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Intersting! the first video never happened!And up to now nothing has been reported about Nibiru/Brown Dwarf... Hummmm Galactic Federation is all about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE... This is all WE preach and live by.. The true Spirit is all about Unconditional love and Unconditional Love is the ONLY LAW!!!! Those who still are in their EGO'S WILL BE HUMBLED!!! Duality is leaving this planet so souls that are stil living in the 3D will be humbled!
Bless you all! Let go of all fears and doubts and walk in Unconditional love!
XOXOX Shellee


wow, this is great. R we really going to become 4D people. Waiting eagerly to try my new skills.


I'm not into religion either but I do notice that one of the last paragraphs of Revelation states:
"Behold, I am coming soon! I, Jesus...am the bright Morning Star."


I think this confirms what Tolec was saying.
I'm no astronomy buff but I do know astrology. If Elenin is dropping off the brown dwarf at Venus, then it would already have happened - since Elenin is between Earth and the Sun in 4 days now. Venus has spent the last 6 weeks behind the Sun as she is changing over from the morning star to the evening star - we can't see her as the Sun is between her and us. Venus was due to come out from behind this week. As she moves further out from behind the Sun, this object will also (the object in the video is NOT Venus, we can't see her in daytime). The vision that Tolec had of the brown dwarf at 4:00 on the Sun will occur in about 6 months when Venus (and the brown dwarf) is between us and the Sun as she is about to once again become the morning star. The brown dwarf should also be bigger than in this video since it will be closer to us (maybe the size of a pencil eraser?). At that point we should be seeing two suns during the daytime until they go behind the sun again to become the evening star. It makes sense that the further they now move away from the sun, the closer they get to us and the more the light will shine from the brown dwarf in the evening creating the "twilight nights".
Alfred, I don't understand when you say "this is coming from the direction of Pluto". All info points to Elenin coming from Leo, which is where the Sun and Venus have been for the last month. Pluto is now in Capricorn which is behind us when we look towards the Sun.


I LOVE THIS! For all the research that I have done myself, for all the theories I have listened to - this rings in my bones as true. It even makes sense to the don't-believe-everything-I-hear-research-it-thoroughly side of my brain.
It was a joy to watch you taking this all in Alfred.
For your next interview with Tolec, could you please broach the question of the theory going around that Earth will 'split' in two - those that are transforming will be on the new Earth but many will be left behind on the old 3D Earth to still experience war, suffering and such. From what he has said here I would garner that this wouldn't be a concept of the evolution, but would like to hear him address it nonetheless. Thanks for all you do!


This is what he is talking about happening to our solar system. It is interesting that NASA now talks about other systems, like he described, too.


I do wish these reports were true. The people of this planet sure could use some help. It would be more credible if instead of one person being channeled with these reports, dozens or a few hundreds were contacted so information could be better verified. I volunteer. I am a skeptic but I am open to all possibilities.

A middle aged man in northern Idaho.


work of fantasy I think. If these so called Andromeda Council aliens have truly freed us. why do we still have the same old problems in the world. i.e. new world order, famine, disease and war. Same old shit. been looking at the last few articles on expolitics and some of their stuff on You-tube. why is it that they always have a single human being in contact with these so called entities. why don't just fly down to earth and speak to us all, rather than some nobody.

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