Videotape evidence confirms that Barack Obama does not refer to extraterrestrials or UFOs in Prague
AP: Barack & Michelle Obama, Prague, April 5 2009
Contrary to an unfounded rumors published on an internet website by a former U.S. Naval Intelligence officer, and circulating in the UFO/ET community, a review of the actual videotape
of the full, unedited version of US President Barack Obama's April 5,
2009 disarmament speech in Prague, as made available by the Czech
presidency of the European Union, reveals that Obama did not make any
direct or oblique reference to the role of extraterrestrials in
preventing nuclear war on earth. Neither does the full text
of Obama’s speech as delivered, which conforms to Obama’s reading of it
from a teleprompter, make any direct or oblique reference to
extraterrestrial civilizations. Unfounded rumors published by the
former U.S. Naval Intelligence officer of CNN’s removal of
extraterrestrial references by Obama before re-broadcasting the speech
appear to be false as well, as there were no such references made
Obama’s Prague speech.