Greetings All -
Very interesting assessment Paola.
Please review my media release sent out to you all prior to Angelia Joiner's
appearance on LKL concerning the Schulze - Powell radar report at:
It indicates the range of possibilities I feel are in play as to why he's
doing this. Or - has he had an experience?
Angelia and I are in the midst of a distribution process to CBS, NBS and ABC
investigative programs of hard copies by FEDEX and e-mail follow-up of PDF
files of the radar report to each network news outlets.
I have spoken to each network (60 Minutes - Dateline and Meet the Press
among others like the LA Times and the Washington Post) to indicate they
will be receiving a national security alert in the form of a 77 page hard
copy of the Schulze- Powell radar report, clearly indicating that the FAA
has over 2.8 million pieces of data showing 16 objects with no transponder
beacon signals were in a massive air space volume over Texas on 8 Jan 2008.
It will also show the USAF expresses no knowledge of anything unusual in the
air space that day.
One of the objects was tracked with a vector heading south east towards
CRAWFORD TX and the Bush Ranch aka The Western White House. (see the report)
However, despite all of FAA radar data (beacon and skin-paint returns) all
military bases in the area (including FT. Worth the largest radar network
installation) responded to FOIA requests by Schulze and Powell by saying in
writing that - "they had no reports of radar data responsive to this
This therefore means that the American military was apparently unaware of
any radar returns relating to Homeland Security mandates and the protection
of the country by craft of unknown origin between altitudes of 800 ft and
41,000 ft (remind any one of a date... September 11?) However they did have
an AWACS craft flying a grid-pattern search over the exact area of concern
during the entire event. (see report)
I strongly encourage everyone to read the report - it is easy to read and
is, if properly managed, the most serious indictment of the military since
911 or Pearl Harbour. There will be a follow-up to it also.
The USAF had almost one dozen sorties by F-16s chasing these things with no
admission of what they were chasing - please read the report and distribute
it widely.
The radar report is at: http://www.mufon.com/symposia.htm
Glen Schulze is scheduled for the Richard Syrett Show in August for thorough
assessment of the report for the public. Date TBA.
I believe it is up to us to get this report on the desks of every senior
news editor in the country and beyond. It represents what we have wanted for
decades - cold hard facts of consistent air space violations by unknown
craft for 2 hours by the FAA - the agency charged with monitoring the air
space over American soil.
Unless I a mistaken - it doesn't get any better than this. It is clear they
are running out of explanations...
Also... FYI a Vatican Observatory official will be on the Richard Syrett
Show Aug 7. Details TBA.
Regards to all...
Victor Viggiani
Exopolitics Toronto
Download MUFONStephenvilleRadarReport.pdf
Exopolitics Toronto
Office of the Director of Media Relations
Toronto - Vancouver – Washington D.C.
M e d i a R e l e a s e
Toronto Ontario – July 12, 2008 On Larry King Live last night radar expert Glen Schulze and Robert Powell, MUFON Director of Research released their findings concerning UFOs in the Stephenville Texas area in January 2008. The 77 page report is replete with data received from the FAA, National Weather Service, nearby military bases and other official sources.
Among the expert analysis of the data received by the investigators from official sources, charts and radar data clearly show the track of an unidentified non-military craft with no transponder beacon vectoring towards Crawford Texas, the location of the Bush Ranch – also known as the Western White House.
What does the report include?
- Data from the FAA
- Witness summary reports
- Over two dozen graphs and charts depicting craft movements and locations
- FOIA requests by the authors
- Responses by FOIA officials
- Denials by military officials of any existing information
- Blacked out US Air Force pilot flightlogs from 457th NASJRB Ft. Worth Tx.
- FTW Antenna Chart showing Skin-Paint Returns from 2.8 million data returns
- The unusual admission by military officials that they were “unaware of any activity in the area” while complex FAA radar configurations picked up massive data of unidentified craft,
…and much more for the interested reader.
The significance of this report and its implication is nothing less than astounding – as it verifies the existence of craft of unknown origin operating in controlled air space without the knowledge of the America military. Furthermore, it is implicit and thus evident by the response of military officials that they were helpless or at least lacked any significant management of the entire series of events during the period of the air activity.
Therefore this radar report clarifies four important issues:
- It supports the eye-witness testimony of many Stephenville residents who saw what has now been proven to have actually occurred.
- The report addresses and dispels on-going critique by critics that no available, substantive or scientific data indicating anything of interest concerning the reality of UFOs exists.
- The radar report clearly demonstrates that there are in fact unknown craft with superior flight capabilities far beyond known technology operating and moving at will within controlled air space, thus demonstrating that it appears our most sophisticated craft and military monitoring devices are ineffective in dealing with the phenomenon.
- Only two possibilities now remain. These craft are either highly sophisticated secret human technology or they are craft from off-world origins. In either case – each possibility is an enigma and the skeptics and military are running short of explanations.
This entire series of events and the depth of the report raise another serious and as yet unanswered question: “Considering the proximity of the craft to controlled air space near the Bush property, is there any access to information that NORAD or other missile launch control centres were placed on alert during this period?”
Exopolitics Toronto will be following this situation very closely.
The entire radar report can be downloaded at:
To review assessments of this report:
# # # # # #
Contact Information in Canada:
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto
Telephone 905-278-1238
Exopolitics Toronto
Director – Michael J. Bird
Distributed by: ZlandCommunications
zlandCommunications ©
News Service
There's a message that has been circulating around the ufo wesite communities saying there will be a mayor sighting of UFO on the 14th of October 2008. Does anybody in EXPOLITIC know of this, if so what veracity does it have?
Posted by: Ana | 19 September 2008 at 09:38