VANCOUVER, B.C. - One week into his Presidency, Barack Obama is proving to be an enigma for those observers who want to go beyond stereotype.
On the one hand, Obama has had the shortest "Honeymoon" in living memory amongst those who point out that his selection of Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff, and his core economic team are Trilateralists responsible for the policies of the present financial collapse, and who see Obama as a figurehead of the New World Order.
Researcher Michel Chossudovsky states, for example, "Is Obama committed to "taming Wall Street" and "disarming financial markets"?
Ironically, it was under the Clinton administration that these policies of "greed and irresponsibility" were adopted.
The 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) was conducive to the the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. A pillar of President Roosevelt’s "New Deal", the Glass-Steagall Act was put in place in response to the climate of corruption, financial manipulation and "insider trading" which resulted in more than 5,000 bank failures in the years following the 1929 Wall Street crash.
Bill Clinton signs into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act, November 12, 1999
the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act, effective control over
the entire US financial services industry (including insurance
companies, pension funds, securities companies, etc.) had been
transferred to a handful of financial conglomerates and their
associated hedge funds.
The Engineers of Financial Disaster
Who are the architects of this debacle?
In a bitter irony, the engineers of financial disaster are now being considered by President-Elect Barack Obama's Transition Team for the position Treasury Secretary:
Lawrence Summers played a key role in lobbying Congress for the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act. His timely appointment by President Clinton in 1999 as Treasury Secretary spearheaded the adoption of the Financial Services Modernization Act in November 1999. Upon completing his mandate at the helm of the US Treasury, he became president of Harvard University (2001- 2006).
Paul Volker was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in the l980s during the Reagan era. He played a central role in implementing the first stage of financial deregulation, which was conducive to mass bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions, leading up to the 1987 financial crisis.
Timothy Geithner is CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which is the most powerful private financial institution in America. He was also a former Clinton administration Treasury official. He has worked for Kissinger Associates and has also held a senior position at the IMF. The FRBNY plays a behind the scenes role in shaping financial policy. Geithner acts on behalf of powerful financiers, who are behind the FRBNY. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Jon Corzine is currently governor of New Jersey, former CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Barack Obama, through his selection of UFO Disclosure Advocate John Podesta as Transition Team CoChair, has energized a core of the 49% of adult Americans who believe that Extraterrestrials are now visiting Earth to now see Obama as a possible "Disclosure President."
For example, here is Podesta in a 2003 National Press Club press conference:
Another sector of opinion within the Exopolitics community believe that Obama may be used as a front man for a "Disclosure Management" psychological warfare operation by U.S. and other military intelligence agencies. Under this scenario, a false "ET Disclosure" would be rolled out with ETs as a hostile or authoritarian force, a strategy calculated to spread the arms race and war economy to outer space, and to foster a global totalitarian police state on Earth.
"Dr. Wernher von Braun, a whistleblower, warned that the final charade of the permanent war economy after the collapse of capitalism, would be first a a False War on Terror (via the False Flag Operation of 9/11); and finally a False War against the 'Evil ETs.'"
Orbs at Grant Park
Amidst all of this grand speculation, we now have some photographic evidence of how dimensional intelligence in the dimensional ecology we live in may be viewing at least the celebrations on the evening of Nov. 4, 2008 when Barack Obama gave his Election night acknowledgement speech in Grant Park in downtown Chicago.
The Orb Wiki at
gives this definition: Genuine orbs may well be nothing less than emanations from benevolent and -- perhaps to a large extent -- highly evolved entities from a nonphysical reality.
Dr. Miceal Ledwith, author of the book The Orb Phenomenon, considers Orbs to be a new dimensional intelligence, a parallel universe intersecting into our own, much the way that Extraterrestrials began signalling us in earnest through the UFO phenomenon in the post WWII era.
Here is an intriguing radio interview I conducted with Dr. Ledwith on the subject of Exopolitics & Orbs, which havbe the capacity to be as intelligent and evolved as Extraterrestrials:
Orbs & Dimensional Disclosure
Here are images of Orbs - dimensional intelligences from a parallel universe - at Grant Park on Nov. 4, 2008:
Speculation: Are these the images of intelligences that are avoiding a Trilateralist Conspiracy? A pseudo Disclosure?
Speculation: How is dimensional intelligence viewing the Obama phenomenon? Is Obama the Obamination? Or is this the Obama-Nation?
A field of Orbs, intelligent entities, which in their actual size could be quite large, the Orbs being just tips of a dimensional probe into our 3-D reality.
Dimensional intelligence is very obviously "disclosing" itself at Grant Park on Nov. 4, 2008.
What are the implications for the human-dimensional intelligence process that will unfold in the Obama administration(s) 2009-2012 and 2013-2016?
The Obama Administration(s) will span the alignment - in 2011-2012 - our solar system plane with that of a massive Black Hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, 4000 times the size of our sun.
Science is just beginning to address the function of Black Holes at the center of Galaxies. Black holes in this context affect time and consciousness.
How will these astronomical externalities impact on ET "Disclosure" during an Obama administration, aided by "disclosure" by dimensional intelligences in such volume and density as at Grant Park?
In matters of Extraterrestrial Disclosure, so much attention is paid to the human leaders and what US military-intelligence, and the New World Order network organizations will do. Yet these "human factors" are the least of the equation. Dimensional and Extraterrestrial Intelligence is driving disclosure with its upper-dimensional acclimation programs including the UFO outreach program and the Orbs program.
The Orbs at Grant Park are evidence of Dimensional Intelligent intervention in the exopolitical process of the Obama Administration. Strategically, as humans, we must learn to think multi-dimensionally as Extraterrestrials with Exo-consciousness and see our reality as these dimensional intelligences do. There is much to be revealed about Obama's Grant Park speech that will impact the disclosure process, of the Extraterrestrial presence and of advanced ET-derived technologies.
All of this "disclosure" is for naught without the elevation of moral insight and cosmic consciousness by humanity.
The most hopeful sign todate of the Obama Presidency has not been the John Podestas or any other human in his team.
Rather,it has been these Orbs - dimensional intelligences - disclosing a profound message of hope and consciousness to come at Grant Park.
We may have some cause to hope, albeit dimensional, that Barack Obama is something more than a mere tool of the Trilateralists, by the photographic evidence.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Orb photography courtesy Verna Bacon
Some are dust. Some are not! It depends on the ambient light available X the 'light of the current full moon'! This brighter light, can overwhelm the primary filters inside the camera.
When this happens, a type of dimensional window occurs. It has the same effect, that an Infra-red sensitive camera has, & 'Can SEE Into' the infra-red spectrum, & BEYOND Our Senses!
The "1996 NASA Tether Incident", while about a tether that broke loose from the satellite, was later filmed using an 'Ultra Violet Sensitive Camera'. Thus seeing the 'life in that side of the rainbows spectrum'. "The Astronaut Couldn't SEE, What The Camera SAW"!
(For more about all the dimensional windows available, 'just open up a new window, & click on my name'!) WE ARE DISCLOSURE....Thank you & Peace
Posted by: Billy S. | 14 November 2010 at 13:26
Was it raining or snowing that day?
Posted by: Shadow Hawk | 25 November 2009 at 03:43
It's really simple to explain.
Those are the dust mites, fleas and other variety of bugs flying off of all the niggers what were jumping up and down and clapping like the minkeys that they are.
Posted by: GoBacktoAfrica | 27 August 2009 at 01:04
These are not extraterrestial. They are sand particles, thus reflecting in the light of the flash. Stand on any beach in the dark, in the wind, take a pic.
Posted by: Mal | 01 February 2009 at 11:14
The very fact that you photographed orbs at Ghetto birthday parties for infants is a clue to the orb phenomenon being Extra dimensional/spiritual beings. Orbs are caught on camera around kids because they are attracted to these pure unsullied energies and are very interested in the interaction of human children. It might be that they are 'dead' deceased relatives of the children wanting to be part of the celebration. Same can be said of the orbs at Grant park. Maybe they are extra dimensional.....and are infact souls!!
Posted by: Rob | 16 January 2009 at 06:05
My little brain can fathom quite a bit, if everyone did indeed get the same pictures all the more reason to suspect atmospherics or refraction or something, are you telling me that i have photographed invisible orbs in ghetto birthday parties for infants, yes it is possible but, yet and still, i require more than circular effects on some photos, i am a believer, mostly just not convinced by this orb thing, and i am not aware that everybody got the same thing
Posted by: joab kunin | 05 January 2009 at 16:01
A photographic phenomenon? Then why did everybody get the same pictures from that night? Come on! You really have to believe in something other than what go's on in your tiny little daily life. The Universe is more complex then your little brain can fathom.. No disrespect but its the truth!
Posted by: Katie | 28 November 2008 at 21:38
I dont need a goverment disclosure on the UFO question . I believe in the words of Edgar Mitchell , Gordon Cooper and my own visual encounter. The craft was somewhat egg shaped or ovid. It was white illuminated much like your computer screen white but brighter and round lights surounding it's rim (red , blue , yellow and green) and the size was about 3 to 4 gymnasiums and about 300 feet from me at a hieght of about 100 feet . Now i have "disclosed" to you,....will you believe ?.......You should because I just would not lie about something so important !.....peace be with you and dont panic
Posted by: Michael | 18 November 2008 at 19:16
Check this out Mr 'i believe it to be peculiar to digital cameras or some sort of optical or flash phenomina, grease on lens or the like'
Posted by: Rob1 | 14 November 2008 at 16:51
I have been getting photos of "orbs" like that on various digital shots in different places for years, i believe it to be peculiar to digital cameras or some sort of optical or flash phenomina, grease on lens or the like, I have too many of them in my photographs to think differently,
Posted by: joab kunin | 12 November 2008 at 19:55
perhaps obama is "keeping his enemies closer", time will tell. it would be interesting to check his lineage. are there ties to the black nobility as with all other presidents? is he a 33rd level freemason? why did obama call for the unilateral bombing of afganistan and pakistan when m'cain and bush did not? in any case either he is with them or he will be a target as was kennedy.
Posted by: chris prince | 12 November 2008 at 08:05
These orbs look like normal photographic phenomenon, caused by dust or other particles.
Posted by: eric | 12 November 2008 at 04:14
Thank you for this very good article Alfred!. The pictures are amazing. Energy orbs are showing up more frequently every day. I hope Barack Obama will be an instrument of UFO disclosure, truth and peace in all the world.
*~ peace ~*
Posted by: Arturo | 11 November 2008 at 19:17