Hi Everyone,
Dr. Greer's 7/9 presentation in Denver was powerful and energized the packed
room of at least 400 people. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who
organized the event and helped support both CSETI and the Extraterrestrial
Affairs Commission ballot initiative.
Below is the before and after publicity surrounding the event. There is some
duplication of articles but with different titles. Following the article URL's is the press release for the Colorado UFO
Briefing on July 12, 9-6pm at Auraria Campus in Denver. Please attend as
much of the event as you can and invite friends.
Please continue to check www.extracampaign.org for updates.
It's Obama vs. space alien guy at DNC
UFO expert urges Denver
to open doors
E.T. vote put on hold
Organizer says space alien panel must wait 'til '09
Doctor says feds
hiding UFO energy secret
Space aliens hold key to free energy, speaker
Speaker will address alien energy theory
Believer: Gas prices mandate UFO disclosure
Contact: Alejandro Rojas
Cell Phone: 303/585-0955
Email: alejandro@...
Websites: www.ColoradoUFOBriefing.com
The Denver ballot initiative and alleged alien video that made worldwide headlines will be featured at this day long event
07/02/08 Denver, CO - The individuals sponsoring the Denver Extraterrestrial ballot initiative and the alleged alien video that made news around the world recently will be updating the public on July 12th at the Colorado UFO Briefing being held on the Auraria campus in downtown Denver. Presenters will also include other serious researchers in the UFO field to help Coloradans make up their own minds on this controversial subject.
Jeff Peckman was interviewed by media around the world, including appearances on David Letterman and CNN's Larry King show. The local attention started when he decided to collect signatures to allow Denver voters to vote on the creation of an Extraterrestrial commission in the City and County of Denver. However, the rest of the world took interest when Peckman presented a video that was privately shown to members of the media of an alleged alien peeking into the window of a family's home in Nebraska. A still image was released of the video, taken by now Colorado resident, Stan Romanek. Since then Peckman and Romanek have garnered a lot of attention. Both will be presenting at the Briefing. Peckman will share his experiences with the press, and give an update on his initiative. Romanek will be answering questions and presenting evidence of possible government involvement in his ongoing experience.
Also present will be an international journalist and UFO researcher from Italy, Paola Harris, who will give us an international perspective on the UFO subject. Chuck Zukowski, a UFO investigator from Colorado Springs, and Roswell investigator will give a presentation on his research, which he will also be presenting in Roswell the weekend of the 4th. Local researcher Joe Fex will be sharing his extensive collection of UFO photos. Fortean author Jeff Danelek will be speaking on the importance of critical thinking in paranormal investigations, and Alejandro Rojas, the spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the largest UFO investigative organization in the U.S., will help set up Romanek's talk by giving some history on the government's involvement in UFO research.
This briefing is being organized by UFOThinkTank.com, as a non-profit educational endeavor promoting the rational and logical approach to understanding legitimate matters significantly affecting the future of mankind.