USGS - Oct 31, 2011 earthquake, Gulf of Aden, epicenter
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.
Confirmation - Destruction of Reptilian undersea base
In an exclusive Oct. 31, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, the human representative of the Andromeda Council stated that a member of the Andromeda Council has confirmed that a 5.0 earthquake reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) to have occurred in the Gulf of Aden at 1:22 am on October 31, 2011 was in fact an effect of a sonic beam weapons attack by the Procyon star system (a member of the Andromeda Council) on a Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea base located at the same coordinates as the epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake. (See FIG A for U.S.G.S. map setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake).
Tolec, the human representative of the Andromeda Council, forwarded this reporter this statement confirming the Andromeda Council attack. At the time Tolec forwarded this statement, Tolec had no prior knowledge of the U.S.G.S. map or other source setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake when he forwarded the Andromeda Council statement about this attack. In an October 31, 2011 statement, Tolec, the human representative of the Andromeda Council stated, “Yes, I was able to confirm this event with the commander of the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held. This was a strike by the Procyon people. They're just doing their job as promised. This base in now completely collapsed & destroyed.”
The Andromeda Council statement itself established the location of the Procyon star system sonic beam weapons attack on the reptilian base as identical to the exact location of epicenter of the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake.
The Andromeda Council Oct. 31, 2011 attack comes a little more that two months after the Andromeda Council’s reported sonic beam weapons’ attack of August 23, 2011 that destroyed underground Orion grey and Draco & Hydra reptilian bases and tunnels under Washington, D.C. and that resulted in a shallow 0.1 km earthquake felt from Virginia to Ottawa, Canada.
Independent researchers have now stated that the August 23, 2001 Virginia-Washington, DC earthquake was the result of advanced extraterrestrial attack using frequency weapons to destroy grey, reptilian and New World Order (NWO) bases under Washington, DC, and that similar advanced extraterrestrial attacks destroyed underground reptilian and NWO bases under Denver, CO and in the southwest USA. These statements are in agreement with prior statements of the Andromeda Council as to Andromeda Council attacks destroying reptilian-NOW bases under Washington, DC on August 23, 2011, and subsequently under Denver, CO and in the southwest USA.
The Andromeda Council
The Andromeda Council is a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.
Information, interviews and articles regarding the Andromeda Council can be viewed at:
Gulf of Aden attack predicted in October 26, 2011 Andromeda Council statement
On October 26, 2011, this reporter published an exclusive Andromeda Council report “disclosed policing actions being undertaken by star systems of the Andromeda Council using advanced sonic energy beam weapons against specific undersea bases operated by Draco & Hydra based reptilian extraterrestrials off of the Middle East and of China."
The October 26, 2011 report predicted the Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons attack on the reptilian undersea base in the Gulf of Aden that appears to have been fulfilled by an attack whose effects were demonstrated in the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake.
Watch Oct. 31 ExopoliticsTV interview regarding the Gulf of Aden earthquake and Andromeda Council destruction of a reptilian undersea base
Readers can watch the Oct. 31 ExopoliticsTV interview regarding the Gulf of Aden earthquake and Andromeda Council destruction of a reptilian undersea base embedded in the article above or at the URL below:
5.0 "Earthquake".
Gulf of Aden - Reptilian undersea base
Confirmation of undersea base strike
Tolec’s statement reads as follows: “Yes, I was able to confirm this event with the commander of the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held. This was a strike by the Procyon people. They're just doing their job as promised. This base is now completely collapsed & destroyed.
Why are you doing this to other weak minded people!, I know the world is full of lies and poison, and that as beings we are aware of the 'other' things going on around us but please, the only reason I can determine that you are spreading this rubbish is to deface any genuine information regarding contact.
For many years we have received and deciphered geometric messages written in the old language from before the great war, I'm assuming that your either subconsciously aware of this on some level and have acted upon it in a delusional way in denial, or that you receive paycheck from the CIA or worse, you are a victim.
Toltec is a race of people and Zoltan is a famed comedy name for an alien overlord, you need psychiatric help urgently.
If you don't believe me then publish four procyon words and I will translate them for verification.
Trouble is, that you can't.
How do you know that the detonations where not underground nuclear tests for when the leets try and blow up the cities, which happen to coincide with the movement of nuclear devices across the US in the same week, have a look at FEMA camps and fusion centers.
Religion no longer has a grip on controlling people, there is no help on its way, there is no great fleet of ships coming to save us from the puny 200 people that are murdering this world in what I can only liken as an attack on life and the forces that create it.
Look in the mirror and take some responsibility, no one is going to do the thinking for you, go on, take a good look.
Your afraid because you feel worthless, useless and would prefer your dream like fantasies that to actually take back what is yours and make them a reality.
Your not worthless, your not useless, but you are if you dedicate your time to what those who rape our world want you to do, so carry on and give them something to laugh at, or stand up proudly and take that which is your birth right and clense the world of these scum.
Posted by: Seventh Sister | 28 November 2011 at 21:15
hey!! We had the Earthquake outside of China just yesterday!! apparently it was a weird one, and quite big--- might be the one!
Posted by: michael | 09 November 2011 at 07:58
P.s Alfred can't wait for next update
Posted by: loraine | 04 November 2011 at 14:19
Alfred, Thank you for all you do to bring us this fascinating information!
You are our own "sonic beam"
Much Love & Much Light
Posted by: Loraine Mitchell | 04 November 2011 at 14:17