Stop UFOs Cover Up! A worldwide operation for UFO disclosure, launched Feb 1st, 2011.
By joining this Facebook group and changing your Facebook profile picture you will help us to bring the UFO disclosure topic to mass media.
Later, if we gather a large support community will have a legal weapon to put pressure on US government.
See our articles to learn more.
Stop UFOs Cover Up !
This is an important part of the "Stop UFOs cover up" operation: Changing your Facebook profile picture.
Why ?
Using and spreading this image will make people to ask themselves why they see a lot of people using it.
This will have two consequences :
1) Mankind is curious and by looking for an answer they will be inform about our operation, in that way we will rapidly increase support.
2) If the phenomena spread and huge community is reached we will attract and force media to expose our action.
Mass media do not inform about disclosure, this is our goal. Touching mass media will be like touching mass people.
So please change your Facebook profile picture, it takes you only 10sec and will turn our communication stream into an efficient tsunami.
We are counting on you, this will change our world, depending on YOU.
Here is the Stop UFOs Cover Up Picture:
The red hand, which each finger represents: life, dignity, courage, intelligence and Blood of that small group of men, who sacrificed their lives to the search for Truth and who remained in the silence of history, or thrown into the ridiculous by those who govern us and who owns the media, making us all complicit.
Download Stop UFOs Cover Up Picture:
Press Office
Stop UFOs Cover Up!
E-mail: [email protected]
Action Office
Stop UFOs Cover Up!
E-mail: [email protected]
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I - ATX2 AlphaVortex 01/12
Stop UFOs Cover Up !
Contact Us: [email protected]
ED. Note: We queried the originators of the Stop UFOs Cover Up! initiative in Italy. They are a private detective agency who wish to maintain their anonymity for security reasons. Their Facebook page is:
Ce groupe international soutient la divulgation concernant les OVNI.
En nous rejoignant et en changeant l'image de votre profile vous nous aiderez à porter ce sujet auprès des media de masses.
Plus tard, si notre communauté de soutient est importante nous disposerons d'une arme légal pour faire pression sur le gouvernement US.
Veuillez consulter nos articles pour en savoir plus.
Operazione mondiale per la divulgazione sugli UFO, lanciata il 1 febbraio.
Aderendo a questo gruppo e cambiando l' immagine del tuo profilo, ci aiuterai a portare l'argomento UFO all'attenzione dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa.
In seguito, se ci riuniamo in una comunità di supporto di grandi dimensioni avremo un'arma legale per fare pressione sul governo degli Stati Uniti.
Leggi i nostri articoli per saperne di più.
2 月1日から発表UFOのための世界的な操作。
Een wereldwijd bedrijf voor de UFO openbaarmaking, lanceerde 01 februari.
Door lid te worden van deze groep èn het veranderen van je profiel foto, zal U ons helpen; om de UFO openbaarmaking als onderwerp te brengen aan heel de massamedia.
Later, als we samen verzamelen,tot en als een grote steun gemeenschap zal dit een juridisch wapen zijn om druk uit te oefenen op de Amerikaanse regering.
Zie onze artikelen voor meer informatie.
Pare o Acobertamento dos OVNIs!
Uma operação mundial para a revelação dos OVNIs, lançada dia primeiro de fevereiro.
Ao unir-se a este grupo e mudando a foto do seu perfil, estará nos ajudando a trazer o assunto da revelação dos OVNIs para a imprensa tradicional.
Mais tarde, se conseguirmos agregar uma grande comunidade, possuiremos um instrumento legal para pressionar o governo dos EUA.
Veja nossos artigos e aprenda mais.
Thank Your Article
Posted by: UFo | 31 October 2011 at 22:36
I hope more information will be posted at the Stop UFOs Cover Up! website. Also, an English translation on the website would be most helpful. Thanks!
Posted by: Continue the Contact | 14 February 2011 at 21:08
ED. Note: We queried the originators of the Stop UFOs Cover Up! initiative in Italy. They are a private detective agency who wish to maintain their anonymity for security reasons.
Their Facebook page is:
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 10 February 2011 at 14:39
Great initiative! I changed the picture and reposted. Just a quick question..who exactly is behind this action?
Posted by: Malgorzata | 10 February 2011 at 13:28