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Looks like inconclusive evidence to me, most likely ancient riverbeds and standard hills.

Emily Cragg, B.S., M.A., webmaster

Al, no. This is wrong. What it is is a high wall [like the Great Wall of China] with a cistern [brightly sun-lit] on top, people walking around the base to the left, and human figures standing in a top-corner of the wall staring at the camera.

It's people. There's no industry here, and the "slice" is about one foot by 20 ft. WHY are these researchers AGREEING on something that isn't real at all? I don't understand.

The RESTORED and corrected photo is on my Profile page. Call me. This has me somewhat irate due to the fact such false info has been given a lot of publicity; and I'm going to keep hammering on it unless someone gives me a good reason not to.

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