Extraterrestrial Secret Government Agreements to End, Declares Citizen Rights Groups
A multinational consortium of citizen organizations has issued a
Galactic Freedom Day Declaration calling for an end to all secret
government and corporate agreements concerning extraterrestrial life.
The Declaration establishes 08/08/08 as "Galactic Freedom Day" and
asserts that hidden agreements concerning extraterrestrial life have
been secretly entered into by a range of government authorized
agencies, departments and corporations. In some cases, these pacts
involve representatives of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations
whose existence has not been disclosed to the general public.
Kona, Hawaii (PRWEB) June 16, 2008 -- A multinational consortium of
citizen organizations has issued a Galactic Freedom Day Declaration
calling for an end to all secret government and corporate agreements
concerning extraterrestrial life. The Declaration establishes 08/08/08
as "Galactic Freedom Day" and asserts that hidden agreements concerning
extraterrestrial life have been secretly entered into by a range of
government authorized agencies, departments and corporations. In some
cases, these pacts involve representatives of advanced extraterrestrial
civilizations whose existence has not been disclosed to the general
public. Evidence of these secret agreements, as well as the full text
of the Declaration, special Galactic Freedom Day events schedules, and
an online petition are available at the official website:
Eight citizens groups from the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Britain, Spain,
and South Africa have chosen the date and time of 08/08/08 at 8 pm
(Universal Time) as the time when individuals and citizen organizations
around the world can collectively join in celebratory events calling
for an end to such agreements.
According to Dr Michael Salla, President of the Hawaii based
Exopolitics Institute, "citizen organizations can play a powerful role
through the use of coordinated positive intention events around the
world to render all secret agreements concerning extraterrestrial life
null and void." He points to recent official extraterrestrial-themed
statements by The Vatican and also to UFO File Declassification by
Great Britain, France, Brazil, and Mexico as opening the door to more
transparency on the issue of extraterrestrial life. Dr Salla asserts
that "Citizen Governance is a legitimate activity when it comes to
extraterrestrial affairs. The success of this citizen diplomatic
initiative on 08/08/08 will usher in a new era in Earth's history that
deserves to be called Galactic Freedom Day."
Angelika Whitecliff, Co-Founder of the Earth Transformation Conferences
in Kona, Hawaii and Galactic Diplomacy.Com says: "We are no longer just
citizens of our country or even our world, but citizens of a much
larger scope that goes far beyond terra firma. Incontrovertible
evidence supports the facts of extraterrestrial visitation, and We the
People have the inalienable right to truth, transparent governance,
freedom, liberty and personal sovereignty, most deeply meaningful in
all matters pertaining to contact. A new day was ushered in by the
mighty Emancipation Proclamation, and so once again the people take
back their freedom from inequitable bondage with the Galactic Freedom
Day Declaration."
According to Neil Gould, "Exopolitics Hong Kong welcomes and supports
the Galactic Freedom Day Declaration. 888 is the highest of Chinese
lucky numbers. We hope this synchronicity is the cosmic sign that the
walls of the ET truth embargo will come tumbling down. We look forward
to the liberation of mankind's genius and inventiveness to allow us to
join our brothers in a stellar universe, teaming with intelligent life."
Alfred Webre of EXOPOLITICS RADIO said, "Galactic Freedom Day is a
tangible demonstration of our inalienable right of citizen governance
in relationships with ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations." The
Director of Media Relations for Exopolitics Toronto, Victor Viggiani,
states: "It is terrestrial imperative that the citizens of the planet
demonstrate their collective independence and determination to enter
into their own enlightened relationships with ethical off-world
civilizations. The annual celebration of an international Galactic Day
of Freedom will be looked upon by historians as an active statement-of-
intent that humanity indeed has place among Extraterrestrial
Pepon Jover del Pozo says "Exopolitics Spain supports the Galactic
Freedom Day Declaration as an act to recover our sovereignty as free
Earth-Galactic human citizens, with the right to decide for ourselves
what is best for us in our evolution as species, as well as in our
relationships concerning off-world cultures."
Dr Rebecca Hardcastle says: "The Phoenix Lights 3 are dedicated to
encouraging and participating in peaceful contact with intelligent life
in the Universe. Free and open communication creates an environment of
respect and harmony."
Finally, according to David Griffin from Exopolitics UK: "We are at a
crucial point in human history where our species need to urgently
re-connect to the many forms of other intelligences around us. This
declaration emphasizes the fact that no single entity has a monopoly on
such direct connections but instead any such exchange should be open
and transparent to all those it impacts on."
For more information on the Galactic Freedom Day Declaration or to sign an online petition please visit website.
On 08/08/08 Citizen Organizations and Individuals around the World Join in the Inaugural 'Galactic Freedom Day' Celebration to End Secret Agreements Concerning Extraterrestrial Life.
A world wide positive intention experiment will be conducted at 8 pm (Universal Time) 08/08/08 to put an end to secret agreements that have prevented the revolutionary technology and knowledge of extraterrestrial life entering mainstream society. A Galactic Freedom Day Declaration has been issued by cooperating citizen organizations clearly expressing humanity's intent to put an end to secret agreements concerning extraterrestrial life.
Join the 8/8/08 global celebration by forming your own prayer circle, meditation group, or 'Citizen Contact Council' to formally inaugurate Galactic Freedom Day.
Read the Galactic Freedom Day Declaration
Sign Petition
Sponsoring Organizations & Websites
? 11:11:11 2009 ? =11 11th month, 11th day?....cayce said the ascension 2012? is 4 years ahead? if this is so? then 11:11:11 ascension=rapture? tribulations? 2012..is last call...
Posted by: mikael | 17 November 2008 at 08:26
? 11:11:11 2009 ? =11 11th month, 11th day?....cayce said the ascension 2012? is 4 years ahead? if this is so? then 11:11:11 ascension=rapture? tbribulations? 2012..is last call...
Posted by: mikael | 17 November 2008 at 08:23