Press Release
Barcelona welcomes world-class authorities on Earth's extraterrestrial presence
On the 25th & 26th of July, the Exopolitics European Summit will present proof of extraterrestrial interaction, and will also analyze its profound implications, to an audience of 1,380 people at the Hotel Meliá Sitges
5/05/2009 - Barcelona Source: Exopolitics Spain
Barcelona's hosting of the ''Exopolitics European Summit'' will set an important milestone in the Old Continent. Developed by the world's top authorities in the field of extraterrestrial disclosure, this event proposes a new social angle on a principle that is vital for humanity and that has, for many years, been officially denied and ridiculed -an imposition by the C.I.A.'s Robertsons Panel since 53. ''We are not alone in the Universe and we have never been''.
With this premise as a starting point, Barcelona will see the meeting of internationally known experts, such as Dr. Steven Greer, Director of the ''Disclosure Project'', which has compiled testimonies from more than 500 high ranking military, government and intelligence witnesses of the extraterrestrial presence; Nick Pope, who for many years had final word on MoD's ''UFO Files'' in the UK; Alfred L. Webre, who in 1977 directed a project of extraterrestrial communication proposed to the White House (at the Stanford Research Institute during Jimmy Carter's presidency), acts as International Director for the Institute for Cooperation In Space (ICIS), and is the one who first used the term ‘exopolitics’; Dr. Michael Salla, renowned researcher of international conflict resolution, of US foreign policy and international politics, not to mention his pioneering in the field of exopolitics; Paola Harris, research journalist in the field of extraterrestrial phenomena for over 30 years and International Director of the Exopolitics Institute; Klaus Dona, Art Exhibition Curator for the Habsburg Haus of Austria, is a field researcher of strange objects ('oo-parts') and unknown cultures, and has compiled more than 1700 pieces, amongst which there are bones of nonhuman origin; Stephen Bassett, who, in the U.S., is one of the main political activists for the end of the truth embargo, which for more than 60 years, has been imposed by our governments in regards to the extraterrestrial presence and its ties with the human race; and, Sgt. Mayor Robert Dean, who has been researching the extraterrestrial issue for over 40 years, has also studied the 1964 report titled, 'an Assessment', the NATO military study that acknowledged and analyzed the implications of the alien presence here on Earth. Representatives from European Exopolitics, from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Denmark, will be participating in the event as well.
In view of the present social climate generated by the disclosing, by numerous governments world wide, of all files pertaining to UFO sightings and extraterrestrial contact, Pepón Jover and Miguel Celades, the summit's originators and organizers, think that holding this event in Europe will have positive consequences, and more so in Barcelona, because of its international projection.
''We live a historic moment'' says Pepón Jover, we do if we attend to the avalanche of declassifying of said ''UFO Files or Extraterrestrial Files'' by the authorities of countries such as Canada, Denmark, France, England, Ireland, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Chile or Brazil and to recent NASA astronauts' statements (such as Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper or Story Musgrave), and from the Russian Space Agency (Marina Popovich) all of who declare openly that contact with extraterrestrial civilizations has occurred and that it has been hidden from us. The time has come when we must ask not if we are alone, but how we can help improve our society through the new paradigm that the field of Exopolitics offers us.
Miguel Celades, businessman, who is known for his innovative project for the compressed-air propelled vehicle, sees the summit as a great opportunity to evaluate the possibilities offered by derived technologies, such as free energies and antigravity propulsion.
''Society is prepared to know that we are not alone in the Universe'' adds Jover, we're far from those years when people used to fear the mere mention of the word 'extraterrestrial'. The conquests of the international space programs; scientific break-throughs, like the theory of Panspermia or the discovery of extra-solar planets and science fiction, mainly through Hollywood, have transformed the public's general overview on this subject. This is why governments are disclosing these files and we've reached the extreme where even the Vatican says that you can believe in both God and in extraterrestrials.
An event which aspires to pave over outdated ways and help build an alternative to the present model of socioeconomic development, a model currently undergoing a profound crisis, a model that does not offer viable solutions.
It's an unique opportunity for the different social actors, political, as well as academic and institutions, to approach a reality that, far from fiction, promises to transform our take on Life, the Universe and our place in it.
For more information about the summit, visit the event's web page:
Adrián García – Exopolitics Spain [email protected] Telf. (+34) 933623700