« As UFOs overfly New York, UN’s Dr. Othman states, 'ET life is a possibility’ | Main | VIDEO: UniversaltalkTV - Joe Marra & Alfred Lambremont Webre on 'Preparing for 2012' »


air yeezy

Great minds think alike.


Im a firm ufo beleiver but i think that expolitics does a very poor job by publishing this crap
This Norad officer comes up with bull shhit,why the hell dint he speak when he was active? why now? its always the same shit! and serious exopolitics are doing a very poor favour to the ufo beleivers.I live in the Canary Islands,a hot place for Ufo encounters an no shit happened neither we have heard of anyting on 13th october


hi! this has been really a topic of debate since early and some believes that UFO are just imagination of we all.Even scientist are not united about that.that is the reason this has been the hot topic for the movies as well.


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