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The video has been remove from youtube
Posted by: Narcisse | 27 March 2013 at 19:30
can't c the vid.
Posted by: videos cristianos | 01 November 2011 at 15:01
This video is very revealing, this kind of topics around 2012 are getting most popular
Posted by: Videos Cristianos | 23 August 2011 at 11:55
Hola a todos, estoy feliz de estar aqui, me encanta este foro y me gustaria ayudar a esta comunidad en todo, Dios les bendiga.
Posted by: SomascoGB | 17 April 2011 at 21:02
I get the impression from a lot of speakers on the talk circuit they are scared to be called a gloom & doomer. For example Alfred's buddy Andrew said on the Dr. Brooks Agnew show recently that he traveled to Washington DC in 2013 and found it under 100' of water. If this is the case I don't care what happens in 2020. I want to know what to prepare for that causess Washington to go underwater by 2013.
Posted by: Randy Thigpen | 29 October 2009 at 18:18
Thank you, Pablo:
What Gives? Why is Alfred Webre Ignoring this?
"Please Send messages or call or FAX Alfred and tell him to CORRECT his information about Arthur. Arthur has never been employed by the the NSA and Where did he Ever state that he had a meeting for one hour on Mars as stated in the video explanation???
This is ridiculous and almost slanderous.
Who does Alfred work for/with?
What are his/there objectives?
Posted by: WHY | 08 October 2009 at 00:07
What Gives? Why is Alfred Webre Ignoring this?
Please Send messages or call or FAX Alfred and tell him to CORRECT his information about Arthur. Arthur has never been employed by the the NSA and Where did he Ever state that he had a meeting for one hour on Mars as stated in the video explanation???
This is ridiculous and almost slanderous.
Who does Alfred work for/with?
What are his/there objectives?
Posted by: Pablo | 06 October 2009 at 19:39
Please Send messages or call or FAX Alfred and tell him to CORRECT his information about Arthur. Arthur has never been employed by the the NSA and Where did he Ever state that he had a meeting for one hour on Mars as stated in the video explanation???
This is ridiculous and almost slanderous.
Who does Alfred work for/with?
What are his/there objectives?
Posted by: Reptiles Exterminators INC. | 03 October 2009 at 19:20
In this Futuretalk 5, I kept wishing I was there to butt in with a comment or input. I wish the youtube allowed comments, but I guess they don't?
Look, the vibe of the video was off a bit in that I felt they were pressing on to the viewers certain things, a bit fear-mongering.
I personally have in my own experience, knowledge, etc. come to understand that today -- as we are present, there are not any negative manipulative ET such as those behind the abductions, mutilations, psy-ops still on our planet. They have left for good and are no longer here as of very recently actually.
There are over hundreds of thousands of cultures from space, other dimensions, vibrations of being, most of which don't 'need' 'space ships' as they have evolved beyond those types of reality which we are so familiar with.
I must say, I see people are always seeking and seeking. But you will never find the satisfaction of TRUTH Within, looking for it exeternally!
There is NOTHING to fear, please people of Earth be aware that we are not doomed and we are in times of immense changes indeed -- but you do not have to go through harm or suffering. The elders of the ancient world have a message for the modern world, as our two worlds are merging and we are to awaken to our True being, fully-conscious, stewards of Earth, a living library of Light.
Yes Arthur was so on the spot, there is nothing to fear, our future is very bright and glorious, beyond our wildest dreams. This has all been with consent so to speak, you are not here against your will, and our efforts have and will be well-rewarded :)
I hope at least someone gets this message, because there is so much more I wish to share, but people please listen to your intuition, to your HEART.
Be in your Heart-space, stay connected to Earth and her Heart, and when it gets dark, real dark, darker than we have experienced yet, REMEMBER: it's darkest before dawn. If all else, stay still, breathe deeply, be happy and the light will come back & you will awaken to the world we have dreamed together!
We go where our consciousness goes! If you are in fear you will go somewhere with a fear-based vibration! SO BE IN LOVE AND LIGHT AS THAT IS ALL THAT IS!!!!!!!!
Posted by: yeshua | 19 September 2009 at 04:40
What a bunch of New Age Propaganda. Truth mixed in with lies same M.O. as the adversary used now for centuries...
Posted by: Deb Krekic | 17 September 2009 at 18:05
Dear Andrew D. Basiago, I listen to your story and found it interesting. I'm 37 and all my life I've had the same dream you had; somewhat. When you talked about going to the airforce base to meet the two aliens that were in something that looks like a car with no wheels and moves slowly untill going thru a bright light. That an more, is EXACTLY what i've been dreaming for decades. These two that came for me told me I had to go with them to the future and I did. I can't begin to describe what I saw because it was so strange I can't find the words to explain this. Please contact me.
Posted by: jason gapinski | 12 September 2009 at 20:50