New York City: Oct, 13, 2010 - Watching UFOs overhead
13. Archons - Exorcising hidden controllers with Robert Stanley and Laura Eisenhower
1. ET council: We will increase UFOs, address U.N. in 2014, renew ecology in 2015
2.More predicted UFO sightings over New York confirm ET will intervene in ecology
3. Are the UFOs appearing in Russia skies in Dec. 2010 Fulham’s predicted UFO wave?
4. Stanley Fulham dies, warned ETs will intervene & save Earth’s collapsing ecology
5. January 2011 UFO wave over Moscow is 3rd independent confirmation of ET council
6. Moscow Jan. 2011 UFO wave is ongoing, putting Fulham prediction critics to shame
7. Spectacular Jan 18, 2011 Moscow UFO part fulfillment of ET council’s prediction?
8. Israeli media: “Jerusalem UFO orbs fulfill Stan Fulham’s ET council prediction”
9. UFO Expert: Stanley Fulham UFO predictions fulfilled over NY, Moscow, and London
10. Is UFO orb over Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem a context communication by ET?
11. NSA recent UFO document release more interesting for what it “could” not find
12. Author: ET council seeded Homo sapiens as intelligent beings with 12-strand DNA
13. YOU TUBE: Patricia Cori - ET council seeded homo sapiens as intelligent beings with 12 strand DNA
14. Whistleblower: WWIII, a war between hostile ETs and humanity, has started
15. "Andromeda Council" - Articles & Interviews by Alfred Lambremont Webre
16. Archons: Exorcising humanity's hidden controllers with Robert Stanley & Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Thanks Alfred for the articles,I also start promoting the exopolitics movement in my blog,fighting the forces of evil.
Planeta libre con
Karloz JC
Posted by: Forbiddentown | 26 December 2013 at 18:38
Thank Your Article
Posted by: UFo | 31 October 2011 at 22:35
Thanks for the link Mr. Weber. I feel much less alone in this Galactic sector knowing others are paying attention!
Posted by: David Grindstaff | 28 April 2011 at 02:09
Gracias por la info Alfred.Espero que usted esté bien.
Zeta Forest
Posted by: Zeta Forest | 27 April 2011 at 19:49