NASA: BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico approaching Mississippi coast
This article is part of an ongoing Examiner.com series on the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill and its environmental, economic, social and exopolitical impacts.
The BP oil spill operation in the Gulf of Mexico has been variously analyzed as (1) “a looming environmental mega-disaster;” (2) “a corporate/governmental cover-up of a catastrophic environmental disaster;” and (3) “a disaster capitalism false flag operation to wreck the environment in the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern U.S. seaboard as an act of environmental war.”
As set out in the Examiner.com article below, the environmental, social and economic impact of the BP oil spill operation is catastrophic, though difficult to measure because of the lack of reliable information from the U.S. government and BP. Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, who stated that “A hurricane strike in the Gulf of Mexico would dump an oil and water mixture all over the South, potentially reaching hundreds of miles inland,” has addressed the possibility of “the oil leak lasting most of our lifetimes.”
One report now indicates that “Florida Governor Charlie Crist is preparing to declare a major state of emergency in Florida with evacuation of coastal residents, especially those prone to the deadly benzene fumes, being a top priority for state emergency responders.” Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) has confirmed reports that the BP wellbore is pierced and oil seeping from seabed in multiple places.
Dispersants may compound the environmental and health impacts of the oil spill. “According to the Environmental Protection Agency about 1.08 million gallons of dispersant have been deployed in the Gulf, with 779,000 gallons used on the surface and 303,000 gallons used under the water. Jerald Ault, a professor at the University of Miami, said Corexit could have "significant" effects on the food chain and on environmental and human heath.”
Examiner.com has documented the operational existence of Tesla-based teleportation as an operational technology for transporting goods and people over distances in the classified U.S. defense projects. Likewise preliminary evidence has established the existence of U.S. space vehicles using anti-gravity energy and other advanced propulsion systems.
The U.S. government has historically classified teleportation exclusively as a weapons technology, for transporting troops to battle locations, or personnel and goods between secure military bases.
The environmental, economic and social impacts of the BP oil leak operation may mobilize public awareness and political will to transform this policy decision, and make teleportation available for civilian use, worldwide.
How the BP oil leak operation may affect extraterrestrial disclosure, either by governments or by specific extraterrestrial civilizations themselves, is an unknown “wildcard.”
One researcher has taken the view that a grey and reptilian-based extraterrestrial hyper-dimensional alliance is concerned about humanity because of our propensity to environmental degradation. The researcher highlights an environmental catastrophe as the trigger for open relations between humanity and the greys and grey-human hybrids. He states, “If these accounts of salvation are true, then the aliens' message is clear: After the catastrophe, whatever it is, takes place, the late-stage hybrids and perhaps the aliens themselves will engage in a general integration into human society. As one hybrid told [contactee] Claudia Negron, ‘Soon all life will be changed. People will be different.’ Presumably, we will all live in peace and harmony. The environment will be healthy and there will be no more war or conflict.”
This Examiner.com article examines whether the BP oil spill operation is likely to accelerate disclosure of teleportation, anti-gravity energy and/or the extraterrestrial and UFO presence.