World Disclosure Day - July 8
Washington, DC - On July 8, 1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event at the 8th Army Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas in which he changed an earlier press release announcing a recovered crashed disk near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 64-year truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
Five years after Roswell in July of 1952 a plethora of sightings took place over Washington, DC creating great concern among those responsible for the nation's security. Subsequently the Central Intelligence Agency commissioned a classified panel to study and assess the phenomenon and the growing public awareness of extraterrestrial craft in the skies over the United States. The panel first met formally on January 14, 1953 under the direction of Howard Percy Robertson, a physicist, CIA employee and director of the Defense Department Weapons Evaluation Group.
The Robertson Panel's report concluded the extraterrestrial craft were not a direct threat to national security, but the public's growing interest and engagement of the phenomenon was a threat. Consequently, President Truman's decision to reverse the Roswell crashed disk explanation in 1947 became a highly classified formal government policy in 1953. Official acknowledgement would be withheld and public awareness of the phenomenon would be suppressed by any and all means. This policy was very much connected to grave concerns over the developing cold war and nuclear arms race and was certainly legal under the National Security Act of 1947. For this reason Paradigm Research Group has worked to replace the term "UFO Cover-up" with "Truth Embargo."
Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War it is time for this policy of embargo to end.
Disclosure with a capital "D" is the formal acknowledgement by world governments of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and is the primary goal of a growing international truth movement. The purpose of World Disclosure Day is to provide a focal point for people and organizations to come together to assert their right to know extraordinary information being withheld from them by their governments. World Disclosure Day will also help broaden public awareness of the Disclosure process and those organizations involved in the advocacy work. The date July 8 was chosen to close the circle back to the Ramey press event in July of 1947.
People and organizations from every nation can register their endorsement of World Disclosure Day at the website. Endorsements from around the world are already pouring in and being archived. Here is how supporters can help make this international effort a success.
1) spread the word via email lists, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts.
2) create graphic banners/poster promoting WDD and send it to PRG to be distributed with attribution.
3) create a video promoting WDD and put in on the Internet. Provide PRG the link so it can promote the video.
4) let local TV and radio talk shows know about WDD.
5) join the WDD Facebook Page and the PRG Facebook Page.
6) grab banners from the WDD website for placement on other websites.
7) looking ahead to 2012, plan events for July 8 to draw attention to the public's right to know the truth.
8) help educate friends, family and colleagues about the mission of the Disclosure advocacy movement.
Note: on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that day will then become World Disclosure Day historically recognizing the most profound event in human history.
Relevant websites
World Disclosure Day - WDD Facebook:
Paradigm Research Group: PRG Facebook:
Contact: Stephen Bassett, Ex. Director
[email protected]