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william castle

The story you tell is incredible and fascinating; i just wish you could tell it in a straightforward and less convoluted manner. Part of the problem with gaining greater understanding and serious consideration of the exo-issue in the public view is that the media and ordinary folk are disbelieving when the news and stories are wrapped in new age language and metaphysical allusion.

This is a serious matter, yet it is difficult to assess the message with such a wooly medium. Please, can we have just have the facts?

Bruce Fisher

Can't compliment you strongly enough! Your passion for all of us radiates brilliantly. Many thanks!


After reading this article which I found to be very interesting, my thought s ran the gammit of wondering if you were a part of FOI? Fellowship of ISIS? When talking about Goddesses and the Divine feminine. There are many of us women and men who honor the Divine Feminine and in so doing honor ourselves and others.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and enlightening our minds and souls.
Caroline A. Cook

Susan McDaniel

I totally agree with you 100%. We as people of a greater purpose need to wake up and see what is being done to us and join together in an attempt to expose and stop the destruction and manipulation of mankind. It truly is unbelievable and so very, very wrong.I am sick about this. I am commited to spreading the word about these people, groups and organizations, (and they know who they are)and will continue to do so til my last breath.

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