Percentage of Star Kids and Star Seed Adults in the General Population
by Richard Boylan PhD
Here is a review of facts and figures about Star Kids and Star Seed adults in the general population, and the levels of spiritual development among Humans.
Percentages of Star Kids and Adult Star Seeds in the U.S. Population
In the group comprised of children from infants to 12 years of age, 96% tested as Star Kids!
Teenagers (those in the 13-18-year-old group) are made up of 81% Star Kids.
Two-thirds of young adults (those 19-29) are Star Seeds (67%).
Almost half of the younger mature adults (ages 30-45) had Star Seed energy signatures (45%).
One in five middle-aged (45-60) persons is a Star Seed (21%).
Even among senior (60+) citizens, one in eight (12%) has a Star Seed energy signature.
Now, I have to tell you that I was positively dumbfounded by these results. I had frankly not expected the numbers to be anywhere nearly so large! (After I completed these surveys, I was flabbergasted.) The Star Kid Tidal Wave has truly reached shore.
As I sat and reflected on the implications of these studies, a principal implication stood squarely in my face. It had became clear that very many of these Star Kids, and certainly most of the Star Seed adults, are very likely unaware of their real nature. These are what may be labeled Star Kid and Star Seed "Latents", persons as yet Unawakened to their complete heritage and their full potential.
What will it take for these many millions of Unawakened Star Seed adults and Star Kids to come to realize their real nature and actual range of abilities? In my research experience, this usually happens by exposure of the Unawakened Star Kid/Star Seed to a Aware Star Kid or Star Seed adult. Or by the Unawakened Star Kid/Star Seed receiving a visit by a Star Visitor* who informs them of their true identity.
*There are 1483 star races making contact with Earth and all of these want to be helpful.
Percentages of Star Kids and Star Seeds Globally
Next, I extrapolated these Star Kid/Star Seed percentages to Earth’s current population, which the UN estimates to total 6.3 billion humans alive now. Again, the figures are staggering.
The Global Star Kid Count, (those ages infant to 19, including "Latents"), is 2.2 billion!
That is not a typo, the word starts with a "b".
The Global adult Star Seed Count, (adults ages 20-100+, including "Latents"), is 1.5 billion.
United Nations demographers tell us that the median age of humankind today is 27.5 years old. That means that there are as many people younger than 27.5 as there are older than 27.5 years of age.
In the younger half of the human population, (where the Star Kid Tidal Wave is embedded,) of these 3.1 billion youthful citizens, 86% (2,740,000,000) are Star Kids and Star Seed young adults.
Whereas in the older half of the human population, a lesser 31% (1,008,000,000) are Star Seeds, and most of these are the younger adults.
To recapitulate, there are 6.3 billion persons on Earth presently. Of these, 3.7 billion, or 59% of all Humans are Star Kids or Star Seed adults.
Numbers of Star Kids in the United States
Next, we can proceed to apply these percentages to the United States.
The latest available demographics peg the current U.S. population at over 281 million people.
The pre-high school U.S population, (ages 0-14), is made up of approximately 60 million children. Of these, 85% are American Star Kids (51, 450,732). 15% are regular-Human children.
In the high school to early adult sector, (ages 15-24), there are approximately 39 million young people. Of these,73% are American Star Kids or Star Seed young adults (28,707,504).
Breakdown of the Global Human Population by Spiritual Development
Star Nations categorizes Human by their level of spiritual development.
The most advanced spiritually are those who live their lives with an Orientation to Source (God) as the primary governing principle.
Those whose spiritual development is still in a formative stage are designated Undecided in Orientation. That is, these people have yet to decide whether their lives will be led with an overall orientation to Source/God, or an orientation primarily to satisfying and paying attention to oneself.
Those with the least spiritual development are those who lead their lives with a primary or exclusive Orientation to Self.
Star Nations says that currently 15% of Humans operate in Orientation to Self. All of the Cabal are in this group. But this category also includes other Humans who are not with the Cabal, but by their spiritual underdevelopment are part of the Human problem in reaching our highest potential as a Species.
That means that 85% of Humans operate in either Orientation to Source or are still Undecided in Orientation.
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Email: [email protected]
Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
Love is who you are! Love is the power in me and Love is the power in you.
It is our responsibility to illuminate the truth of our being and the power of love.
We celebrate life together, we sing our soul song homebound witnessing the transformation of a planet into the Eden Jewel Gaia is and has always been.
Elohim, Elohim, Elohim
Posted by: Star seed | 13 July 2008 at 01:42