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Yes,very compelling.
I believe ther is more to 'sea world' and 'marine land'
Type organizations than just 'tricks' and entertainment
I see it as a micocosm to our own supression,ie
These places exist in order to condition these mamals,
Just as most of humanity has/is.
If the gov has realized these advanved manimals to be a threat
Then Over generations and generations these animals
Could potentially be dumbed down,just like most of humainty
Why even bother having these massivly expenize,
High mantanence, artifical marine habitats just so people
Can laugh and have a good day?
I can see the revenues accociated with it,
Who doesnt want to make money right?(well,me)
But there are two sides to every knife,
Even if one isent sharp.


Michaelle Carter

This is a vital and compelling article and interview, a must read for those wanting to contribute to the preservation of conscious life on Earth.

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