My recruitment into a classified project involving Time & Quantum Access technologies, and Gaia’s urgent call for Disclosure
This is a glimpse into a personal experience of how a few years ago I, Ki’ Lia, got recruited into an extremely dangerous mission to Mars, and my strange and profound encounter with secret society agents and their use of time and quantum access technologies to manipulate our collective evolution.
This is a revelation about how government agencies currently have been establishing Mars as a survival colony and how the widely-prophesied date of 2012 has been seen as diverging into two major timelines, either catastrophe or transcendence.
While those not familiar with any of these concepts might find my story unbelievable and shocking, my story is organically emerging and being normalized in an exopolitical context as established by many courageous new and longtime whistleblowers and researchers of classified trillion-dollar Black Budget projects. I’m not asking anyone to believe in any particular ideology or philosophy, rather I’m sharing my genuine experiences and understandings in hopes that others will explore and pursue the truths apart from the lies as fed to us from all angles in society.
I was recruited as an interdisciplinary designer and futurist who has been consulting and collaborating with many renowned new paradigm leaders. Primarily though, I have been a virtuoso artist in music, design, dance and writing, who has exhibited numerous praised works. I am also a multidimensional guide who has given hundreds of transformative readings and healings. I am also a human with the spectrum of emotions and flaws, who is vulnerable to this negative world. With an arts degree from Stanford University, I have been developing sacred song-dance rituals and a holographic theater model in relative seclusion, but am now publicly emerging to stand with other truth-tellers.
I am critically urging all world leaders and governments to disclose their engagement with UFOs, extraterrestrial civilizations and their core cover-up of life on Mars. I believe this information is unethically withheld beyond ordinary reasons of security. And time is running out for humanity to awaken from our slumber.
We all have a universal right to know and to live prosperously, so I am asking all citizens to be educated about our stellar history and destiny, as hidden in plain sight throughout all of society. With the keys to unlock our highest knowledge and potential, I believe we can build together an unprecedented, enlightened civilization.
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In 2012,there are some things in the world.I believe that will be the key to the London 2012 game.2012.Japan and Canada plan to make the transition in 2011, Britain in 2012 and China by 2015.India has entered negotiations to replace the Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012, in the same spirit.
Posted by: UGG Rainier | 03 November 2010 at 00:41
You know what charm is : A way of getting the answer "yes" without having asked any clear question.
Posted by: Air Jordans | 01 November 2010 at 02:11