A Canadian newspaper is reporting in its Wedn. Jan. 26, 2011 edition that Sun Shili, a retired foreign ministry official, states Extraterrestrials are living among us.
An extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti living in the U.S.A.
The China ET report is corroborative of this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre's 4-part ExopoliticsTV interview and Examiner.com series with Jerry Wills, an apparent extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti who resides in the United States.
Jerry Wills is an accomplished healer, explorer, and musician with the band UFAUX who recently participated in a world webcast in which Mr. Wills discussed his identity as an extraterrestrial from the Tau Ceti star system (12 light years from Earth) left here as an infant as part of a project of the Council of Worlds for the betterment of Earth.
In a 4-part ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Mr. Wills, who is 6 feet 8 inches tall, talks about how he was adopted by a human family, how he dealt with his unusual abilities growing up, how he was visited regularly by an extraterrestrial delegation that briefed him on his extraterrestrial identity and his mission, how during these visits he was told to watch for specific signs during the 18-year period preceding 2012 as to whether the earth and the human population would veer toward peace or war, and how these visits stopped on the day of September 11, 2001, Mr. Wills’ birthday and the date a regularly scheduled visit was of the extraterrestrial delegation to occur.
In conversation with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Mr. Wills speaks about the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline and the 2012-13 positive timeline and what this means to all of us.
Watch Part 1 of ExopoliticsTV interview with Jerry Wills and Alfred Lambremont Webre
Examiner.com readers can watch Part 1 of the 4-part interview with Jerry Wills and Alfred Lambremont Webre above in this article or by clicking the URL below:
Examiner.com article on Jerry Wills:
Canadian Newspaper report on Sun Shili (verbatim)
The Canadian Newspaper reports as follows:
Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us
by Paul Chen
[Introduction omitted]
Sun's first close encounter occurred in 1971, when he was sent to the remote countryside during the "cultural revolution" (1966-76) to perform the grueling task of rice planting. One day while toiling in the field, his attention was diverted to a bright object in the sky, which rose and fell repeatedly.
At first, Sun assumed the spectacle was some sort of Cold War intelligence monitoring device - a reasonable deduction considering the times - however years later, after reading foreign materials on UFO sightings, he knew he had experienced a close encounter.
As the alien spacecraft reached the highest point of the building, it suddenly showed seven white lights evenly displaced around the outer edge of the craft. Reference: Nationalufocenter.com.
And Sun is not the only expert in the country taking these sightings seriously. According to the highly accredited Shen Shituan, an actual rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honourary director of the government-supported China UFO Research Association, every report of an alien encounter is worth investigating.
''Some of these sightings are real, some are fake and with others it’s unclear,'' said Shen Shituan, a real rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honorary director of the China UFO Research Association. ''All these phenomena are worth researching.''
Research [ethically-based] into UFO's could help spur new forms of high-speed travel, unlimited sources of non-polluting and non-fossil fuel based energy and faster-growing crops, claims Sun Shili, president of a government-approved UFO Research Association (membership 50,000).
I am including this comment with the permission of my friend because it have expresses novel insights IMHO, and brings to light aspects that I had thought were heretofore invisible.
In Light, Alfred ;-)
"You have [a] soft-spoken way and sincere interest and concern for the happiness and well-being of people.
"The video I watched was an interview you made with Jerry Wills. During the dialogue, there were two things you said that I wanted to comment on. And then an observation I was to bring to your attention.
"First thing is the third world war. People talk about preventing it. What few realize is that it has been underway since 2002. How does it feel? Yes, the war was declared and it was engaged multi-nationally with oversight. It was declared as the War on Terror, multiple nations joined in sending forces, artillery and armaments, and the U.N. was fully involved. Those are all the formal characteristics of war. Sides were drawn, militaries activated, troops killed, collateral damaged, prisoners taken and goods confiscated. WWIII has raged for almost 10 years. How does it feel? I am not asking that question rhetorically. The point I wish to make is that we have been living with the nightmare. It has been here all along. We are living through it. Is it as bad as you expected? Some, of course, are suffering much more on the most active part of the war theatre in Iraq and Afghanistan. But we are no less involved than WWII or WWI. It just has a very different portrayal in the media... because media isn't journalism, it is a political device and tool of war, not of information. So do not worry about the coming of WWIII. We are already in it. That is not to say that it cannot escalate to something fiercer, as certainly it can and there are and have been many plans made for that, just as there were plans made 20 years in advance of the second/current invasion to Iraq. This is WWIII. If it is so tolerable as it is, then assure yourself that the future is neither dire nor divine, as it will be exactly what we make it to be and that will be something unexpected and gradual even as it approaches rapidly. The future is in our making every moment.
"You spoke of wearing rosy glasses. Did you know that up to about 20 years ago, almost every dictionary -- including the conservative Encyclopedia Brittanica -- gave the sole definition for "love" as "Looking at the world through rose-colored glass."? I discovered that in my 20s and was irked, as back then I was very scientific and data oriented and didn't think that the authors and compilers of the dictionary as a reference book had the right (in their assumed roles of responsibility) to wax philosophical. I searched all the books of the college library and home references and every one of them said the same thing. It was a rule. A decade later when I tried to find that in online dictionaries they had all changed. Another decade later I understood the older definition and I understood why it was disappearing. Color/light/sound and frequencies throughout the spectrum affect human beings. Certain frequencies induce/trigger health, disease, joy, sadness, love, hate, etc. This has been known for millenia (and better known in prior ages). Many of the greatest cathedrals and most ancient churches used stained glass of specific colors made by particular minerals for the explicit purpose of affecting the people during services. Sunlight through red/rose was one of the most important colors spiritually. It elevated the most important emotion spiritually, which is love, the very essence of God. Hitler, a master mystic who had brought to him the greatest of all intellectuals, naturalists, spiritualists, masons and their crafts, stole not only as much of the great treasures of Europe as possible, he targeted the stained glasses from the great cathedrals, both to own the tools of elevation and to deprive the masses (pun unavoidable) of them. So never apologize for seeing with rosy glasses. You are looking through love. Thank you for doing that, always.
"Finally, about that interview. While your demeanor and questions paint you as the elicitor of guidance from the interviewee... in truth... it is you who are the guide. I don't think you are fully aware of this (maybe you are, though, which would be just great), but it is you who is showing Mr. Wills a way through his own fear. If you watch him, if you listen to him, you will see and hear soooo many shields, doubts, fears, walls. He makes statements that are terribly harsh when you know that all that is being said is affecting listeners as well as creating in the moment together with the emotions that fuel the vibrations the words are spoken onto as carrier waves. Yes, he also makes some constructive statements (particularly when you direct him right to them). Through your modest means of interview and your genuine interest and concern, you elicit from him his inner truth and his wistfulness. You allow him a place to express himself both in and out of a role he has molded (and which has also been molded for him, and not by ETs) and he took it. I know, you got attracted to him because he has a message you think is valuable for people to hear and to some it will be so. But on top of that -- or underneath it you might say, running like river -- you gave him encouragement. You en-courage-d him... more than either of you knew... and the only way he can let it in very easily. You are a shepherd... even if you're not aware of it. Again, thank you for that, too."