FIG A - Asia & Middle East - Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea bases area Credits:
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
This is the 5th article in a series of articles on information of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview released Oct. 26, 2011, a human representative of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council whose membership consists of star systems and includes representation from the galactic governance council of our Milky Way Galaxy, disclosed policing actions being undertaken by star systems of the Andromeda Council using advanced sonic energy beam weapons against specific undersea bases operated by Draco & Hydra based reptilian extraterrestrials off of the Middle East and of China.
Andromeda Council destruction of reptilian bases under Washington, DC, Denver and other DUMBS
These ongoing Andromeda Council police actions against reptilian undersea bases off the Middle East and China are similar to sonic energy beam weapons actions that resulted in the destruction of underground Draco & Hydra reptilian bases under Washington, DC on August 23, 2011 and later under Denver, CO, and in the south-west U.S. Independent researchers have confirmed that these deep underground military bases (DUMBS) were destroyed by advanced ethical extraterrestrials using advanced frequency weapons.
Please see:
Andromeda Council: War with grey-Draco reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
The Middle East reptilian undersea base
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, the Andromeda council representative stated, “[The base] is located in the area of the Gulf of Aden. This gulf is located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa. In the northwest, it connects with the Red Sea through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, which is about 20 miles wide…. As you may or may not know the “vortex” phenomena also happened in this body of water, the Gulf of Aden.”
As to the purpose of destroying the reptilian base off of the Middle East, Tolec states, “But, taking out the Reptilian base on the floor of the ocean south of the Saudi Arabian, UAE, Yemen, Oman peninsula is a priority, a much more pressing matter. The reason is simple. As you know, Earth’s history continues to repeat itself year after year. The squabbling, the skirmishes in this region, these have gone on for thousands of years. And the original reasons for these skirmishes have gotten blown way out of proportion. With help from the Reptilian undersea base, as you can understand.
“And, the constant ‘bombardment’ of this region with a highly disruptive -agitation, confusion, anger & fear based sonic energy beamed from the transmitter from this specific undersea base' continues to escalate the possibility of full blown war in this region. Constant fighting, constant irritation, constant bickering' even among their own people. And they don’t even realize what is going on. They don’t even know the reason why - The undersea base with its transmitter.
“In closing, I’m going to quote the commander of primary Andromeda Council biosphere, when I asked him about this situation, he said,
“’The people in this area are being played much like what you call ‘pawns on a chess board’, and they have no knowledge as to how, why, or how long this has taken place. We have to and we will put a stop to this. This undersea base will be taken out.
"’Yes, outside parties, with outside interests, have attempted nuclear strikes in order to start a full-scale war in this region. Which we have stopped, disabled and neutralized their bombs, a few times. Yes, we had a ‘hand’ in this.
"’Understand, a full-scale nuclear war cannot and will not happen in this region. We will not allow actions that permit nuclear war to start by either side. The impact would be far too great to your planet, your people, and the rest of your solar system. What you do on Earth affects us all.’”
The reptilian undersea base off China
Tolec explains the goal of the destruction of the reptilian base off China as follows, “This undersea base is also in deep water, much like the undersea base in the Middle East region. This base is thousands of feet deep in the ocean off of the coast of China' it’s a about (1) mile down located on the ocean floor.
Tolec states, “This specific base has also been here a long time, in operation for about 3,000 years. This base, like the one in the Middle East, has also beamed a very focused, very specifically attenuated fear based frequency. It’s a different sonic frequency but it works the same way, beamed right toward the Asian mainland meant to keep the people, the population of China, of this whole region as best as possible, in a place of constant emotional fear, intimidation, anxiety & control. For years these people have been highly manipulated & highly ‘controlled' in a constant state of fear for their lives, mode. They have so few freedoms, living under the strict regime of the government.
Even if this specific transmitter is set at a low level, it’s still effective. It’s turned on for approximately 30 minutes at a time. Like the undersea transmitter in the Middle East, it also rotates. Its reach is also long range & can affect the Korean Peninsula, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and other countries in this region.
Tolec concludes, “This is the intent of this specific energy frequency: control & manipulation through continually perpetuated fear & anxiety. Which of course generates more fear. But lets ask why. This is more important, why? Well, the Reptilians & the Greys soak up, they literally feed off of negative energy, negative emotions – like anxiety, fear, terror, much like the human drug classification of – amphetamines. The Reptilians, they crave this human emotion fear, as a consumable, as one food source. As with any drug, the more they have, the more they want.”
Watch ExopoliticsTV interview on removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China
Readers can watch the exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview on removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China embedded in the article above or at this URL:
FAQ: Transforming the earth. Removing deadly undersea bases from the Middle East & China
Tolec, the representative of the Andromeda Council, provided a detailed FAQ setting out the Andromeda Council approach and goals in destroying the Draco and Hydra reptilian bases off the Middle East and China, as well as the location of these bases and the ultimate positive impact on humanity of destroying these bases. Illustrations of each geographic area continuous to each specific Draco & Hydra reptilian undersea base are provided in the special slide show in this article.
See “FIG A – Asia” above and in Slide show.
QUESTION: Tolec, you’ve consistently said since early September of this year [2011] – that people primarily from the Procyon star system, and assisted by others affiliated with the Andromeda Council, have been ‘taking out’ & collapsing the Reptilian & Grey underground bases, first the one in Virginia back in late August and soon after others across the U.S' Reptilian & Grey underground bases operated in part by certain military factions of the ‘Powers that Be/Were’, the Illuminati, etc. – and you’ve consistently said that highly focused, directed & pinpointed sonic beams have been used to collapse these bases;
QUESTION: 1.) How exactly do they, the people from Procyon, do this?
ANSWER: Well, Alfred, please keep in mind, this conversation is simply an extension of our very first discussion about the war in space. For people who are hearing this information for the first time they can listen to the first interview & discussion we had which focuses on the outcome of the war in space, and/or refer to page 4 of the Andromeda Council web site:
It’s titled – “The Real ‘Back Story’ – The Reasons for Change. The War in Space is Over”. It’s a good brief summary.
This specific police action of taking out Reptilian & Grey underground bases' it’s the continuance of a cleanup operation down here on Earth' that’s the final phase of a proxy war the star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council have fought & won to free the people of planet Earth' in first defeating these malevolent aliens out in space. Especially these Draco & Hydra based Reptilians. Everything I’ve learned about these highly intelligent, but really bad, vicious species, these specific Reptilians' indicates they are overall very mean, vicious, calculating, manipulating, literally ‘cold blooded’ in their actions' and very self centered. They generally don’t care about anyone else unless it serves their purposes. And for years they’ve simply perceived us humans on Earth, and perceived our planet, as natural resources' to be consumed.
Back to the actual technology -it’s technology the people of Procyon have developed & successfully used. They’ve used this technology as one of the means to help liberate themselves from the Reptilians & Greys in their own war' in which they won their freedom about 12 years ago.
So, as to using this technology to take out the bases – the people from Procyon use highly focused, directed & pinpointed sonic energy beams, specifically attenuated & adjusted to certain specific frequencies, meant to do two (2) things:
a.) Disrupt & disable the mental thought patterns, the brain waves, of Reptilians & Greys that were either controlling, manipulating and/or enforcing a secretive -scientific, administrative, operations & soldier work force in these bases. For this effort they used one specifically highly attenuated, high frequency, sonic beam that would
Incapacitate them. The humans in these bases, on the other hand, would not hear this sound, did not hear this sound, nor would they be affected by it. And as you know, humans were removed from these facilities.
b.) The second goal was meant to obliterate, destroy, and collapse the physical structure of these underground bases. It was meant to ensure these bases would become completely inoperable, and closed off. For this effort the people from Procyon used a highly concentrated, but much lower frequency & far more compressed sonic beam' meant to destruct matter. It does the job quite well. They thumped these bases pretty good. No more operable bases.
QUESTION 2.) You recently said they’ve had very good success in taking out many other bases around the globe, that it’s been pretty easy going actually. But you also said they’re having somewhat of a challenge with a couple of specific bases. Can you talk about these?
ANSWER: I sure can, but only in some detail. I don’t want to speak about specific locations, and I don’t want to give away any strategic or tactical information I know about' in terms of the Andromeda Council’s plans to take these bases out.
See “FIG B – Middle East – Gulf of Aden”, Slide show
QUESTION 3.) You’ve told me the Middle-East region has an undersea base. What can you tell me about this particular base?
ANSWER: Well, first off, it’s located in the area of the Gulf of Aden. This gulf is located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa. In the northwest, it connects with the Red Sea through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, which is about 20 miles wide. Because of what I’ve learned from my Andromedan contacts about this matter, I did some research & found out that the Gulf of Aden is already a dangerous area known as “Pirate Alley” because of the historically large amount of pirate activities located here. I’ve sent you a Google photo & a simple map of this area. As you may or may not know the “vortex” phenomena also happened in this body of water, the Gulf of Aden.
Further, my Andromedan contacts have told me this base is deep, thousands of feet underwater, about a mile & a half (1&1/2) deep. And this base has for years beamed a very specific, highly irritating & highly agitating, fear based & anger inducing, attenuated sonic frequency' right at the area of the Middle East, due North-Northeast' to keep the people in this area in a constant, high state of emotional confusion, fear, agitation, anger & aggression.
They’ve shown me, there is a transmitter that literally rises out of the ceiling of this base, much like a periscope in a submarine, and it rotates. A particular frequency is chosen which turns people against each other. Then the Reptilians turn it on. They turn it on almost every day. However, if people were underwater, or standing on the land, they would not be able to this frequency, this beam, with their own eyes. It’s sonic, a sound frequency. And, it’s out of our spectrum. But, this is how the Reptilians dominate & control these people. This particular base has been in operation about 5,000 years. And the highly agitating sonic vibratory energies beamed from this base also reach as far as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and a bunch of other countries in the region, including Israel and Palestine. This is powerful technology that is very far ranging, reaches a very long distance' serious long-range capability. And it only takes about 15 minutes of operation, of this transmitter being on & activated' for people in this area to start to feel its effects. Explains a lot doesn’t it.
See “FIG C – China Base Area”, Slide show
QUESTION 4.) You’ve told me there is a base off of the coast of China. What can you tell me about this operation?
ANSWER: Yes, this undersea base is also in deep water, much like the undersea base in the Middle East region. This base is thousands of feet deep in the ocean off of the coast of China' it’s a about (1) mile down located on the ocean floor.
This specific base has also been here a long time, in operation for about 3,000 years. This base, like the one in the Middle East, has also beamed a very focused, very specifically attenuated fear based frequency. It’s a different sonic frequency but it works the same way, beamed right toward the Asian mainland' meant to keep the people, the population of China, of this whole region as best as possible, in a place of constant emotional fear, intimidation, anxiety & control. For years these people have been highly manipulated & highly controlled' in a constant state of fear for their lives, mode. They have so few freedoms, living under the strict regime of the government. Even if this specific transmitter is set at a low level, it’s still effective. It’s turned on for approximately 30 minutes at a time. Like the undersea transmitter in the Middle East, it also rotates. Its reach is also long range & can affect the Korean Peninsula, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and other countries in this region.
This is the intent of this specific energy frequency: control & manipulation through continually perpetuated fear & anxiety. Which of course generates more fear. But lets ask why. This is more important, why? Well, the Reptilians & the Greys soak up, they literally feed off of negative energy, negative emotions – like anxiety, fear, terror, much like the human drug classification of – amphetamines. The Reptilians, they crave this human emotion fear, as a consumable, as one food source. As with any drug, the more they have, the more they want.
So, you can see why a base like this is so important to the Reptilians & Greys' as it controls a very large population of people, the people of the country of China, and a good portion of the Asian continent. Think of this, a whole population of people, controlled, manipulated and monitored - held in check in a constant state of fear.
That’s a huge source of ‘food’ or if you will, of a drug.
So, if this base off of the coast of China gets taken out like many of the other bases, then you take away the reason for the need for the control & the fear. You eliminate the source of the problem.
No base, no Reptilians & Greys. No base, no need for perpetual control & fear. Pretty simple.
See “FIG D – Middle East & China Bases Area”, Slide show
QUESTION: 5.) Can you tell me why these specific bases are more problematic than any others - are more of a challenge to take out?
ANSWER: Both of these bases, the one south of the Saudi Arabian, UAE, Yemen, Oman peninsula, this is the one in the Gulf of Aden, and the one off of the coast of China -both are well fortified, re-enforced fortresses, if you will, deep under water bases located on the ocean floor. Each is a large operational, underwater base with a domed roof, and an energy shield protecting each base. They are simply well protected.
A Matter of Importance
But, taking out the Reptilian base on the floor of the ocean south of the Saudi Arabian, UAE, Yemen, Oman peninsula is a priority, a much more pressing matter. The reason is simple. As you know, Earth’s history continues to repeat itself year after year. The squabbling, the skirmishes in this region, these have gone on for thousands of years. And the original reasons for these skirmishes have gotten blown way out of proportion. With help from the Reptilian undersea base, as you can understand.
And, the constant ‘bombardment’ of this region with a highly disruptive -agitation, confusion, anger & fear based sonic energy beamed from the transmitter from this specific undersea base' continues to escalate the possibility of full blown war in this region. Constant fighting, constant irritation, constant bickering' even among their own people. And they don’t even realize what is going on. They don’t even know the reason why - The undersea base with its transmitter.
In closing, I’m going to quote the commander of primary Andromeda Council biosphere, when I asked him about this situation, he said,
“The people in this area are being played much like what you call ‘pawns on a chess board’, and they have no knowledge as to how, why, or how long this has taken place. We have to and we will put a stop to this. This undersea base will be taken out.
"Yes, outside parties, with outside interests, have attempted nuclear strikes in order to start a full-scale war in this region. Which we have stopped, disabled and neutralized their bombs, a few times. Yes, we had a ‘hand’ in this.
"Understand, a full-scale nuclear war cannot and will not happen in this region. We will not allow actions that permit nuclear war to start by either side. The impact would be far too great to your planet, your people, and the rest of your solar system. What you do on Earth affects us all.”
Anything else I might say about this situation would get into tactical or strategic information. I can’t and won’t do this.
The goal is simply to put an end to the mostly unknown, unaware 'enslavement' of the people of Earth.
And the end of this war in space is concluding with the destruction of the underground & undersea bases on Earth, and removal of these malevolent Reptilians and their regressive Grey associates from our world.
Earth IS our planet. And we have a right to be free, sovereign people.
Andromedan Earth representative/contactee
The human representative of the Andromeda Council states he has been given the Andromedan name “Tolec.” Tolec comes from a very solid Earth human family. He is a 20 year professional of the computer software industry with experience in sales, marketing, finance, administration and operations, and is very well respected among his peers.
In a previous ExopoliticsTV interview, Tolec states he was first contacted in 1993 by his principal Andromedan contact who took him on three time travel journeys via Andromedan space craft to the 1840s western U.S. visiting the same 1840s family to observe their live journey.
Tolec states that his Andromeda contacts ended subsequent to the 1993 contacts until the Andromedan Council contacted him again in September 2010.
In that ExopoliticsTV interview, Tolec states that he receives information updates from his Andromeda Council contacts in a number of modalities:
(1) Telepathic communication with Andromedan representatives;
(2) Automatic writing from Andromedan representatives;
(3) Communication in the dream state with Andromedan representatives;
(4) Visions from the Andromedan representatives
(5) Interdimensional travel of his soul essence to a venue of communication, such as an Andromedan ‘biosphere”. According to Tolec, the Andromeda Council has a number of “biospheres” or large planetoid-like spherical spacecraft stationed around Earth. One such biosphere has 26 stories and a staff of 50,000.
Galactic Governance: What is the Andromeda Council?
The Andromeda Council is a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of the populated and organized universe.
According to Tolec, and Andromeda Council contactee and representative, “The chaired members of the Andromeda Council comprise a total of twelve (12) distinct representative council member races.
“The Council has a non-voting Chairman from the star system Zenetae, planet Tishtae, and a non-voting Vice-Chairwoman from the star system Mirach, planet Terial, both in the Andromeda constellation. These two people, as many on the Andromeda Council, live and vibrate in a 4th dimension/density reality. There is one council member per seat.
“Many of the member races of the Council are acknowledged throughout the Universe to be some of the same races that originally seeded Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, as evidenced by the variety of humans on the planet today. It is said these races have already been through the process of transformation, of upliftment - the elevated vibration, density, and spiritual consciousness of the 4th dimension.
“Members of the Andromeda Council are from the star systems & planets listed below:
1. Star System: Arcturus Planet: Pitolla
2. Star System: Antares Planet: Nikotae
3. Star System: M103 Planet: Legola
4. Star System: Procyon Planet: Kaena
5. Star System: Vega Planet: Percula
6. Star System: Capella Planet: Pershea
7. Star System: Polaris Planet: Ventra
8. Star System: Sirius A Planet: Toleka
9. Star System: Deneb Planet: Ritol
10. Star System: Tau Ceti Planet: Xeta
11. Star System: Alhena Planet: Degaroth
12. Star System: Betelgeuse Planet: Etorth
“Members of the Andromeda Council not holding one of the senior, twelve (12) chaired seats hold board positions of: Investigation, research, deliberation, and advisement to the Andromeda Council. They do this on thirteen (13) unique, sub, joint councils or advisory boards. There are 5-6 people on each joint council or advisory board. Collectively, these advisory boards represent in excess of 400+ representative planets from three (3) star systems including Arcturus. Therefore, the majority, the greater percentage of the advisory board members comes from different star systems & planets other than the planet where a chaired Andromeda Council member is from. There is a chairperson, or otherwise named, to each advisory board. They are as follows:
1. Higher Dimensional Realm Advisory Board
2. Star System Membership Review Board
3. Galactic Federation of Planets Review Board
4. Exobiology Galaxy Advisory Board
(Sirius- Andromeda Council Member) (Chair)
5. Xenobiology Galaxy Advisory Board
(Procyon-Andromeda Council Member) (Chair)
6. Oceanography Galaxy Advisory Board
7. Space Travel Dimensional Flight Technology Review Board
8. Planetary Medical Advisory Board
9. Universe Education Observation & Advisory Board
10. Telepathy and Vocal Communication Observation & Advisory Board
11. Galaxy Sector Planetary Exploration Discovery & Assessment Team
12. Military Threat Level Assessment & Advisory Board
13. Spiritual & Emotional Mastery Dimensional Assessment & Dev'l Board"
According to Tolec, “There are also other affiliated councils, or races, some formal members of the Andromeda Council, some not, willing to help the people of planet Earth in its process of evolution.
“One of the affiliated councils is the Galactic Federation which is a federation of star systems and planets of benevolent beings. The Galactic Federation is comprised of approximately 140 star systems, and at present 300 planets. It is lead by a Chairman from the Tau Ceti star system which itself has a formal seat, is a senior chaired member of the Andromeda Council. The Federation's lead planet is - Xeta.
“It is expected over the course of the next few years as planet Earth adjusts to its new life in the 4th dimension - as well as being part of a greater family of intelligent life that is thriving across the cosmos - planet Earth will be invited as a single member to join the Galactic Federation.”
How to evaluate this report of police action to destroy the Draco & Hydra reptilian bases off of the Middle East and China
1. No independent evidence – There is no independent evidence of the actual communications from a reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representative regarding plans to destroy reported undersea Draco and Hydra reptilian bases off of the Middle East and China. The evidence that exists are Tolec’s communications to us of experiences and communications he is having with the reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representatives themselves. One can evaluate the possible reality of the reported Andromeda Council scenarios for destruction of these undersea reptilian by testing their congruence with other independent findings or reliable assertions.
2. Congruent independent analysis regarding advanced ET frequency weapons destroying reptilian deep bases – Independent researchers have come to similar conclusions that previous Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons against deep bases under Washington, DC, Denver, CO and elsewhere are the result of advanced ET frequency weapons.
Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the Andromeda Council’s police action with sonic beam weapons may have resulted in the destruction of the deep reptilian bases under Washington, DC on Aug. 23, 2011, under Denver, CO and elsewhere in the USA.
It is reasonable to conclude that these same galactic governance Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons systems and methods will be applied in destroying the Middle East and China undersea reptilian bases.
Recommended reading
All information on the Andromeda Council website, including the articles below, is available in 16 languages.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions page -
COPYRIGHT: Permission to use extracts & copyright notice
Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, MEd, All right reserved
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists provided a link is included to the original article.
This article is copyrighted and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author's written permission. For permission please contact: [email protected]. Thank you.
this site is extremely intriging and interesting i believe in ET because ive seen them myself but could this be really true about the Andromeda council? I hope so,because our planet is slowly deteriating and we need help restoring it each year our planet gets hotter because of ozone failure due to areosols and harmful fumes . we need outside our planet assistance
Posted by: Joe Wilmot | 04 September 2012 at 12:05
On this vid: it took the andromedans and others 3000 plus years to figure out that earth humans don't need negative influences from those they've just blasted (reptilians, greys, etc.)so that we can spiritually evolve?????? Which Council did I miss out on?
Posted by: TG | 12 December 2011 at 17:33