Mars via the "jump room" in El Segundo, California.”
In a statement made Sept 20, 2011, Mr. Basiago confirmed Mr. Obama’s co-participation in the 1980 Mars training class, stating: “Barry Soetoro, a student at Occidental College, was in my Mars training class under Major Ed Dames at The College of the Siskiyous in Weed, California in 1980. That fact has been corroborated by one of my other classmates, Brett Stillings. Two years later, when he was taller, thinner, more mature, a better listener, using the name ‘Barack Obama,’ and attending a different college, Columbia University, we crossed paths again in Los Angeles and I didn't recognize him as the person that I had been trained with in the Mars program and encountered on the surface of Mars. In fact, doing so would have been virtually impossible in any case, because measures had been taken to block our later memories of Mars shortly after we completed our training in 1980.”
Mr. Basiago states that during one of his trips to Mars via “jump room” that took place from 1981 to 1983, he was sitting on a wall beneath an arching roof that covered one of the “jump room” facilities as he watched Mr. Obama walk back to the jump room from across the Martian terrain. When Mr. Obama walked past him and Mr. Basiago acknowledged him, Mr. Obama stated, with some sense of fatalism: “Now we’re here!”
Mr. Stillings states that during one of his visits to Mars, he walked out of the “jump room” facility and encountered Mr. Obama standing beside the facility by himself staring vacantly into a ravine located adjacent to the facility.
Mr. Basiago thinks that it is virtually certain that Ms. Dugan also went to Mars, because he once encountered her at the building in El Segundo where the “jump room” to Mars was located as he was entering the building to jump to Mars and she was exiting it. “I know you!” she said, greeting him as she passed him in the lobby of the building.
Strangers in a Strange Land
Basiago, Obama, Stillings, and Dugan went to Mars at a time when the U.S. presence on Mars was only just beginning but many had already gone.
Mr. Basiago states that in the early 1980’s, when they went, the U.S. facilities on Mars were rudimentary and resembled the construction phase of a rural mining project. While there was some infrastructure supporting the jump rooms on Mars, there were no base-like buildings like the U.S. base on Mars first revealed publicly by Command Sgt. Major Robert Dean at the European Exopolitics Summit in Barcelona, Spain in 2009.
The primitive conditions that they encountered on Mars might explain the high level of danger involved. Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings agree that Major Dames stated during their training class at The College of the Siskiyous in 1980: “Of the 97,000 individuals that we have thus far sent to Mars, only 7,000 have survived there after five years.”
In light of these risks, prior to going to Mars, Mr. Basiago received additional training from Mr. Hunt. Hunt, a career CIA officer, showed Mr. Basiago how to operate the respiration device that he would wear only during his first jump to Mars in July 1981, provided him with a weapon to protect himself on Mars, and took him to the Lockheed facility in Burbank, California for training in avoiding predators on the Martian surface.
When they then first teleported to Mars in Summer 1981, the young Mars visitors confronted the situation that Major Dames had covered at length during the class the previous summer – that one of their principal concerns on Mars would be to avoid being devoured by one of the predator species on the Martian surface, some of which they would be able to evade, and some of which were impossible to evade if encountered.
The Mars program was launched, Basiago and Stillings were told, to establish a defense regime protecting the Earth from threats from space and, by sending civilians, to establish a legal basis for the U.S. to assert a claim of territorial sovereignty over Mars. In furtherance of these goals and the expectation that human beings from Earth would begin visiting Mars in greater numbers, their mission was to acclimate Martian humanoids and animals to their presence or, as Major Dames stated during their training near Mt. Shasta in 1980: “Simply put, your task is to be seen and not eaten.”
It is not known whether NASA-JPL, which is located in Pasadena, California, had a hand in selecting the young people for their dangerous interplanetary mission to Mars, but it is conspicuous that all four had Pasadena, California connections.
Mr. Basiago was the son of an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company, which is headquartered in Pasadena. Mr. Stillings was residing in La Canada, California, which is a suburb of Pasadena. Mr. Obama had just completed a year of undergraduate studies at Occidental College in Eagle Rock, California, near Pasadena. Ms. Dugan was attending the California Institute of Technology, which is located in Pasadena.
1980: U.S. secret Mars teleportation program and rudimentary facilities on Mars
The firsthand, eyewitness testimony of Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings as to the existence of a secret U.S. presence on Mars that is made possible by a revolutionary “jump room” technology that has been concealed from the public is congruent with similar accounts given by three other Mars whistle blowers:
(1) Former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe, who spent 20 years as a member of the permanent security staff of a U.S. facility on Mars;
(2) Former Department of Defense (DoD) scientist Arthur Neumann, who has testified publicly that he teleported to a U.S. facility on Mars for DoD project meetings; and
(3) Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in 2007 refused a covert attempt to recruit her into what was described to her as a secret U.S. colony on Mars.
Mars researchers, including physicist David Wilcock, estimate that as a result of the “jump room” technology that Relfe, Basiago, Neumann, and Stillings have described, the U.S. colony on Mars that Eisenhower was invited to join might number 500,000 individuals.
Secret U.S. presence on Mars and Obama’s Mars connection airs on Coast to Coast AM on Thursday
Public revelation of Mr. Obama’s secret Mars connection will continue with a special broadcast on talk radio’s Coast to Coast AM this Thursday, November 10, 2011 from Midnight to 2 AM PST.
Mars visitors Andrew D. Basiago and William B. Stillings will be appearing with Mars whistle blower Laura M. Eisenhower in an historic broadcast.
This will be the first time that a mainstream media program will interview two Mars visitors on the same show and in a joint appearance with an individual invited to join the secret U.S. colony on the Red Planet.
Special Program:
With multiple whistle blowers coming forward and corroborating each others’ testimony, it now seems inevitable that both the cover-up of the U.S. presence on Mars and Mr. Obama’s personal involvement in it will soon become matters of great public interest.
Recommended reading
U.S. secret Mars program
COPYRIGHT: Permission to use extracts & copyright notice
Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, MEd, All rights reserved
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists provided a link is included to the original article.
This article is copyrighted and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author's written permission. For permission please contact: [email protected]. Thank you.
Thank you very much for giving your good information I keep visiting your website constantly I like it
Posted by: Mumbai One Beauties | 30 August 2022 at 22:28
It is about time... And the truth will set you free...
Posted by: Walter Long | 03 May 2017 at 01:15
Parametric receivers nato
Bases 1963. Tuned to receive
Fail safe signals from planet mars. And yes
Memory is bugged to brain
Washng mode.
Posted by: ivan | 07 May 2016 at 09:41
Posted by: Gs proto | 03 February 2016 at 10:42
How credible is the Andrew D Basiago is??
I can,t seem to imagine Obama going to Mars back in the early 80,s.Again these stories have never surfaced in the media at all.Shows like Midnight in the Desert and Coast to Coast fuel these fictionious stories.
I find it hard to beleive. I quiestion this show and where is Art Bell? Thats a mystery all by itself...
Posted by: Norman Bloom | 18 January 2016 at 21:14
His backing of Al Gore`s environmental theory in a recent interview from last night I am just hearing now, is suspect. I am not sure whether he is to be trusted, but I also do not like the "Rationalwiki" article on him. (Those guys are really douchebags, to be blunt.)
Posted by: Christopher C | 14 September 2015 at 07:39
To me, the whole part about predators makes me certain that a quantum environment was the destination, not the physical planet mars of our universe.
Posted by: Dale | 18 October 2012 at 05:33
I have lived in siskiyou county since the early 1980, and first came here in 1974. COS is my junior college alma mater, and I will do my research on that. For sake of credibility, I also have witnessed on the east side of Mt. Shasta a wormhole open, and observed 10 craft coming out of hyperspace in the gate do a right angle turn and shoot into the mountian. 3 hours we watched from military pass. My book " Mt.Shasta Sightings" which will after a year of research will be available at the beginning of Auguse 2012. You wand some confirmations, we interviewed tight lipped federal, forest personnel,police, local folk who would not report these sightings but to me will be included, and some we have found blacked out events, several within the 30 years Ive been here.If we are to loosen the monkey grip others who think they have the authority to choose what why and when, we all need to come forward. We have a civilization that is dependent on these technologies and freedoms to continue.
Posted by: Brian Wallenstein | 02 June 2012 at 11:53
If I were a real whistle blower and I had been trained for encounters with Aliens on Mars, (and or seen Alien animals or beings), I would be talking non stop about the Aliens and the other life forms...
I would only briefly mention the way we traveled to Mars and who we traveled with.
So I think that this is a 'soft sell' of hostile Aliens from Mars as a precursor to the fake Aliens existence and or an invasion of Earth.
'They' seem to have been at this for some time now... Small references of Aliens and a quite a few people saying "Disclosure Now".
I suppose shills get jobs for life and a good retirement package.
AND !!!
I would not be surprised if they have bred some genetically modified humans with big eyes and green bumpy skin (or something like that)Bred them in a lab 20 years ago for the big event soon to come.
In fact I have had a feeling that some of the 'Aliens' spotted at some of the govt installations are in fact home grown people/critters.
Posted by: Antony | 02 June 2012 at 01:16
Kevin and All - Please join in the ExoUniversity Forum JUMP ROOM with Andrew D Basiago, William D. Stillings and others, downloadable at as of June 1, 2012. Thank you,
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 27 May 2012 at 11:31
OK, in this whole post, there are lots of links. But none to the audio or visual of the testimony.
Words, pictures, documents, they are all easily dismissed.
But as the Disclosure Project (.org) taught us, only personal testimony can be truly viewed with discernment, and in my case, with a professional actor/directors eye.
Only video/audio testimony is truly valid.
Where is the audio or video of these guys saying Obama was on Mars. And if he was, why is that bad? Disclosure is a good thing. Who else can save us from the MOX fuel/fukushima?
Posted by: Kevin Scott | 27 May 2012 at 01:50
Do you people seriously believe this shit? Cause besides being a humorous sci-fiction dream that you all had and seemingly decided to start writing news articles on, that's all this shit is. You give Americans a bad name, so kindly stfu and.....well...just kindly shut the fuck up, for humanities sake
Posted by: Anon | 05 April 2012 at 23:12
not sure if stupid... :/ or just propaganda.
Posted by: Falco | 25 January 2012 at 05:56 Life on Mars evidence 1000 photos.I designed Mars rovers/sats 1987,sent drawings to JPL /Nasa via Gene Roddenberry along with ghostwritings for Star Trek,and Black hole drawings with DUAL JETS
Posted by: Jerry Lehane III | 24 January 2012 at 21:31
Are you serious?
Posted by: William | 10 January 2012 at 11:03
Sorry D, that was aimed at William Stillings.
Posted by: Eating Fish | 09 January 2012 at 17:41
@D so why didn't NASA just delete the picture if it showed an organic life form and that's not what they want you to see? Why not just Photoshop it out? The only reason you see the "crab" is that you WANT to see the "crab," because you WANT NASA to be lying to you. If NASA cannot cover up something that obvious, something which would take 5 minutes to cover up or three seconds to delete, than there would be no way for NASA to cover up the existence of aliens for fifty years. There's three scenarios that you can take: One, NASA is too incompetent to delete a picture, and thus could not cover up the existence of aliens for fifty years. Two, NASA is extremely competent at covering up the existence of aliens (as they have been doing it for fifty years) and the photo in the video doesn't exist because they deleted it before anyone could see it. Three, NASA isn't covering anything up and you're seeing what you want to see. One is false, as the existence of aliens isn't public domain. Two is also false, as the photo in the video exists. That leaves three as the likely explanation.
Posted by: Eating Fish | 09 January 2012 at 17:39
Steve - Many people listened to Major Ed Dames intervention and their perceptions of his intervention are radically different from yours.
In fact, Ed Dames began to use curse words against George Noory who was forced to cut him off the air.
Other objective observors stated that Ed Dames was in fact caught in a lie.
In Light, Alfred ;-)
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 04 January 2012 at 17:57
I listened to that coast to coast episode. While Basiago and Stillings were on the air. Guess who called in? That's right Major Ed Dames who was the professor of the class they claimed to have taken.
Major Ed Dames pretty much called them liars on the air. George had to intervene and Calm Major Dames down because he was pretty pissed off.
These guys basically tried to say that Major Dames most likely had his memory wiped or that he didn't remember having President Obama in his class because it happened in a different reality. (Seriously, that's what they said)
Don't get me wrong. I'm a believer in most of this stuff. But when Major Danes called in, these guys got squirmy. The whole thing was almost comedy.
Not sure this post will make it up because I know Alfred doesn't like when I contradict him.
I'll just hope he let's me through this time.
Posted by: Steve | 04 January 2012 at 17:41
Is Obama a devil, or, perhaps, The Demon?
Posted by: ?andthemysterrions | 04 January 2012 at 12:21
Is Obama real at all?
Posted by: Lao | 31 December 2011 at 20:36
So does that mean Obama is really from Mars, not Hawaii?
Posted by: Bob | 31 December 2011 at 14:01
David Wilcock is neither a physicist nor a Mars researcher. He is a researcher, author, lecturer, and film maker. While his research has included Mars and many other areas of space, he is not an expert on Mars research.
I am skeptical of Bassiago's claims. I am still doing my own research and remain unconvinced. I am not saying his claims are untrue, I just haven't found enough reason to believe them as yet.
Posted by: H Petersen | 29 December 2011 at 12:15
Do we have verification from the College of the Siskiyous that the seminar of 1980 actually took place? We need that for objectivity's sake. If they deny or say they can neither confirm nor deny, then we have to keep digging, and it won't be easy because the dark project gov't contractors will not be forthcoming. Hats are off to the whistle-blowers of course because if what they are saying is true, then their lives are in danger. I suspect that if true, then the extraordinary nature of this testimony which renders it "Tin-Foil-Hatter" material is the only thing protecting them.
Also, I observe that if this is true, then it would explain why the Occidental records of Barry Soetoro, AKA President Obama are sealed because there is doubtless reference to this Mars Orientation course. Holy Cow.
Posted by: NoTingles | 08 December 2011 at 19:16
Wouldn't you agree that any information from Tolec would be of the highest priority, and any other topic would be subordinate in order of presentation, yet we hear nothing further from Tolec. What gives??
Posted by: Rick Goedert | 07 December 2011 at 19:33
Steve you need to see something to see if your a shill
Posted by: William Stillings | 06 December 2011 at 23:25
Hopefully Obama's involvement will mean some kind of government/military disclosure soon.
12/21/12 perhaps...?
Posted by: D | 06 December 2011 at 21:08
When they then first teleported to Mars in Summer 1981, the young Mars visitors confronted the situation that Major Dames had covered at length during the class the previous summer – that one of their principal concerns on Mars would be to avoid being devoured by one of the predator species on the Martian surface, some of which they would be able to evade, and some of which were impossible to evade if encountered.
Posted by: Supra Shoes | 01 December 2011 at 03:36
My concern with this is Andrew Basiago has become something of an "alternative" celebrity for the folks that like the "alternative". Going on his "analysis" of the Mars photos it is difficult to determine whether he sought reference from his alleged transportation or LSD. If the photograps were being offered as evidence, with the exception of one, I saw only rocks shaped to stir the imagination.
Being wary of "false flags" in the age of "terrorism", perhaps someone can enlighten me. Personally, I have witnessed three extraterrestial events in my life. Two of those events were also witnessed by others. In relation to each, no other has been even vaguely described in the vast amount of reference material on the "open market" for my exhaustive research. What I witnessed appears to be unique and is evidence enough that this universe is not as it presented by the mainstream media.
Posted by: Steve Kirton | 26 November 2011 at 23:12
Obama must be one of the 144 archons
Posted by: Princess of China | 23 November 2011 at 15:59