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Niara Isley

Fascinating times we live in! My own experiences out on the NV test site while in the military convinced me of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth long ago.

The thing I'm wondering about is, here is Larry King of CNN putting out so many shows that are about the subject of UFOs (actually ETVs - extra-terrestrial vehicles) and yet, as recently as the Stephenville, TX sightings, we still have cloak and dagger maneuvering with Ricky Sorrels' being harassed for reporting on his sightings, and reporter Joiner fired for reporting on this in the local paper.

It looks to me like there are two factions within the U.S. gov't that are opposed on how to handle this-- one wants secrecy to continue as it has for over 60 years and will stoop to any measures to ensure it, and the other, via the media/Larry King, wants the information to get out in front of the U.S. public.

I consider our mainstream television and print media to be so tightly controlled, that nothing gets on the air or in the newspaper that someone powerful does not want broadcast.

So, I wonder... who is behind Larry King allowing him to do all the UFO shows he's been doing? And is there some power-playing going on within the shadow gov't where the continue-the-secrecy folks are finding themselves under pressure from some other faction that wants this information released? And is taking measures to see that it is?

At a recent UFO symposium in Aztec, NM, Timothy Good and Stanton Friedman completely ridiculed the idea that a secret U.N. meeting or series of meetings took place about the future release of UFO/ET information, as well as ridiculing people involved with the exopolitics field. But it is very interesting coincidence? (not) that the Vatican has since announced that "There could be life elsewhere in the universe."

The extraterrestrials are in charge of when they show up and how, and they perhaps are directing things from the top echelons of gov'ts, with gov'ts left scrambling on how to release information without losing all public credibility for withholding so much information from the people for so very long, and causing a great deal of unnecessary human suffering in the process.

Many Blessings,
Niara Isley

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