~ 4 Presenters ~
~ Film Screening: 3 Magic Words ~
~ Dr. DREAM's Breakthrough Galactivation Experience ~
Visit the website and register now!
Neale Donald Walsch • Debbie Ford • Gary Renard • Max Christensen • Nassim Haramein • Dolores Cannon • Gudni Gudnason • and many more
Mike Bara is a NY Times Best Selling Author. His latest book is titled: The Choice. Mike shares with us: "I call The Choice the "Unified Field Theory" of physics and metaphysics. My premise is that all of the so-called "laws of physics"—Newton, Einstein, and Quantum theory—are wrong. The true physics of the Universe is based on something called hyper-dimensional physics, which includes higher dimensions beyond this one. All energy comes from these higher dimensions, and since our thoughts are nothing but electromagnetic energy, that means that consciousness is also driven by communication with a higher dimension. A higher self, I guess you'd call it. We are connected to these higher dimensions through a field of energy that exists all around us."
Laura is a global alchemist, clairvoyant and cosmic mythologist. With great passion and courage, she is helping to return Sacred Union, divine wisdom, and the many faces of the Goddess that have been buried and forgotten for thousands of years.
While residing and traveling independently in over 20 cities in the U.S. and abroad, she developed an excellent knowledge base in frontier health, natural systems, alchemy, metaphysics, esoteric cosmology and ancient history, and also has degrees and certifications in science, wilderness expedition leadership, natural healing and building. She has been on the Venus path and assists in opening a Natural stargate which is connected with the emergence of the divine feminine and Unity consciousness. For more than 15 years, she has been providing clairvoyant readings and transformative healings for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology. She is the great-granddaughter of President Eisenhower and helps to complete his legacy by working to take down the forces of the Military Industrial Complex, exposing much that has been hidden from us. She reveals the source of ancient symbols, works to restore the Tree of Life and brings to light the true Holy Grail.
A documentary filmmaker, videographer, and effects artist, has been working in post production for over 10 years. He received his B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin before moving to Los Angeles in 1997 to study film and screen writing. Michael graduated from the Interactive Media program of The Academy of Entertainment Technology at Santa Monica College where he studied video editing, graphic design, motion graphics and web design. Michael has worked at several post production houses such as Title House Digital, Efilm and THX, and as a sound engineer and visual quality technician for many major motion pictures. He also edits documentaries, trailers and films. He was inspired at a young age when he received a fortune cookie that said, "The great pleasure in life is doing what other people say you cannot do." He has a strong connection with the new age community, and has studied metaphysics and world religions for over 15 years.
3 Magic Words is a film about the connection that humans have with everything that exists on the Earth and in the entire universe. It takes you on a journey into consciousness to help you awaken to this new understanding. The scientific point of view assumes that this energy is simply just energy without any intelligence whatsoever. The spiritual point of view is that all energy is imprinted with consciousness. "I believe that 3 Magic Words gives us an important message at a crucial time in our spiritual evolution. I believe it is time to awaken humanity to the reality that we are all one and that when we kill others we kill ourselves and when we kill animals we kill ourselves. What we do to the Earth we do to ourselves. We are the nature. We are the land. We are living breathing sentient aspects of the entire cosmos."
As an entrepreneur, humanitarian, holistic healing practitioner and international speaker, Mark "Dr. DREAM" Peebler, has over 20 years experience guiding, mentoring and empowering students, organizations, and corporations in building, reaching and sustaining their full potential, on all levels. He has traveled to sacred sites around the world including locations in; Egypt, Cambodia, Japan, China, Russia, United Kingdom, Greece, Turkey and throughout Central and South America. From presenting at Total Solar Eclipse Festivals and Burning Man, to ceremonies at Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat and Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, to his weekly Energy-Transference Video and Radio Broadcasts (since 2005), Dr. DREAM has assisted the journeys of thousands of incredible beings on their path of transformation. Over the last 16 months, Dr. DREAM and his Band of Angels have travelled to over 80 cities and facilitated close to 110 events. Dr. DREAM is a Partner in the New Earth Center of Light, based in Costa Rica, providing support and a diverse curriculum to the emerging New Earth Collective.
8:30 am ~ Registration
9am - 6pm ~ Conference
(1.5 hour break for lunch)
Visit the website and register now!
(includes seating in the first two rows and lunch with the presenters)