AP: PM David Cameron and Deputy PM Nick Clegg at 10 Downing St
According to one May 10, 2010 eyewitness report about Chalfont St. Giles, “There are some strange things happening over our small village. I saw some jets chasing a small faster object and then it all went strange and some army vans went flying past me. Somebody in the village got it on his phone and posted the video to YouTube but it was taken down a few hours later. The really strange thing is that there is a funny smell that appears every now and again, a bit like bad eggs but not really that strong.” A local newspaper has reported that the video was online and was taken down, although the newspaper cannot confirm the authenticity of the video,
At a meeting in Tynemouth, North Tyneside David Cameron, who is now UK Prime Minister in a Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government, was reported on January 27, 2009 to have said as Opposition Leader in the UK Parliament: "I have no idea there is intelligent life out there and no idea whether any of the sightings which have taken place or whether any incidents which have taken place have any basis in truth.
"When people have looked at the Roswell incident, or when people have looked at pictures... a rational explanation tends to be produced to try and show what has happened is not what those who believe in UFOs suggest.
"But I think we should be a open as possible, so I would be quite happy to give you a guarantee that if I became prime minister I would always be entirely open and frank about these things.
"I don't think any of us have any clue whether there's intelligent life out there and it is certainly not something that any government should seek to hide from anyone."
As Examiner.com has reported, “With its twin actions of (1) shutting down U.K. Ministry of Defence public UFO reports desk and (2) adopting a secret policy (revealed February 18, 2010) of destroying all UFO reports after 30 days, the U.K. Ministry of Defence has effectively adopting [the same public response profile and policy toward UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena] as the U.S. Department of Defense. It has done so with a psyops show of mock paranoia toward the exopolitical research community, and a false note of “no inter-governmental communication regarding the extraterrestrial presence”. All of this has the impact of, and is most probably calculated to, result in more official obfuscation and stone-walling regarding the extraterrestrial presence.”
The Cameron-Clegg government has entered power in the U.K. at a time when possible institutional changes resulting in extraterrestrial disclosure are underway in the Russian Federation, and in Denver’s August 2010 Extraterrestrial Affairs commission vote.
Given the U.K. Ministry of Defence’s stone-walling actions toward UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure, is Prime Minister Cameron’s promise of an “open” and frank” policy toward UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure an empty campaign platform, or is there the intention of true change? Will Conservative Prime Minister Cameron buck the regressive trend toward UFO disclosure at the U.K. Ministry of Defence? Finally, is there any significance to UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s birthplace of the village of Chalfont St Giles, England being a UFO hot spot?
One development with possible positive impact on the prospects for UFO/extraterrestrial disclosure is that both Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, prior to their 2010 election, publicly opposed the extradition to the U.S. of Gary McKinnon, who reportedly discovered evidence of “non-terrestrial” U.S. personnel.
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