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Morgan now represents architect Tony Pope, who was indicted along with three others on bribery and corruption charges


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I am new to this whole conflict within the UFO movement's. I am sad to see all this happening...I never wished to get involved in any battles myself but I must say just this: Today I started asking some questions on Boylan's Facebook..just simple questions to gather more knowledge from him regardng the Cabal, etc. To my disappointment and surprise, Mr. Boylan simply deleted and blocked me from communicating with him in anyway! This has never happened to me EVER as my questions never in anyway offend or criticize, I simply gather information from all sources.

This has raised my suspicion and mistrust toward him as much as I respected him prior to that. Anyone who without any reason blocks asking questions, is a suspect in my book.

Just my 2 cents.

Malgorzata Duszak

Fraser Bell

Well said Alfred i respect your work and contribution to humanity so much,and from all i have read and learnt Dr. B. is in need of professional help of some kind.
Love and respect Fraser

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