Synopsis of Exopolitics Radio Commentary:
Many in the E.T.-sensitive community (recent polls now suggest that fully 48% of U.S. adults believe Extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting Earth) may find it disheartening to learn that an orwellian "New World Order Disclosure Management Psyops", apparently coordinated by U.S. Naval Intelligence may be underway. One may legitimately ask: Why would the present world military-intelligence power structure (AKA the permanent war economy) be expending a $1.5 trillion dollar/year Black Budget Psyops to pretend they are "Disclosing."
Disclosure Management vs. Transparent, Inter-active Contact
The power-oriented civilization behind the 2008 Disclosure Management Psyops does not represent the future of human civilization. That civilization - which we call the "permanent war economy" - represents a species of human consciousness which is destined to become extinct during the emergence of transparent, interactive contact between our Earth and ethical advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations surrounding and following alignment during the period 2011-2012 with the gigantic Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, 23,000 light years from Earth, and 4000 as heavy as our Sun. As our Earth approaches alignment with the Black Hole, time as a dimension accelerates and human consciousness stratifies into two domains or dimensions. For polarity's sake, we can call these two domains "Fear & Contraction" and "Love & Expansion".
During this post 2011-2012 transitional period we are entering, Exopolitics - the new political science of outer space - and Exo-consciousness - humanity's emerging Extraterrestrial consciousness - will establish the platform for transparent and inter-active contact between an emerging human civilization based on values of sustainability, Universality, cosmic Love and advanced ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations.
Conversely, those humans and that civilization operating from Fear & Contraction, will dwindle on a deconstructing platform of permanent war, hierarchy, oppression, exploitation, manipulation and all of the hallmarks of our former civilization.
We now can see the motive for the 2008-9 Disclosure Management Psyops. It is part of an attempt to capture the collective mind in memes of fear and contraction that the Permanent War Economy ruled by the U.S./UK Military-Intelligence, the City of London Banking interests, the Vatican belief systems - in short the ancien regime that has kept humanity enslaved in a virtual Fear mentality for thousands of years - will continue. By setting up and controlling a faux Disclosure, then the permanent war economy can pin its hopes on controlling the future of human evolution and of ET contact.
Dr. Wernher von Braun, a whistleblower, warned that the final charade of the permanent war economy after the collapse of capitalism, would be first a a False War on Terror (via the False Flag Operation of 9/11); and finally a False War against the "Evil ETs."
The 2008-9 Disclosure Management Psyops is an introductory part of the "False War against the Evil ETs" that von Braun predicted. By exposing it to the light of day and to the knowing consciousness of our fellow humans and to the upper-dimensional Extraterrestrial civilizations, as we are doing now, we are disempowering and deconstructing it.
The Evolutionary Paradox - Macroshift from Breakdown to Breakthrough
At first glance, it may seem paradoxical and counter-intuitive that humanity is about to experience a great leap forward in consciousness, an end to our long quarantine from the rest of organized galactic life, and a collective entering into communion with other intelligent civilizations in our neighbouring dimensions.
After all, there is evidence of a massive species die-off on Earth; of genocidal programs for world depopulation through war, weapons such as HAARP, Depleted Uranium, weaponization of food, weaponization of the human genome; of deliberate implosion of the world economy and monetary system; of plans for potential mass induction concentration camps and martial law.
It is in the post 2011-2012 world that the crucial "Macroshift" phase of our human civilization from Breakdown to Breakthrough will occur - breakdown and breakthrough exist simultaneously - almost like competing dimensions of Fear & Contraction and Love & Expansion.
Post 2011-2012, the Paradox is resolving: Never underestimate the Gravity Power of our galactic Black Hole. The Mayans personalized her as "Hunab Ku."
Dr. Carl Calleman of the University of Washington and Researcher and author Barbara Hand Clow have developed a breakthrough matrix of interpretation that may well revolutionize the way we view the black holes that science has very recently confirmed exist at the center of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way Galaxy.
Barbara Hand Clow, in her extraordinary book The Mayan Code, has begun the integration of the science of black holes with Exopolitics, the new political science of outer space.
We will explore the impact of our galactic black hole on our Exopolitical circumstance and our Exoconsciousness grid in future articles and programs.
Post 2011-2012, the new Homo Universalis will emerge thanks to the conscious and time acceleration overpowering any entropic effect of "Homo Aggressus" (our former violent, manipulative "permanent war economy" human civilization) to sink humanity into eternal dis-integration.
Is transparent, interactive contact between advanced ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations possible and probable?
My answer is Yes!
With the public exposure of "Disclosure" as Psyops from the U.S. Navy Intelligence, the U.K. Ministry of Defence, the Vatican, and other millenial agencies of the ancien regime, transparent contact with ethical Extraterrestrials with emerge into our future time-space.
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
"You have, without doubt, the best internet radio show out there. It's always completely up to date with the latest news and the best guests around." Paul Robinson, Facebook
NASA: Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy
WHEN: This Week: Saturday Nov. 1, 2008 @ 8 PDT (11 PM EDT/ 8 PM PDT)
NEW! EXOPOLITICS RADIO now available on iTUNES for your iPOD
EXOPOLITICS: 2011-2012 & The Future of ET-Human Relations by Alfred Webre//2008 Disclosure Update with Stephen Bassett - Part II
Synopsis of Exopolitics Radio Commentary:
Many in the E.T.-sensitive community (recent polls now suggest that fully 48% of U.S. adults believe Extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting Earth) may find it disheartening to learn that an orwellian "New World Order Disclosure Management Psyops", apparently coordinated by U.S. Naval Intelligence may be underway. One may legitimately ask: Why would the present world military-intelligence power structure (AKA the permanent war economy) be expending a $1.5 trillion dollar/year Black Budget Psyops to pretend they are "Disclosing."
Disclosure Management vs. Transparent, Inter-active Contact
The power-oriented civilization behind the 2008 Disclosure Management Psyops does not represent the future of human civilization. That civilization - which we call the "permanent war economy" - represents a species of human consciousness which is destined to become extinct during the emergence of transparent, interactive contact between our Earth and ethical advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations surrounding and following alignment during the period 2011-2012 with the gigantic Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, 23,000 light years from Earth, and 4000 as heavy as our Sun. As our Earth approaches alignment with the Black Hole, time as a dimension accelerates and human consciousness stratifies into two domains or dimensions. For polarity's sake, we can call these two domains "Fear & Contraction" and "Love & Expansion".
During this post 2011-2012 transitional period we are entering, Exopolitics - the new political science of outer space - and Exo-consciousness - humanity's emerging Extraterrestrial consciousness - will establish the platform for transparent and inter-active contact between an emerging human civilization based on values of sustainability, Universality, cosmic Love and advanced ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations.
Conversely, those humans and that civilization operating from Fear & Contraction, will dwindle on a deconstructing platform of permanent war, hierarchy, oppression, exploitation, manipulation and all of the hallmarks of our former civilization.
We now can see the motive for the 2008-9 Disclosure Management Psyops. It is part of an attempt to capture the collective mind in memes of fear and contraction that the Permanent War Economy ruled by the U.S./UK Military-Intelligence, the City of London Banking interests, the Vatican belief systems - in short the ancien regime that has kept humanity enslaved in a virtual Fear mentality for thousands of years - will continue. By setting up and controlling a faux Disclosure, then the permanent war economy can pin its hopes on controlling the future of human evolution and of ET contact.
Dr. Wernher von Braun, a whistleblower, warned that the final charade of the permanent war economy after the collapse of capitalism, would be first a a False War on Terror (via the False Flag Operation of 9/11); and finally a False War against the "Evil ETs."
The 2008-9 Disclosure Management Psyops is an introductory part of the "False War against the Evil ETs" that von Braun predicted. By exposing it to the light of day and to the knowing consciousness of our fellow humans and to the upper-dimensional Extraterrestrial civilizations, as we are doing now, we are disempowering and deconstructing it.
The Evolutionary Paradox - Macroshift from Breakdown to Breakthrough
At first glance, it may seem paradoxical and counter-intuitive that humanity is about to experience a great leap forward in consciousness, an end to our long quarantine from the rest of organized galactic life, and a collective entering into communion with other intelligent civilizations in our neighbouring dimensions.
After all, there is evidence of a massive species die-off on Earth; of genocidal programs for world depopulation through war, weapons such as HAARP, Depleted Uranium, weaponization of food, weaponization of the human genome; of deliberate implosion of the world economy and monetary system; of plans for potential mass induction concentration camps and martial law.
It is in the post 2011-2012 world that the crucial "Macroshift" phase of our human civilization from Breakdown to Breakthrough will occur - breakdown and breakthrough exist simultaneously - almost like competing dimensions of Fear & Contraction and Love & Expansion.
Post 2011-2012, the Paradox is resolving: Never underestimate the Gravity Power of our galactic Black Hole. The Mayans personalized her as "Hunab Ku."
Dr. Carl Calleman of the University of Washington and Researcher and author Barbara Hand Clow have developed a breakthrough matrix of interpretation that may well revolutionize the way we view the black holes that science has very recently confirmed exist at the center of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way Galaxy.
Barbara Hand Clow, in her extraordinary book The Mayan Code, has begun the integration of the science of black holes with Exopolitics, the new political science of outer space.
We will explore the impact of our galactic black hole on our Exopolitical circumstance and our Exoconsciousness grid in future articles and programs.
Post 2011-2012, the new Homo Universalis will emerge thanks to the conscious and time acceleration overpowering any entropic effect of "Homo Aggressus" (our former violent, manipulative "permanent war economy" human civilization) to sink humanity into eternal dis-integration.
Is transparent, interactive contact between advanced ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations possible and probable?
My answer is Yes!
With the public exposure of "Disclosure" as Psyops from the U.S. Navy Intelligence, the U.K. Ministry of Defence, the Vatican, and other millenial agencies of the ancien regime, transparent contact with ethical Extraterrestrials with emerge into our future time-space.
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Stephen Bassett is Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group and the political action committee, X-PPAC and is the only registered lobbyist with the U.S. Congress on behalf of the extraterrestrial activist research community. His work has been referenced in, among others, the Washington Post, Washington Times, New York Times, LegalTimes, Christian Science Monitor, National Journal, Pravda, LondonSunday Express, The Hill (Washington, DC) and O'Dweyer's Washington Report. He is the producer of the X-Conference held near Washington, DC; and was a Candidate in 2002 for the U.S. Congress in Maryland on an Exopolitics platform.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is the author of "EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE (Universebooks.Com), a book that helped found the field of Exopolitics – the science of relations between human society and advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations in the Universe. Alfred is International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), dedicated to preventing the weaponization of space; transforming the permanent war economy into a peaceful, sustainable New Energy-based, Space Age society, and supporting cooperation amongst Life in the Universe. Alfred has proposed a Truth Amnesty-Disclosure process to facilitate release of advanced ET-derived New Energy technologies to heal the biosphere and create a sustainable, peaceful Space Age society. EXOPOLITICSRADIO.COM:
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EXOPOLITICS RADIO with Alfred Webre is a weekly, Magazine format Exopolitical public affairs talk show, exploring the evidence and impact of intelligent, organized life in the Universe on our human society. EXOPOLITICS RADIO is a listener-sponsored radio station. Exopolitics Radio airs on Saturday nights at 8:00 P.M. PDT (11:00 P.M. EDT). You can listen to Exopolitics Radio programs anytime 24/7 free as a public service at:
EXOPOLITICS RADIO is broadcast weekly on Monday at 9 PM Central Time on UPRN 105.8 FM, New Orleans.
EXOPOLITICS RADIO online affiliates include Paranormal Radio Network (Monday 9 PM Central Time at; Revere Radio Network (Mondays 8 PM Central Time at and Kansas City Online Radio Network (Monday 11 PM Central Time and Thursday 8 PM Central Time at EXOPOLITICS RADIO is produced by Finis Productions of Phoenix, AZ.
EXOPOLITICS RADIO is heard in over 77 countries and 492 cities around the globe, including all 50 states in the USA.
NEW! Listen now to last week's EXOPOLITICS RADIO Program on Audio Archive:
EXOPOLITICS: Is U.S. Navy Intelligence Coordinating a 2008 Disclosure Management Psyops from Stephenville onward? by Alfred Webre// 2008 Disclosure Update with Stephen Bassett - Part I
Support Truth Amnesty-Disclosure.
View CNN Coverage of the 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference - May 9, 2001, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
There was no follow-up then in the U.S. Congress or in the White House for Disclosure.
2008 Presidential Candidates - Contact Information
Contact the presidential candidates and ask them what they would do about secrecy and Disclosure! Go to their town meetings and rallies, write or fax letters, email, or call them! List of Presidential Hopefuls:
- NEW! OBAMA-BIDEN (OBAMA leaves door open to "other folks (ET) on the way" in Democratic debate)* - 1-866-675-2008
- * McCAIN-PALIN ("I have a great interest in UFOs") - (703) 418-2008
- NEW! *Bob Barr-Wayne Root (Libertarian Party)
- NEW! Ralph Nader-Matt Gonzalez
Send an Online fax at:
Email or call the Candidates:
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