For those of us who understand the bigger picture and the horrors of what is really going on in the world, due in large part to alternative sources of information like the ERN compilations and others, it has become extremely frustrating to realize that no amount of internal correction in the form of elections or any other normally accepted channels of peaceful change springing from gradual public awareness is going to make a difference any time soon. Nor are there any visionaries on the horizon. Galileo is not walking through that door. Jefferson is not walking through that door.
Nothing short of massive external intervention of the type that can come from UFO/ET public disclosure is going to save this foundering ship. Therefore, the frustration is compounded when we continually read prophesies on the Internet that never materialize about impending UFO/ET disclosures which are supposed to be initiated by the ET's themselves (or in one case, Obama), and be dramatic, incontrovertible, unambiguous and finally end the decades-long UFO truth embargo.
The ERN compilations routinely include these predictions from the likes of Suzy Ward, Mike Quincy and now this Stanley Fulham, whose recent Oct. 13, 2010 prognostication fell as flat as the others. Apparently, these people have no qualms about losing their credibility, but I will not read anything else put forth by Suzy Ward or Mike Quincy, and now I will add Stanley Fulham to that list.
The recent ERN response to Sofia Aldunate about her similar concerns regarding Fulham's prediction is interesting, to say the least. If "... the transition process is done so smoothly that the public consciousness soon takes extraterrestrial life and intelligence as a normal reality ..." is what we have to wait for, then it will be many more decades, if not centuries, before public consciousness is raised to the required level, especially considering that, presently, the average person can't even think for himself. This acclimation process has been going on for at least 60 years, and from my vantage point, human nature and the human condition of exploitation of the many by the few doesn't seem to have changed much. If anything, it's gotten worse. Meanwhile, UFO/ET awareness continues to be suppressed and off the radar screen of mainstream public debate and discourse.
Perhaps the answer lies with the year 2012, and the sudden transformation associated with those prophesies. But is it safe to say that if the year 2012 comes and goes without incident, we can dismiss the idea of any sudden transformation? Or do we pin our hopes on yet the next wave of short term predictions that inevitably will result?
The estimation of what is likely to happen if disclosure should occur in the above mentioned response - "despite a little bit of initial commotion, most people and the media will quickly turn their attention elsewhere to more pressing concerns" - is similarly naïve. Isn't the media a big part of the problem to begin with? UFO disclosure very likely would not happen without tremendous, initial turmoil. It would be the death knell for the Illuminati and their centuries-old control, and they would not go gently into that good night without an enormous struggle to salvage as much of what they have built up over this time. The world would change dramatically virtually overnight, with respect to suppressed UFO-related technologies, and short term chaos related to the ultimate obsolescence of the 5 trillion dollar per year fossil fuels industries would most likely prevail until some semblance of the true meaning of the paradigm shift could be universally understood. Of course, according to some, the Illuminati are supposed to be preparing a UFO disclosure of their own - one based on fear and xenophobia, which they will use as a pretext and justification for the final clampdown and total control.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet on the Illuminati to win this race to disclosure, as it appears the ETs are content on playing their cat and mouse game indefinitely, and no one is able to understand or predict their agenda. I wish they would prove me wrong!
Bill Cain
Hi Bill!
Thanks for your detailed feedback and many interesting thoughts. I'd like to address some of the (mostly valid) concerns you raise.
I perfectly understand your frustration about the slow pace of ET disclosure of the genuine kind - not an Illuminati staged one for fear/control purpose as you mention. The fact however is that the mainstream media have simply not given any serious air-time to cover what happened on Oct 13 which is probably why you did not hear anything about it. Much happened in the low key manner I anticipated as you'll see in the following preview of the relevant section of my next compilation. Such a poor coverage is plain normal though. Just consider their utter silence on the ongoing crop formations (crop circles) phenomenon in summertime and their lack of coverage of the daily UFO sightings of all kinds around the world - this is just of no interest to the media's corporate sponsors and Illuminati controllers.
However, there is, in my view, a growing level of coverage of the ET/UFO reality and ever more people who are interested in it and convinced that this is for real indeed. Like the metaphor of the frog that does not notice nor react to the slowly raising temperature of the pot of water it sits in, a similar increase in the background "noise" on UFO/ET affairs in the printed, electronic and Web media (for instance, just think about all the recent coverage given to this issue by CNN) over the past couple years has brought this topic to such a level of near-normality in our current cultural paradigm that, despite some residual stigma attached to it from the years of mind-control manipulations that went into turning this whole topic into a cause for ridicule and utter dismissal, most people are now fairly comfortable with the notion of us not being alone in the universe.
As for those who are in the ET disclosure prediction business, although I would not personally venture predicting any firm date for any such event, I think that despite the "underwhelming" lack of tangible results to show for their predictions, those who still continue to press on with mentions of new upcoming and highly anticipated events play a useful role in that they wet our appetite for such a thing while using their claims to widen the circle of those who are informed about this possibility and somewhat interested in seeing it happen. It is an awareness-raising niche that has its usefulness among many other approaches to this matter. But, obviously, one is always free to ignore their messages of hope if they are deemed too unrealistic.
Finally, as for my being "naïve" concerning the media, granted, I may sound like it to you but I prefer to hope for the best, to see the glass half full, instead of being convinced of the worst... especially in my role as a disseminator of all kinds of news and info with so much of it being depressing and thus perhaps disempowering in term of motivating the ERN readers to being actively engaged towards working for the solutions instead of merely staring at the problems... I would be irresponsible I think if in my comments I would not sometime offer some reasonable optimistic glimmers of hope, if only to balanced out a bit all the negative stuff I have to report on - because that's what is there and thus cannot be ignored.
Also, as for your mention of a scenario in which the world would change dramatically overnight, I believe your description of it is overtly dramatic. True, there will be some measure of upheaval and a fast learning curve for most people as they will need to adjust their paradigmatic understanding of what is to the new fact on the ground of highly advanced civilizations from abroad and from other dimensions offering to provide assistance to help us fix the local and global environment mess we've created, eliminate extreme poverty and bring peace and sanity to this planet - all of which BTW we can already achieve anytime now, if only we really collectively wanted it, but most certainly not as efficiently and as quickly - which our dire situation now requires - as it will be with a "little help" from our friends and soul families. However, we will adapt. We have been "shocked and awed" mightily on 9/11, and we survived. And however fast the pace of technological change we will have to go through, the transition of most of China from a backwater developing country to a 21st century vibrant and technologically advanced society in less than a couple decades proves that, given the right visionary leadership (there is plenty of it today if you look beyond the political sphere) and sufficient social cohesion and individual motivation (which has to come through spiritual awakening and certainly not coercion as in China), human beings can quickly adapt and evolve to become welcomed members of the larger community of space-faring civilizations... which is what humanity will have become by the end of this century. Of course, everything won't be rosy and perfect overnight as there will remain pockets of "backwaterness" just as there is today, but overall - and this is the vision I choose to hold - our world will have moved from an era of mad violence and pitchfork darkness, metaphorically speaking, to a bright new dimension of manifested love and compassion like this planet has never known before.
All my best to you Bill ;-)
PS I've included your letter and my reply above in the next compilation. Here is the special section on this matter from my next compilation that I mentioned. If you can take some time to review the videos and infos provided below, you'll see the confirmations for what happened on October 13... and MUCH MUCH more!! ;-)
The Day Before Disclosure - POWERFUL DOCUMENTARY!!!
We here at New Paradigm Films are among the millions of people across the world who have a strong notion that humanity is on the verge of major change on both a social, biological and spiritual level. But we also recognize the need for widespread information on the key subjects of this transformation. Our goal is to produce films covering several of these subjects, and make them available for as many people as possible across the globe. We now have the pleasure of inviting you all the see our latest documentary "The Day Before Disclosure" free of charge, right here on our website.
UFO's Over Chelsea, New York 10/13/10 (Newscast - daytime)
UFO SHOW 13-14 OCTOBER 2010 - Several pictures and videos
(...) This is not the First time a Big UFO show is announced. 14 October 2010 Blossom prediction was the first Big UFO show... Rumour that become Viral on Youtube. What is different this time? We have a Ex-Airforce officer and Author claiming it. I advice Caution in Believing it 100% to happen. However I have been witness to the UFO activity growing the last week. 7 October I lost All Digital Tv signals for 15 Minutes and videotaped a FLEET of over 5 Ufos flying near my place. Never before have so much activity been seen here and never before have all Tv channels gone out simultaneously. CLIP
Is FAA covering up flight delays due to New York UFO sighting? BY Michael E. Salla (October 15, 2010)
On October 13, 2010 several dozen UFOs were sighted over Manhattan, New York City. Reports of the sightings began from around 1:30 pm and lasted into late Wednesday afternoon. On being approached by several news media for comment, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) first reported nothing appeared on their radar. When it was later learned that a school in nearby Mt Vernon had released several party balloons in the sky, many media sources claimed the mystery behind the New York UFOs was solved. What media sources covering the New York UFO sightings failed to mention was that from 6:45 pm of the same day (October 13), the FAA had closed down air operations at New York's three airports for about an hour.The FAA claimed that the flight delays were due to a "gas smell" from the FAA radar facility in Westbury that handles New York City flights. According to an Associated Press story on the mysterious gas smell, it led to the radar facility being closed and the evacuation of radar technicians. What's more likely is that the FAA closed its radar facility and delayed flights due to the UFOs hovering at the time over Manhattan. More importantly, the UFOs may have interfered in some way with the radar equipment. If so, then it appears that the FAA is covering up the true significance of UFOs witnessed over New York City.
(...) The party balloon explanation is however very unlikely given the time involved between initial and later reports. Even though the New York UFO sightings were first officially reported at 1:30 pm, shortly after the accidental Mt Vernon party balloon release, witnesses described seeing the UFOs as early as 9:30 am on October 13, and that they numbered as many as 50. Also, the closure of the New York radar facilities and flight delays began at 6:45 pm. Up to this time, UFOs were being sighted and filmed by New York residents. Could a dozen party balloons hover for more than five hours over Manhattan after first drifting down from nearby Mt Vernon, and remain stationary over NYC? More importantly, could party balloons have mysteriously contributed to the evacuation of the Westbury radar facility, and flight delays for up to an hour at three major airports? The party balloon explanation falls apart at closer examination. It nevertheless appears to have been quickly accepted by the mass media in what appears to be an officially sanctioned attempt to cover up the truth behind the New York UFO sightings.
(...) This seems to be a similar series of events as occurred earlier this year at several Chinese airports after UFO sightings. Most significantly, what happened over New York's skies vindicates the October 13 prediction made four months earlier by a retired NORAD officer that extraterrestrial vehicles would begin appearing over major world cities as the first step in a process to prepare humanity for the truth that we are not alone. CLIP
Note from Jean: Not very spectacular footage though so far on this decidedly low key event in New York, with no panic-triggering mothership hovering over big cities. This event in 2007 was far more stunning...
UFO Fleet Guadalajara Mexico
Many more NYC video and written reports below...
UFOs Over NYC: Video (October 13, 2010)
UFO Sighting NYC October 13, 2010 - the crowd
UFO over NYC Airport 13th October 2010 - The most amazing flying "thing" I've ever seen :-)
A mysterious shiny object floating high over Manhattan's West Side set off a flurry of reports and wild speculation Wednesday that a UFO was flying over the city.Police and the FAA said they began getting flooded with calls starting at 1:30 p.m. from people reporting a silvery object hovering high over Chelsea. Law enforcement sources said they believed the object was likely some sort of balloon, but as of late Wednesday they had not confirmed exactly what it is. A Daily News reporter could see a tiny, silver dot floating approximately 5,000 feet above 23th St. and Eighth Ave., where dozens of people gathered late in the afternoon to catch a glimpse."It's been hovering there for a while. I'm just kind of baffled," said Joseph Torres, 49, of Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, who spotted the object after leaving a movie. "How can it be ordinary? There is something going on."Despite clear skies, it was not easy to make out the tiny object shimmering overhead."You really have to look up to see it," said one witness, who gave only his first name, Rico. "It's a little crazy. I guess that's why they call it an unidentified flying object because they don't know what it is." Not long after the first sightings, messages began appearing on Twitter linking to a month-old press release announcing the publication of a book by a retired NORAD officer predicting that UFOs would buzz the earth's major cities on Oct. 13. The Federal Aviation Administration said it received several calls to its operations center but after reviewing radar data, the agency could not find anything out of the ordinary."We re-ran radar to see if there was anything there that we can't account for but there is nothing in the area," said spokesman Jim Peters. "There was some helicopter traffic over the river at that time and we checked with LaGuardia Tower. And they said they had nothing going low at that time." "Nothing that we can account for would prompt this kind of response," he said. Peters said if it was a weather balloon or any kind of organized balloon release, authorities should have been notified in advance. Police officials said they had received no notification.
As UFOs overfly New York, UN's Dr. Othman states, 'ET life is a possibility'
On Oct 14, 2010, the day after the reported Oct 13, 2010 UFO decloakings over New York City and other areas of the world (as predicted by a former NORAD officer), Dr. Mazian Othman, Director of the UN Outer Space Office, held a press conference at UN headquarters in New York and candidly spoke her mind on the extraterrestrial presence and extraterrestrial contact. readers can watch a video of the complete press conference at this LINK.
Rumors of 'Alien UFO Invasion', UFO decloakings multiply, as do forthcoming 'Alien Invasion' movies (Oct 15)
This is the first of an series of articles on an 'Alien Invasion' of Earth, whether a real or a staged false flag operation, and on ethical extraterrestrial/UFO 'landings'. In the face of a forthcoming bumper crop of 'Alien Invasion' and 'staged Alien Invasion' movies, rumors are rife on the Internet of a staged 'Alien Invasion' false flag operation, or an ethical extraterrestrial 'decloaking' or landing. These issues peaked again on Oct. 13, 2010, a date on which Stan Fulham a retired NORAD officer wrote that channelings from a 40,000 strong group of dimensional souls stated that October 13, 2010 was the tentative date for a fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles to hover for hours over the earth's principal cities. Mr. Fulham stated says the event was 'to be the first in a series intended to avert a planetary catastrophe resulting from increasing levels of carbon-dioxide in the earth's atmosphere dangerously approaching a 'critical mass.'" A summary of the UFO sightings on planet Earth on October 13, 2010 included an alleged mass UFO sighting over New York City, an alleged disappearance of an entire village in the Qinlin mountains (China), UFOs over the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), UFO sightings in Malaysia, Ohio and in Texas. In short, a relatively normal - and not so normal - day for UFO activity. One researcher claims, 'A full UFO/ET 'decloaking did occur on October 13, 2010. OK, there does appear to have been a mass decloaking on October 13. The Canadian ex-NORAD officer stands vindicated. The most impressive display was the decloaking over New York City, which went on through the day and night. But sightings were also reported in a number of other places, including Seattle, San Francisco, Orlando, Puerto Rico, and Malaysia. If I'm correct these other sightings were not mass decloakings like over New York." CLIP
Village in China disappears after UFO sightings On October 13, 2010 - MOST BIZARRE IF IT IS TRUE!
Latest October 13 UFO news is coming from China according to yahoo News China "Qinling mountain village disappeared overnight on Oct 13, 2010". Now the army has blocked the site. According to eyewitness, they had seen the UFO over village before it was start disappearing.
A village disappears overnight in china wow!
UFO mass abduction report from China lost in translationŠ.orŠ.?
I stumbled across a UFODigest post that piqued my interest. It states that an entire village disappeared in China yesterday after a reported UFO sighting. The partial post below shows the headline.I did do a quick search about the source for this post: Sohu News. I found a few sources that state that Sohu News out of China is considered to be a tabloid-level news source with no credibility. If not, could the meaning of the article have been lost in translation?Since this is sure to spread like wildfire, with hundreds of other websites reporting this alleged incident, you can make the judgment for yourself. I vote for a tabloid news source wanting page views. - Read the UFO Digest news on this
Huge UFO fleet over Moscow on October 10, 2010
UFO's? in college station (Original video) Hilarious soundtrack!!
Note from Jean: I have to share something VERY special with you. Something REALLY out of this world - to say the least - has been happening here. Last October 2 by a sheer "coincidence" I checked the Doppler maps at meteomedia and taken by a sudden curiosity I zoomed back this gizmo (clicking on the minus sign on the left) to see the map of the entire continent. And lo and behold a VERY strange thing was happening with this...
Here is what it was showing over Montreal... from a screen capture of what displayed on my computer)
The system features several successive maps (in this case from 1:50 am to 3:40 am) to show the cloud movements and where the precipitations are.
At first I thought it was merely some kind of technical malfunction of their Doppler system - yet I took 11 screen captures to show the incremental change of the phenomenon to have a record of the thing.
Here is a larger view of it once further zoomed back
What is in bright green shows where the precipitations are...
Then I looked further south and found other odd (never seen) precipitation patterns... That was happening over several areas of the eastern seaboard...
Last night I checked again and found this nearly centered over Ottawa (just a huge 650+ miles circle of rain pattern that lasted about 10 minutes...
and nothing similar appeared anywhere else over North America
Still discounting the whole thing as a fluke, I received an email forward last night from a dear friend in Ottawa with a stunning news that the very next evening after the phenomenon I observed, the following happened over Montreal:
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010
Montreal, Sunday oct 3 2010, 9 1/2 pm.
(Astraelia a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, is the discoverer of the Sacred Site of Matawini, an ancient megalithic sacred site of the Galactic Federation & the Agharta Kingdom, during the ancient Age of Light.)
An Armada of around 70 UFO have passed over my home in Montreal, solemnly flowing in the autumn night sky like a vast river of UFO, covering the heaven from one end to the other.
I was just taking my cat outside, and lift up my eyes to gaze and watch the sky, as I do as often as possible, and then I see flowing silently like a solemn noble procession in the night sky, a river of luminescent UFO in V formations.
They were very near, at an altitude of 3000 feet maybe, since they were the size of an orange relatively to the star like size all my UFO sightings have been in the last years. Each UFO was a clearly defined circular shape, luminescent, like if it was softly lighted from the inside, a soft opalescent glowing white Light. You could perceive the 3 dimensional very rounded shape of each UFO.
The Armada was passing over in a loose irregular V type formations, exactly like I have seen on many UFO mass sightings in South America, except that they where a lot closer and visually larger in size then any large group formation I have seen on film up to now.
Each V formation, where composed of about 7 to 10 ufo, and these V formation where all over, like a large river in the sky, covering a 1/4 of the transversal width of the sky and in longitude, almost all the sky from one end to the other of the Armada column. And they were keeping on appearing, 3 to four V formations wide in a group, and then other similar groups of V formations following and passing over.
Afterward, I have made a drawing on paper of these multiple V formations groups, to try to estimate the number of Celestial light ships present in this very major Armada sighting. The possible number of UFO involved is quite staggering, taking into account that it lasted around 4 minutes, so there must have been over 70 UFO, and possibly even 100, that flowed over at their magical, noble and mysterious pace, sending an energy of serenity, hope and fulfillment of our wishes and prayers, and in fulfillment of the ancient prophecies.They are here, and here to stay!
It has begun my friends they are manifesting Big Time, right over North America... These sent by Heaven Celestial Forces of the Light are announcing and manifesting their presence with unequaled magnitude, reclaiming this sacred paradise of Earth. What an honor to witness, what a blessing of hope beyond hope. Our prayers and those of our ancestors have been heard in high places and are being honored. 2012 will be nothing less than the liberation of Earth by the Forces of the Light sent in this mission by Heaven. Let us prepare for the fulfillment of all our prayers, and our prophesied return into the spiritual dimensions of the Light. Let us maintain with conviction our seed vision of the future we wish to foresee, a return on Earth of an Age of Light that have been prophesied by the ancients, for it will be manifested very soon. The victory of the Light is ours to behold.
May the Great Spirit sun shine in our hearts.
Discover the Sacred Site of Matawini,
an ancient megalithic sacred site
of the Galactic Federation of Light:
Other UFO observation have also been reported on Sept 30 in the Montreal media:
Such a phenomenon is not new. For instance...
Of course I also Cced my reply to Astraelia who had initially reported these UFOs over Montreal and to my amazement he replied (in French which is why I do not include his reply here) that he saw the exact same cloud pattern over Montreal as what was shown on the Doppler radar map. So it was not a technical glitch. It really happened. Few people probably noticed this because of the huge size of the phenomenon anyone seeing a small portion of it from the ground cannot easily grasp what was happening and few people gaze at the clouds at night...
Astraelia surmises that the flotilla of space ships he saw travelling in V formation were going back to the mother ship that, in his opinion, was still stationed (invisibly) over Laval, near Montreal and was responsible for the ring pattern. If that is the case, it was an amazingly huge ship!!
Now the other screen capture I took the next night (the time code of meteomedia being 3:40 am) shows another large circle of a similar size, this time over Ottawa. Out of curiosity I checked again over several evenings the same spot and there were several other brief (perhaps less than 10 minutes - the successive Doppler maps are shown by 10 minute increments) appearances of the same huge circle over the same spot a strange phenomenon that is still going on as I write this on October 13. But even more strange is the bizarre and very huge stationary circular precipitation patterns the Doppler radar map shows in the US. Many of the precipitation shown don't match with any cloud cover, and - get that! - as we can clearly see the clouds moving from West to East, those vast circular precipitation patterns do NOT move at all. See the relevant pictures below and note that - for instance - some of those huge circles of "rain" (?) suddenly disappear from one frame to the next... as if the local Doppler radar had been turned off (which would be a simple explanation - but that would still not explain the very nature of those stationary circular precipitation patterns which are not seen anywhere in Canada - aside from the huge circular ring over the Ottawa area - or on the West Coast.
Could be!
We sure live in exciting times!!!
Airplane Abducted By UFO: Caught On Tape
UFO Traffic Report: October 12, 2010
7 UFOs Over Poland Flying Low [[Must Watch]] 2010
2006: Witness reports getting 'zapped' by UFO (October 7th, 2010)
A New Jersey witness recalls unusual incidents from 2006 where a white, egg-shaped object the "size of a minivan" was observed from a seventh-floor apartment window, followed by an experience described as being "zapped," according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. "It was about the size of a minivan, maybe a small bus and it was so close I could have hit it with a rock," the witness stated. "It immediately began moving away very quickly and I noticed two black dots, one on either side of it. They started swirling around the egg and would 'splash' in and out of it, causing it to shimmer black and white so fast it looked silver. It looked kinda like a molecule." The object was observed for about 10 seconds, before it moved away fast. "But I kept my eye on it and could still see it as a black speck against the clear sky for a good two minutes. Then it started blinking out, and I said out loud 'No! Come back' and waved it back and this black speck zapped me. It felt like I jumped into ice water and had my brain ripped in half. The sky turned a bright purple, I wanna say ultra-violet and against it were hundreds of different sized transparent white circles, or 'orbs'. Like a polka-dot sky. It brought me to my knees and I urinated myself." CLIP - Full report HERE
Sixty-year Mt. Vernon resident considers UFO sound was 'underground (October 7th, 2010) Two Mount Vernon, Indiana, witnesses report watching a "glowing, cigar-shaped object hovering almost directly over" their home, followed by three "round or spherical objects" that appeared several minutes later on the west end of town near West Elementary on October 5, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.A neighbor joined them and was also able to see the three round objects.The group reports that during the time of the sighting, an unusual sound was heard in the neighborhood that they had not heard in all of their 60 years of living in the area. The two were reluctant to file a report, so the man's son contacted MUFON to file the case. The sound, they say, may have been coming from underground."They report hearing a loud noise associated with the objects, which was also heard in other parts of town up to two miles away," the son stated. "The sound was described as a loud 'rhhhhhew rhhhhew' type sound. After my father returned home he continued to hear the noise and thought it may be coming from a local refinery or roofing plant, but having lived in the area over 60 years does not recall a similar noise. They speculated the noise may have also been coming from underground." CLIP
Don't look now, but the next "airplane" you see in the sky may not be an airplane. Over the past several months, mainstream news reports related to UFOs and space aliens have been on the rise. The Punditty Project first noticed this phenomenon in late April when it was widely reported that Stephen Hawking was advising earthlings to keep our distance from space aliens. Over the summer, we learned that Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower may have covered up a UFO encounter during World War II. The partial timeline below will help fill you in on what else has been happening. What does this all mean?CLIP
Green lights 'size of tennis balls' appear inside Nevada couple's vehicle (October 5th, 2010)
A Lake Las Vegas, Nevada, couple report green lights "the size of tennis balls" lit up inside their vehicle as they drove along Lake Mead Drive about one mile from the entrance of Lake Las Vegas at 8:03 p.m. on October 2, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."I was looking at my girlfriend in the passenger seat so I could see the rear of the car with my peripheral and it looked like the lights were dancing around in the back too," the reporting witness stated. "I specifically remember the lights passing over the tops of my thighs and the center console of the expedition. It almost felt like it was scanning the car. The green lights moved quickly, so fast they left those lit up optical traces you see when a light moves fast in the dark. The color of the lights was a deep green type of light. Almost like the green light of a stop light but much a much richer and deep green."The incident last about 2 seconds. (...) It was right away a lot of lights and very fast movement, then gone, it was back to darkness. After the incident I slowed down hard on the breaks and yelled "what the hell was that". I immediate looked over head but saw nothing. CLIP
A couple comments taken from...
UFO Reports Increase: Why Do So Many Believe? (September 28, 2010)
(...) 2010 has seen a significant increase in UFO sightings, and according to various polls, around a fifth of all Americans believe in aliens. CLIP
"Actually I doubt anyone who has seriously looked into the subject of UFOs believes they are full of "little green men". If they were they wouldn't be "unidentified". Also the term "little green men" is usually only used by bad journalists as a way a ridiculing the subject without doing any proper research. Secondly the idea UFOs are of ET origin isn't a belief in itself, its a hypothesis or a theory which unlike many religious beliefs is supported by evidence. Evidence doesn't need to be conclusive in order to form a theory. It simoly needs to point in a certain direction. There are scientific theories accepted as fact based on equally shaky evidence. So being open minded doesn't constitute belief. In fact the true believers are those who are closed minded, that goes beyond scepticism because they've already made up their mind. They believe the universe is a certain way and ignore evidence to the contrary. Why should they look at the evidence, or take the subject seriously? A belief doesn't require evidence and neither does the bad journalist when he/she can preach to the choir."
"You have it completely turn inside out on UFOs. The question should be why don't science really investigate UFOs. If you had anything else filmed and tracked by radar shooting nukes and taking down whole silos. If you had Ben Rick the most talented and brightest engineers in our country confess on his deathbed about any other subject but UFOs,. scientist would listen with respect. Instead we have people like you writing articles that lump some of the most credible people in with nut jobs. It's very disrespectful to the pilots, police astronauts, and other professionals who risk ridicule by people like you when they come forward. People who investigate by proclamation as your Professor will do are a disgrace to the scientific profession and the objectivity it was founded on. Until they get their asses of of a computer and go into the field I have no respect for any of them. "
Much more through SUCH AS...
Texas witness estimates 'super ship' was 7,500 feet (October 9th, 2010)
(...) But at 2:45 a.m., he looked again and saw a giant craft moving between cloud coverage he described as a "super ship.""I quickly raise my right hand and simulate the shape, color, direction, size, speed and duration of the UFO event. Using my outreach right hand (about 6 inch long at 20 inches away from my eyes) and estimating the lower end of moving clouds to be 20,000 to 25,000, I measure this Super-ship to be 7,500 feet long, 3,750 feet wide, and 1,250 in height."The overall shape (note, it move so fast I did not see the front very well) resembles a between an Archery 3 blade Broad Head Arrow Tip crossed with a Star War's Imperial Battleship (see fig 2). At the very back of the ship looked like two very large dome (think tops of football field like the Metro Dome in Minneapolis)."This machine looked extremely old. Along the sides of the ship were two rolls of blocks that resemble the tops of old castle walls. Absolutely an unpractical design for aerodynamics and it was the dullest concrete grey in color. In fact, it looked like it was made of concrete with no smooth surface, no windows, and absolutely no sound.
(...) At 2:56 a.m., a third object appears - and he has a video camera in place and shoots."Within a minute, and what I can describe as my first USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) encounter, a tall (maybe 100 feet in height) super bright white double cross (fig 2) USO, rises out of the ocean at about 25 miles due southeast of me in line with the far right oil tanker. This new structure is completely lit up. It stays right on top of the water and I start filming it (see attached film). At the beginning of the film, I try to get a reference by using the stationary oil tankers, and then pan the camera to the right to focus on this USO. Within a few minutes, the USO slowly sank out of sight."Port Aransas is in Nueces County, on Mustang Island, population 3,370.
Flotillas OVNI en cielo nocturno de Chihuahua - México (4 octobre 2010)
UFO over a Hotel Palacio de Sol Chihuahua Mexico
Chinese scientists Have 40 Minutes of UFO film taken during eclipse under study
The second video is worth watching
Big UFO in Salt Lake City (incredible!!) Near the middle of the video it gets pretty interesting but it could very well be a zeppelin.
Radar Circles, Spiritual Energy, and Sacred Peace (January 24, 2000)
Author's Note: In January, 2000 the grassroots Lakota Oyate occupied the Reservation Headquarters building on the Pine Ridge Lakota Sioux Reservation in protest of graft and corruption in tribal affairs, with the hopes to resolve many issues in conflict, and in an effort to help all their People. Almost immediately thereafter, strange Doppler Radar anomalies were observed on numerous weather maps (both animated and still shots). These readings were observed very often for the first six months of occupation and still continue to this day in November, 2000, albeit less frequently. They are always of the same significant, defined pattern. More doppler radar images from...
UFO Facts and a Solution to the Energy Crisis - Testimony of 60 Government & Military Witnesses
This 10-page summary of witness testimony on UFO facts is taken from the book Disclosure, compiled by Steven M. Greer, MD. Page numbers from the book for each excerpt are given at the end of each statement. These testimonies were taken verbatim from video interviews with the witnesses, which include astronauts, generals, admirals, other top government and military officials. Both the book and witness videos can be purchased at the website For a two-page summary of these UFO facts, click here. Disclosure Project, Founder and Director, Editor of Disclosure, Steven M. Greer, MD: "Advanced spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin have been downed, retrieved and studied since at least the 1940s. Significant technological breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have resulted from the study of these objects. We have insiders and scientists who can prove that we do in fact possess energy generation systems capable of completely and permanently replacing all forms of currently used energy generation and transportation systems. The witnesses who have given testimony are extraordinarily brave men and women who have taken great personal risks in coming forward. Some have been threatened and intimidated. Not a single one of them has been paid for his or her testimony. Classified, above top-secret projects possess new energy generation systems that, if put into peaceful uses, would empower a new human civilization without want, poverty, or environmental damage. Every single person who is concerned about the environment and the human future should call for urgent hearings to allow these technologies to be disclosed, declassified and safely applied." pp. 5, 13 - 15. See also Dr. Greer's information-packed websites at, and
THE COVER-UP: UFOs - Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D. Aeronautics, MIT, 6th man to walk on moon: "Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or may not be associated with government at this point, but certainly were at one time, that have this knowledge. They have been attempting to conceal this knowledge or not permit it to be widely disseminatedŠ.People in high level government have very, very little, if any, valid information about this. Most have no more knowledge than the man in the streetŠ.[As to] the question, "How could it be kept secret?" It hasn't been kept secret. It's been there all along. But it has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and create confusion so the truth doesn't come outŠ.I believe it is a very important effort that we get Congressional oversight of all this." pp. 61-64. See also The Way of the Explorer, Edgar Mitchell and Dwight Williams, p. 212. More here. CLIP
Reports of UFOs over B.C. skies hover into The Sun (AUGUST 24, 2010) VANCOUVER - Reports of unidentified flying objects over B.C. skies this summer are out of this world. The accounts have been pouring in to The Vancouver Sun after we published a story about an apparent UFO hovering over Cultus Lake in Chilliwack on Tuesday night. CLIP
Renowned U.S. Navy Commander Reveals Stunning Roswell Crash Secret (10/11/2010)
One of the most acclaimed Naval scientists in U.S. military history has stated unequivocally that the Roswell crash of 1947 was not of a balloon nor was it a hoax. Based on evidence he had seen in an official capacity, the Commander was instead convinced that the crash represents an event with deep implications for all of mankind. Universally acknowledged as the "grandfather" of satellite technology - and a close associate of Dr. Werner von Braun - Commander George W. Hoover has revealed that the truth about Roswell is far stranger that we have ever dared to think.
(...) Commander George Hoover had finally revealed what he really knew about Roswell. He explained the truth as he had learned it all those decades ago:· UFOs are not the "biggest secret" - it is the entities behind them that was of most concern - Roswell was in fact a crash event of "visitors from somewhere else"- The entities were "not so much interplanetary as much as they were literally also time travelers." They are extra-temporal. - The visitors are clearly "from the future." There is reason to believe that they may even be "us" from a future Earth. - These "future humans" have the ability to "manipulate reality around us."- The government feared the intentions and abilities of the "visitors"- These visitors are able to use the power of consciousness in extraordinary ways to morph reality - We human beings are far more powerful in potential than we ever dreamed that we are. We don't yet comprehend our extraordinary future capabilities. - The visitors remain at essence though "corporeal" and "physical" - and secret attempts at reverse-engineering the visitor's crash material were made - Incredibly, Hoover admitted that he himself was engaged in such technology transfer as a Naval Intelligence Officer with Top Secret clearances.
(...) Hoover died at age 83 in 1998. In his decades of service to our country, the Commander helped to provide to mankind the vision to go beyond our planet Earth. He aimed to take us high and far to the stars. This is because Hoover knew that we can be so much more. We have the potential to be at once an Interstellar and a Hyper-Dimensional race. We will one day manipulate and morph the very fabric of space-time and matter itself. We too will traverse the vast cosmos in an instant. When that day comes, the Navy Man tells us, we will no longer fear the Alien. We will realize that we are the Alien.
Is 2010 the year of discovery for extraterrestrial life?
In the film version of a book written by Arthur C. Clarke, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, this year marks the beginning of a new era for humanity - official discovery of extraterrestrial life. Towards the end of 2009, a number of sources and articles began appearing claiming that official disclosure of advanced extraterrestrial life was imminent. Late 2009 and early 2010 witnessed an unprecedented number of events that continue to suggest official disclosure of some kind is imminent. While predictions of official disclosure by early 2010 have so far not proved accurate, a preparatory process nevertheless appears to be well underway. The world public is being prepared for such an announcement by a series of scientific meetings concluding that discovery of extraterrestrial life is inevitable. In what appears to be a carefully calibrated process, Great Britain is playing a leading role in simultaneously preparing the world for an inevitable announcement concerning the discovery of primitive extraterrestrial life, while dampening down expectations about the visitation of technologically advanced extraterrestrials in UFOs. CLIP
CBC Television in Canada covers US Nuclear Missiles Compromised by UFOs - According to ranking USAF officers (October 1, 2010)
Toronto - The CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Canada's national public broadcasting television network has taken the first steps to engage the national security implications of American nuclear missiles being shut-down by so-called UFOs. Highly disquieting news about nuclear missile shut-downs was aired by CBC's CONNECT hosted by Mark Kelley on Tuesday September 28, 2010 on CBC TV Newsworld during an interview with US Air Force Capt. Robert Salas (Ret.) following Salas' news conference held on Sept 27, 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington DC.Both, at the Washington press conference, and with CBC's Mark Kelley, Capt. Salas stated that incidents of US nuclear missiles being shut-down by UFOs (rendered to a 'no-go' status) have occurred at a number of nuclear installations in the United States. Despite the US Air Force's unrelenting position that UFOs do not pose a national security threat to the US, Salas - in deference to the Air Force position, indicated that the unauthorized shut-down of any nuclear weapon by unknown forces was in fact a national security issue. Salas and researcher Robert Hastings assembled 7 US officers who provided public testimony about their direct experiences with missile shut-downs as well as 'visits' by craft of unknown origin at a nuclear base in the UK (Rendlesham). Mark Kelley also interviewed acclaimed Canadian radio commentator Richard Syrett of Radio AM 740 who hosts his own radio program on the matter of UFOs. Syrett indicated that this story and the wider issue of UFOs is the biggest story in human history - and - it's being ignored by mainstream media. CLIP
UFO might have saved China from a nuke attack?
Larry King interviewed a nuke missile operator who experienced shutting down of 20 nuke minuteman missiles in 1967, in a time period Vietnam War transit from escalation to peace talk, leading to 1st nuclear disarmament talk between america and russia.
Veteran China astronomer claims UFOs are extraterrestrial space craft (August 24, 2010)
In a speech at a science forum held in the city of Guangzhou on August 23, a veteran Chinese astronomer with almost 40 years experience claimed that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft. Professor Wang Sichao is a planetary astronomer at the Purple Hills Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based on scientific observations of UFOs over his 39 year career, he has concluded that some are powered by antigravity devices. Also, in contrast to Professor Stephen Hawking, who recently declared intelligent extraterrestrial life was likely to be predatory in nature, Wang dismissed such thinking as premature. He claimed some extraterrestrials are visiting Earth in a Research and Development capacity, and are therefore friendly enough to begin cooperation and mutual exchanges. A summary of Wang's speech was reported by a number of China newspapers including the influential People's Daily Online. This ensures wide coverage in China, and raises the following question. Are Chinese authorities tacitly encouraging an 'exopolitics debate' over the motivations of advanced alien life in order to prepare the Chinese and world public for the inevitable official disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrials? CLIP
Is Russia preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure? (May 9, 2010)
In an extraordinary television interview, the Governor of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who is also President of the World Chess Federation, claimed that in 1997 he was taken from his penthouse apartment on board an extraterrestrial vehicle. Ilyumzhinov claims that the extraterrestrials he met were humanoid and gave him a tour of their ship, and even took him to another world. According to Ilyumzhinov, his experience is backed by three witnesses who searched for him at his home after he had boarded the alien spaceship. Most revealing is that Ilyumzhinov appeared on Russia's no.1 rated television station, Channel One, which is 51% controlled by the Russian government. The interviewer, Vladimir Pozner, began the segment with questions about Ilyumzhinov's experience. This reveals that the host and producers knew in advance of what had happened, and wished to discuss it on air. Significantly, there was no censorship of Ilyumzhinov's experience which was immediately made available on the Channel One website. At the very least, this signifies that the Russian government remains open to public debate on extraterrestrial life sparked by its most prominent television station. More importantly, the airing of Ilyumzhinov's experience may signal a covert attempt by Russian officials to prepare its citizens for eventual public disclosure of extraterrestrial life. CLIP
Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un-Released Eisenhower Briefing on Extraterrestrials (May 12, 2010)
Henry W. McElroy, a former New Hampshire state legislator, claims he saw a briefing for President Eisenhower that revealed the presence of extraterrestrials in the United States. It went on to discuss a possible meeting being arranged between the President and extraterrestrial entities. The alleged briefing witnessed by McElroy supports earlier whistleblower testimonies that President Eisenhower did in fact meet with extraterrestrials in 1954 and 1955 (click here). CLIP - with video transcript.
Michio Kaku admits UFO are real & worth investigating (August 24, 2010) - video
Prominentt theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku discusses Leslie Kean's new book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record. In the televised interview aired on Monday August 23, 2010 he says that the evidence in Kean's book is compelling, and admits that 5% of UFO reports are real. He concludes UFOs are worth officially investigating.
55th anniversary of Eisenhower nuclear diplomacy with ET? (February 6th, 2009)
Did President Eisenhower have a meeting with extraterrestrial ambassadors on the evening of Feb 20, 1954 to discuss the impending test of the largest U.S. hydrogen bomb ever detonated? Rumors have circulated for years that President Eisenhower was secretly whisked away from his family holiday at Palm Springs, California to Edwards Air Force base for a rendezvous with ambassadors from another world. Alleged whistleblowers claiming to have seen photos or documents concerning the meeting, or having actually attended the meeting itself, have over the years surfaced to tell their astounding story. With the passage of time, many have passed away. Some told family members who have revealed what they were told of Eisenhower's remarkable meeting. February 20, 2009 marks the 55th anniversary of this alleged meeting and the nuclear diplomacy with extraterrestrial visitors that secretly occurred 9 days before the Bravo Hydrogen bomb test on March 1, 1954.
(...) I have been successful in tracking down additional witnesses and family members who claim that they saw events or documents associated with Eisenhower's secret extraterrestrial liaison. For example, the widow of a former Military Policeman, claims that he witnessed Eisenhower visiting Edwards Air Force Base on the night in question. Eisenhower entered a secure hangar with a flying saucer (the earlier term used for UFOs) inside that was being guarded by the MP who was sworn to secrecy. Another military widow claims that her husband saw photos of Eisenhower meeting extraterrestrials while he was stationed at the Pentagon. Her husband was also sworn to secrecy. Another witness is a retired USAF medic, stationed at the time near Palm Springs at George Air Force base. He claims that his medical unit was ordered to provide stand by medical support in case of an emergency at nearby Norton Air Force base where Eisenhower boarded a C-45. Eisenhower was then quickly flown to Palmdale, which is adjacent to Edwards Air Force base. Furthermore, more testimonies have emerged confirming that Edwards Air Force base was subjected to an unprecedented three day shut down during the period of Eisenhower's alleged visit. This is the first concrete proof that something with extraordinary national security implications was taking place at Edwards Air Force Base during Eisenhower's California 'holiday'. What has been especially surprising is the strong conviction of witnesses and/or their family members who after more than 50 years remain convinced that President Eisenhower was involved in an extraordinary meeting at Edwards Air Force base. Together with other witness testimonies, a compelling case can finally be made that President Eisenhower did in fact meet with extraterrestrials to conduct secret nuclear diplomacy on the night of February 20, 1954. CLIP
Video: President Eisenhower's Atom for Peace Speech
Eisenhower's famous Atom's for Peace speech at the United Nations just over two months before the meeting on December 8, 1953, indicated that he supported ending nuclear weapons development and testing. Eisenhower was not alone in his desire which apparently was shared by extraterestrials. If he did meet with extraterrestrials on Feb 20, the detonation of the 15 Megaton Bravo Hydrogen bomb nine days later on March 1, 1954, clearly signalled the failure of the secret nuclear diplomacy.
Colonel claims he briefed Bobby Kennedy on UFOs (June 24, 2010) video
Col. Philip J. Corso served in many important roles during his Army career, among those he was on the staff of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and would brief the president personally. He also worked at the Pentagon for sometime serving as the chief of the foreign technology division. Here he says he handled debris from the crash of an alien spaceship in Roswell, and was privy to many of our government's secrets regarding extraterrestrials. In this video he claims that he briefed then Attorney General Bobby Kennedy directly on this issue, who he believes briefed the President, JFK. - For more on this read Bobby Kennedy and UFOs and go HERE
UFO Photos | Finland, 1979
Area 51 UFO Photo! A compelling picture!
Tangible Evidence of UFO Alien Visitation MUST SEE!!!
A doctor takes out alien equipment and chips from human abductees. To watch the whole TV report - Close Encounters-Proof of Alien Contact, click HERE
US GOVERMENT: There are 38 Levels above TOP SECRET! UFO
US Goverment secret's revealed, there are 38 clearance levels above TOP SECRET. The highest of all is COSMIC. Even the president of the United States does not have access to it. There are approx. 25 people worldwide who have access to that level. Its all about UFO and extra-terrestical sightings, recoveries and facts. As we know now, they do exist, and they (US Goverment) know all about it!
Amazing Nazi Technology Revealed in 1946 Harper's Magazine Article
A concise summary of a most amazing article published in the October 1946 edition of Harper's Magazine, just over a year after the end of WWII. This highly intriguing article reveals that the US government recovered many tons worth of secret documents from the Nazis. These astonishing documents showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that in almost all areas of scientific research, the Nazis were far ahead of the allied forces - often by a factor of 10 years or more. How was this possible? With similar financial resources and brain power to that of the allies, how did they make such huge leaps in technology in such a short span of time? It doesn't really make sense unless you consider the possibility that they might have had access to technology from some advanced civilization. Could they have recovered one or more crashed UFOs and back engineered the technology? Sound far fetched? Can you come up with a better explanation? For solid evidence of this possibility, click here.
Charles HALL and the Tall Whites Another perception of the extraterrestrial phenomenon and the Area 51
The Tall Whites, an extraterrestrial race coming from an unknown planet is a really recent phenomenon in the sense that Paola Harris and later, Michael Salla, discovered the existence of a retired airman, Charles Hall who lived with those alien on Nellis range, Nevada in 1967. This race could be as important for the human destiny as the Short Greys popularized by the abduction literature except that they don't abduct humans according to Charles. Hall decided to reveal all his story in a semi fictitious trilogy - "Millenial Hospitality"- and the less we can say is that this story is really an amazing one, another way to describe the extraterrestrial phenomenon an specially the notorious Area 51
(...) Karma One : Did the Teacher ever tell you if other human beings like us exist in other region of the universe or are we quite unique?
Charles Hall : Yes. As I stated in my answer to question #4, I quote from "Millennial Hospitality II The World We Knew" in the chapter entitled "Landing Lights"
"Are there many planets like the Earth out in space?" I asked.
"Yes," she ( The Teacher ) responded. "There are quite a few. However, humans are the only people that we have seen who live so closely with their animals. For example, you feel comfortable milking cows, riding horses, and playing with dogs. Every one of those animals could kill you, but you naturally use your intelligence to determine how each of those animals is thinking. Then you naturally take control of them. Only humans do that. On most planets, once people become intelligent, they don't want to have anything to do with the animals that are much less intelligent then they are, so they kill them off.
"Also, humans will eat almost anything. On all of the other planets, the intelligent people will only eat plants. We, for example, only eat plants."
Karma One : You say that "they fear our intuitive ability and extra sensory perceptions". Can you explain that point? Are we so intuitive toward them?
Charles Hall : I think what I actually said was that the Tall Whites are envious of our ability to mentally multi-task. They themselves seem to concentrate on only one thing at a time. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. The Tall Whites are physically more fragile than we are and therefore are afraid of us, just as we humans are naturally afraid of gorillas in the jungle. That fear has nothing to do with intuitive abilities or extrasensory perception. They are also afraid because we are completely at home here on the planet earth. We, as humans, are naturally built to survive here on the earth. We understand the animals and feel comfortable handling them. We fight with each other and then laugh it off and become friends. Our bodies can take tremendous physical damage and heal quickly. We handle bee stings, minor dog bites, being kicked by a mule, falling off logs, etc. We enjoy watching, playing, and laughing at brutal contact sports such as football and ice hockey. They can't do any of those things. They consider the earth to be a "Š cold and desolate wilderness." We kill each other every time we have a war. The Tall Whites view humans as rather rough and tumble creatures, who happen to have discovered how to make nuclear weapons. It is little wonder then, that they are naturally afraid of us.
Karma One : The Tall Whites seem to have telepathic abilities and they seem to like Mind control. They can read our Mind? At long distance or at close range? Is it a natural ability or they need some technological tool to perform that?
Charles Hall : As I describe in my books of the Millennial Hospitality series, The Tall Whites can only read a human's mind if they are using their technology. In particular, they had to be wearing one of their electronic communication devices. The longest distance that I ever personally saw it operate at was one and a quarter miles. It frequently happened, especially during the daytime, that many of the Tall Whites would come to where I was and they would not be wearing their electronic devices. On those occasions, if none of them had learned to speak English, the only way to communicate with them was using hand signals - pointing, gesturing, etc. If they chose to electronically hypnotize a human, they had to use one of their microwave based electronic devices. In that case, the human was simply hypnotized, exactly the same as if, say, he had been hypnotized by a magician during a stage show. I note that The Tall Whites have hearing at least as good as that of a dog. Like a dog, or a rhinoceros, they appear able to hear sounds whose frequencies are too high for a human to hear. I believe that, like a Rhinoceros, their vocal cords can also make sounds that are too high for a human to hear. This means that when several of them came around to where I was, they could talk between themselves using sounds that I could not hear. On those occasions, if a human didn't realize what was happening, it would seem as if they were practicing telepathic communication between themselves.
Karma One : Do you know what kind of technology the Tall Whites exchanged with the Air Force: Aircraft, weapon, mind control related technology?
Charles Hall : The Tall Whites were only willing to exchange technology with the US Military if it was to their advantage to do so. I am certain that technology relating to the building of better radios and electronics in general was one area where the Tall Whites and the US Military exchanged technology. Creating better quality building and construction materials that could be used to repair their Deep Space Craft was another. The Tall Whites naturally benefited if we humans were capable of building, and constructing trade items. They were willing to exchange information relating to medicine, food, clothing, electronics, nuclear reactors, scientific details relating to our solar system and nearby solar systems, creating better metals, ceramics, and plastics. However, the Tall Whites had no desire to exchange technological secrets relating to anti-gravity drive, travelling faster than the speed of light, or to various forms of advanced weaponry. They greatly preferred to form joint teams with the US Military where the Tall Whites provided and operated the Deep Space craft, handled all of the building & repair of the anti-gravity drives, the propulsion system, and the advanced weaponry.
Karma One : Was the central US Government, the CIA etc aware of the existence of the Tall Whites and the existence of a mutual agreement? Or is it just a private agreement, some kind of skunk work between the Air Force and the Tall Whites?
Charles Hall : I am quite certain that the Tall Whites have several agreements with the Highest levels in the U.S. Government, including with the US President, the US Congress, the US Air Force, the US Military, and with the CIA. I am quite certain that the Tall White leaders have met with the highest leaders in the US Government, the US military, and the CIA including The US President, several of the highest ranking Senators and Congressional leaders, the highest ranking USAF Generals, and the highest levels of the CIA . I am quite certain that all of those leaders were well aware that they were meeting with the Tall White Extra-Terrestrials. CLIP
KUNDALINI TALES: An interview with Richard SAUDER
Some Mind Control victim's -from Kathleen Sullivan to Cathy O'Brien- and less known victims all agreed to says that they have been guided to underground military bases, sometimes very weird. Is it plausible or was is a deliberate set up, a show to intimidate them?
Richard Sauder: There certainly have been many people who have reported being abducted, in some cases seemingly by American military units or intelligence operatives, and taken to mysterious underground facilities or bases where they have witnessed and experienced highly unusual events and procedures, in some cases even involving entities that appear non-human, or perhaps extraterrestrial. As the numbers of such reports grow over the years, I am inclined to believe that at least some of these reports must be credible, and maybe a great many of them. There is frequently also an element of mind control involved in these stories. In my research, I have personally communicated with a number of people who have reported being taken to strange underground facilities. I can mention the ones I have spoken with who have already gone public with their stories. Christa Tilton, who is perhaps best known for coming forth with her story about being taken to what she called the Dulce base back in the 1980s, where she saw very strange technological apparatuses and creatures, and had many bizarre experiences; Melinda Leslie, who is very actively involved in researching and speaking about this very theme as a result of her own abductions and experiences; Larry Warren, the UFO investigator and co-author with Peter Robbins of the book, Left at East Gate, who was taken to a secret, deep underground base beneath the American military base at Bentwaters in southern England; and the mind control researcher and activist, Carol Rutz, author of the book, A Nation Betrayed, who has also written and spoken on these topics as a consequence of her own horrific experiences as a child and young woman.
In this regard, I might also mention the writings and research of the late Karla Turner, whose work also touched on this question, in part, and with whom I had some very brief contact before her death.
Of course these experiences and abductions to underground bases are staged! In the sense that they are not normal, everyday events, it is only logical to say that they are staged. The question is: why, and by whom, are they staged? The more I work with these sorts of questions and stories the more I am forced to question the nature of reality itself. It may be the case that virtually everything that happens on this planet is "staged" or in some sense programmed by the directors of the theatrical production called "Life on Earth" that we are all starring in. Maybe the directors mostly remain just out of sight in the wings, or underground. Though there is definitely a mind control theme that reoccurs in many of these stories, there is also a genetic theme that keeps popping up too.
Perhaps what you are getting at in your question is whether all human beings, all "apparent" human beings, are really human, or terrestrial humans, at any rate. Perhaps others have so seamlessly woven themselves into our race and our reality that they can stage operations where they move humans back and forth between our reality and theirs, using the American military, and subterranean military installations, as one cover for their machinations. Of course this raises the question as to how much of what we see and recognize as "terrestrial human" reality really is "terrestrial human" reality! The short answer for me is: who knows? I have arrived at the point where it is clear to me that we are postively awash in a sea of misinformation, disinformation, lies, propaganda, deceit and cover-ups of every conceivable and inconceivable variety. Who in their right mind believes anymore that they can read the daily newspaper or watch the television news broadcasts and find out what "really" is happening on planet Earth? Probably like most people reading this interview I went away to school and learned from my teachers the "facts" of and about life, the world, history, society, the universe, and so forth ad nauseam. Now I am questioning almost everything!
(...) Karma one : This question is the consequence of the previous one : the extraterrestrial abductions don't really exist but they are used as a smoke screen for Mind Control experiments involving solely military personal and psychiatrists (and why not, fake and artificial alien beings)?
Richard Sauder: I think the situation is very muddled and unclear, and by conscious design. I think there may be extraterrestrials here, though I cannot prove that. We do know that the CIA and others have had very serious mind control programs. MK-Ultra is certainly just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I suspect that both human military, and also non-military non-human agents are carrying out abductions, sometimes alone and sometimes in concert with each other.
Why? I don't know for sure. I have as many questions as anyone. But it occurs to me that one motivation for all this abducting and mind controlling could be genetic and archival, in this sense: geneticists tell us that something like 97% of the human genome is so-called "junk" DNA. To them, this "junk" DNA is meaninglessly repetitive nonsense. I am wondering however, if a great deal of data may not be concealed in this seemingly repetitive "nonsense"-- racial data, racial memory, a galactic informational archive, a cosmic memory bank, if you will. Maybe we are all full of it, and depending on your genetic line you may carry more or less of certain types of information that is valuable or meaningful to this or that galactic or even terrestrial faction. Maybe as genetic science advances - the marriage of biochemistry, genetics, micro-electronics and digital technology permit the downloading and intelligent deciphering of the information encoded in our DNA - maybe stretching back millions, even billions of years. This information may be a very hot commodity, for all sorts of reasons, on the galactic market and right here on Earth, within the super-secret confines of powerful initiatic societies, or the military-industrial-espionage complex, to cite but two possible examples.
It does seem possible that the military and rogue psychiatrists may use screen realities of "alien" abduction to conceal their own activities. But perhaps the opposite occurs as well- maybe so-called "aliens" also use screen memories, in this case to make themselves appear to be human military units!
There may also be other humans on the planet who are not of terrestrial origin, but who also who may seek to cloak and conceal their activities. The more I learn and research, and the more I reflect, the more it seems to me that it is likely that there are other planets across the galaxy with resident human populations. It even occurs to me that this may be one factor in the very obvious UFO cover-up. There are many UFO encounters where contactees report seeing so-called Nordic aliens, who are completely human in appearance, and resemble northern Europeans. Think how explosive politically and socially it would be if the human population of this planet became aware that not only is there life on other planets in the galaxy, but that there are other human populations out there, and that the truth of human history is FAR, FAR DIFFERENT than we have been taught by our alleged academic, religious and political "authorities"and that human life and human history span the galaxy stretching unimaginably far back into the mists of time. Go out alone on a dark, clear night, gaze up at the Milky Way and ponder that.
(...) Karma One : The Mind Control at large (control through media, drugs, religionsŠ) could follow an hidden agenda : forbid the human being to develop a connection with natural phenomenon, the development of the Kundalini. What does it really mean? Did you find some real and material proofs, evidences of this fact, the existence of such an agenda?
Richard Sauder :Well, I do not doubt for a minute that the goal of all of the chemical additives, pharmaceutical compounds, electronic mind control and myriad other methods of body and mind control is to prevent humanity from achieving its natural, glorious potential. Sure, the dampening of the Kundalini is part of that. For me the Kundalini is nothing more nor less than the conscious, cosmic life force and energy that pervades the universe from the smallest micro- to the largest macro-level and all points and levels between. It is at once supremely powerful, and yet exquisitely subtle and delicate beyond the capacity of the ordinary human mind to comprehend. Imagine mind-boggling, stupendous force on the level of a galactic power source with billions of huge stars and their solar systems in its orbit, simultaneously intimately informed by the nimble grace of a delicate butterfly, or the lilting mating call of a tiny bird rustling in a garden shrub as it searches out a nesting location on a beautiful spring day, or the intricate spirals of an infinitude of sub-atomic particles incessantly spinning through the void of creation for billions of years!
World without end, amen!
That's the Kundalini, and so much more. And it's all alive and bursting with grace, real spiritual grace, and power and consciousness and staggering self- and other-awareness that will leave you open-mouthed with amazement and astonishment. That's what the miserable wretches that are trying to impose their pathetic totalitarian control over this planet do not want you to know! They don't want you to have that! They want you poverty stricken, on your knees with fear and trembling, vulnerable, stupid, ignorant, weak, sickly, malnourished, confused, sad, downcast, exploited, under- and mis-educated, manipulable, helpless, propagandized.
By way of contrast, the well-balanced and fully risen Kundalini is inspiring, invigorating, enlightening, uplifting, encouraging, sane, supremely intelligent, self-confident, bright, energetic, healthful, cheerful, hopeful, creative, communicative and so forth.
(...) Our future depends on whether we bow to their pathetic demands and accede to their agenda of death and destruction, or, or! -- instead jointly establish a cooperative, peaceful, uplifting, sane, healthy, Kundalini-enlightened culture that takes its rightful place in an open galactic society full of cosmic potential and joy. I much prefer the second choice - will you join me?
FIRST CONTACT Gerry Zeitlin, from Open SETI gives an interview to Karmapolis about the plausible origin of mankind
In an interview without cliché, a retired American scientist/engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, SETI program, follower of Taoism, enthusiast of the amazing and mysterious behaviour of the most elemental particles in physics, Gerry Zeitlin talks about extraterrestrial life, the SETI, the Myths and the ancients Gods, about Reptilians and the Disclosure Project. A non-classical point of view, a non-ideological one that opens doors rather than build definitive ideas. A challenge to the pure Darwinist (just a little fascist) vision of the Evolution of Man. To the great displeasure of the academic authorities and mainstream media, the kind of approach sustained by Gerry is a fascinating adventure that opens the doors to another conception of the plausible origins of Mankind, maybe extraterrestrial. Open SETI and The End of Enchantment, the two Web sites animated by Gerry an Malou Zeitlin look at other signs than the classical electronic signal from an unknown source that for which SETI scans days and nights. Open SETI, as its name seems to mean, enlarges the scope and examines signs and traces, artefacts from ancient civilisations, old scriptures and sacred texts from less known religious traditions and other clues suggesting that mankind and civilisation pop up suddenly from nowhere without progression and logic. Maybe those old texts and Myths could tell real stories with real people and maybe again, Myths are not only metaphor and allegory. Open SETI is also a site where you can find some new answers about energy, systems in physics and about the fact that Macrocosm could be a mirror of Microcosm, Galaxies could submit itself to the same kind of laws than the intimacy of matters, the small particles. So, if you would like to be involved in an unorthodox but still scientific vision of life and exobiology, pay a visit to Open SETI, but first read the exclusive interview that Gerry Zeitlin gave to Karmapolis. And if you understand French, read our article about the origin of man and the alien, a good introduction to this subject.
Subject: UFO Disclosure
Date: 16 Oct 2010
For those of us who understand the bigger picture and the horrors of what is really going on in the world, due in large part to alternative sources of information like the ERN compilations and others, it has become extremely frustrating to realize that no amount of internal correction in the form of elections or any other normally accepted channels of peaceful change springing from gradual public awareness is going to make a difference any time soon. Nor are there any visionaries on the horizon. Galileo is not walking through that door. Jefferson is not walking through that door.
Nothing short of massive external intervention of the type that can come from UFO/ET public disclosure is going to save this foundering ship. Therefore, the frustration is compounded when we continually read prophesies on the Internet that never materialize about impending UFO/ET disclosures which are supposed to be initiated by the ET's themselves (or in one case, Obama), and be dramatic, incontrovertible, unambiguous and finally end the decades-long UFO truth embargo.
The ERN compilations routinely include these predictions from the likes of Suzy Ward, Mike Quincy and now this Stanley Fulham, whose recent Oct. 13, 2010 prognostication fell as flat as the others. Apparently, these people have no qualms about losing their credibility, but I will not read anything else put forth by Suzy Ward or Mike Quincy, and now I will add Stanley Fulham to that list.
The recent ERN response to Sofia Aldunate about her similar concerns regarding Fulham's prediction is interesting, to say the least. If "... the transition process is done so smoothly that the public consciousness soon takes extraterrestrial life and intelligence as a normal reality ..." is what we have to wait for, then it will be many more decades, if not centuries, before public consciousness is raised to the required level, especially considering that, presently, the average person can't even think for himself. This acclimation process has been going on for at least 60 years, and from my vantage point, human nature and the human condition of exploitation of the many by the few doesn't seem to have changed much. If anything, it's gotten worse. Meanwhile, UFO/ET awareness continues to be suppressed and off the radar screen of mainstream public debate and discourse.
Perhaps the answer lies with the year 2012, and the sudden transformation associated with those prophesies. But is it safe to say that if the year 2012 comes and goes without incident, we can dismiss the idea of any sudden transformation? Or do we pin our hopes on yet the next wave of short term predictions that inevitably will result?
The estimation of what is likely to happen if disclosure should occur in the above mentioned response - "despite a little bit of initial commotion, most people and the media will quickly turn their attention elsewhere to more pressing concerns" - is similarly naïve. Isn't the media a big part of the problem to begin with? UFO disclosure very likely would not happen without tremendous, initial turmoil. It would be the death knell for the Illuminati and their centuries-old control, and they would not go gently into that good night without an enormous struggle to salvage as much of what they have built up over this time. The world would change dramatically virtually overnight, with respect to suppressed UFO-related technologies, and short term chaos related to the ultimate obsolescence of the 5 trillion dollar per year fossil fuels industries would most likely prevail until some semblance of the true meaning of the paradigm shift could be universally understood. Of course, according to some, the Illuminati are supposed to be preparing a UFO disclosure of their own - one based on fear and xenophobia, which they will use as a pretext and justification for the final clampdown and total control.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet on the Illuminati to win this race to disclosure, as it appears the ETs are content on playing their cat and mouse game indefinitely, and no one is able to understand or predict their agenda. I wish they would prove me wrong!
Bill Cain
Thanks for your detailed feedback and many interesting thoughts. I'd like to address some of the (mostly valid) concerns you raise.
I perfectly understand your frustration about the slow pace of ET disclosure of the genuine kind - not an Illuminati staged one for fear/control purpose as you mention. The fact however is that the mainstream media have simply not given any serious air-time to cover what happened on Oct 13 which is probably why you did not hear anything about it. Much happened in the low key manner I anticipated as you'll see in the relevant section of my next compilation. Such a poor coverage is plain normal though. Just consider their utter silence on the ongoing crop formations (crop circles) phenomenon in summertime and their lack of coverage of the daily UFO sightings of all kinds around the world - this is just of no interest to the media's corporate sponsors and Illuminati controllers.
However, there is, in my view, a growing level of coverage of the ET/UFO reality and ever more people who are interested in it and convinced that this is for real indeed. Like the metaphor of the frog that does not notice nor react to the slowly raising temperature of the pot of water it sits in, a similar increase in the background "noise" on UFO/ET affairs in the printed, electronic and Web media (for instance, just think about all the recent coverage given to this issue by CNN) over the past couple years has brought this topic to such a level of near-normality in our current cultural paradigm that, despite some residual stigma attached to it from the years of mind-control manipulations that went into turning this whole topic into a cause for ridicule and utter dismissal, most people are now fairly comfortable with the notion of us not being alone in the universe.
As for those who are in the ET disclosure prediction business, although I would not personally venture predicting any firm date for any such event, I think that despite the "underwhelming" lack of tangible results to show for their predictions, those who still continue to press on with mentions of new upcoming and highly anticipated events play a useful role in that they wet our appetite for such a thing while using their claims to widen the circle of those who are informed about this possibility and somewhat interested in seeing it happen. It is an awareness-raising niche that has its usefulness among many other approaches to this matter. But, obviously, one is always free to ignore their messages of hope if they are deemed too unrealistic.
Finally, as for my being "naïve" concerning the media, granted, I may sound like it to you but I prefer to hope for the best, to see the glass half full, instead of being convinced of the worst... especially in my role as a disseminator of all kinds of news and info with so much of it being depressing and thus perhaps disempowering in term of motivating the ERN readers to being actively engaged towards working for the solutions instead of merely staring at the problems... I would be irresponsible I think if in my comments I would not sometime offer some reasonable optimistic glimmers of hope, if only to balanced out a bit all the negative stuff I have to report on - because that's what is there and thus cannot be ignored.
Also, as for your mention of a scenario in which the world would change dramatically overnight, I believe your description of it is overtly dramatic. True, there will be some measure of upheaval and a fast learning curve for most people as they will need to adjust their paradigmatic understanding of what is to the new fact on the ground of highly advanced civilizations from abroad and from other dimensions offering to provide assistance to help us fix the local and global environment mess we've created, eliminate extreme poverty and bring peace and sanity to this planet - all of which BTW we can already achieve anytime now, if only we really collectively wanted it, but most certainly not as efficiently and as quickly - which our dire situation now requires - as it will be with a "little help" from our friends and soul families. However, we will adapt. We have been "shocked and awed" mightily on 9/11, and we survived. And however fast the pace of technological change we will have to go through, the transition of most of China from a backwater developing country to a 21st century vibrant and technologically advanced society in less than a couple decades proves that, given the right visionary leadership (there is plenty of it today if you look beyond the political sphere) and sufficient social cohesion and individual motivation (which has to come through spiritual awakening and certainly not coercion as in China), human beings can quickly adapt and evolve to become welcomed members of the larger community of space-faring civilizations... which is what humanity will have become by the end of this century. Of course, everything won't be rosy and perfect overnight as there will remain pockets of "backwaterness" just as there is today, but overall - and this is the vision I choose to hold - our world will have moved from an era of mad violence and pitchfork darkness, metaphorically speaking, to a bright new dimension of manifested love and compassion like this planet has never known before.
(end of quote)
Make sure to also read below in item #1 the most interesting information taken from Stan Fulham's website
Get Real Alien Footage and start believing now!
Posted by: Alien Steve | 15 October 2011 at 03:43
Thanks for this article, could really use some abstracts from it. Will link back to your page of course!
Again, appreciate it!
Posted by: UFO sightings | 18 June 2011 at 01:44
Nothing short of massive external intervention of the type that can come from UFO/ET public disclosure is going to save this foundering ship. Therefore, the frustration is compounded when we continually read prophesies on the Internet that never materialize about impending UFO/ET disclosures which are supposed to be initiated by the ET's themselves (or in one case, Obama), and be dramatic, incontrovertible, unambiguous and finally end the decades-long UFO truth embargo.
Posted by: chrisitian louboutin | 26 May 2011 at 18:14
I'd like to read more from you.
Posted by: christian louboutin | 10 December 2010 at 16:12