Exopolitics Toronto
Media Alert
David Letterman on Extraterrestrials with Jeff Peckman Interview - Now on Video
[Toronto, ON, Canada June 13, 2008] - Jeff Peckman's appearance on Late Night with David Letterman on June 10, 2008 is now available on an 8 minute 22 second video over the internet.
Exopolitics Toronto is pleased with how Mr. Letterman treated the Extraterrestrial subject matter with his guest.
It is worth noting that CBS executives and senior producers of Late Night with David Letterman have now authorized open discussion on nationally aired television programs about government and big oil motives for the secrecy surrounding associated ET technologies and free energy sources.
David Letterman on CBS with Mr. Peckman, and Larry King of CNN with film-maker James Fox’s stunning documentary OUT OF THE BLUE, have now both unlocked a national conversation clearly portraying the government's 60 year awareness of the ET issue. Anyone remotely familiar with how media operates is attentive to the fact that issues handled in such a manner eventually move their way through the different media modes of entertainment and news - bringing the issue into contact with not only the public but high profile figures in both politics and entertainment.
A comparative media analysis demonstrates that any similar discussion of this nature even 5 years ago would have been unheard of. The UFO/ET disclosure process is clearly evolving as the result of the dedication of many researchers, activists, film makers and authors.
Exopolitics Toronto predicts that this process will continue with both Larry King and Letterman extending their coverage with subsequent treatment by NBC on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, ABC's rising celebrity Jimmy Kimmel and others.
With Presidential race hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama straining at the campaign gate, it is not beyond the realm of possibility to have these political figures on one or more of these late night shows and subsequently being asked for their opinion on the ET matter - as it becomes more imbedded in mainstream media.
In addition - the spiraling price of oil hitting consumers hard in the pocketbook - may also be partially responsible for a more broad discussion about why, in the eyes of the public, ET technologies and the associated unlimited energy sources used by Extraterrestrial civilizations are not examined more thoroughly. Mr. Peckman’s appearance on Late Night with David Letterman has moved this critical discourse one step closer to reality.
It is an interesting process - one Exopolitics Toronto will be following closely.
Any private citizens and journalists
wishing to express their views to Mr. Letterman or Mr. King can send e-letters
to: [email protected] (Mr. Letterman),
and Mr. King at
The 8 minute video of Mr. Peckman’s
discussion with David Letterman can be viewed at:
Contact Details:
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto
Michael Bird - Director
(905) 278 1238
Provided by
zlandCommunications ©
News Service
UK TELEGRAPH: Alien video man Jeff Peckman asks Barack Obama to back UFO plan
A man who has shown a video of what he claims is an alien visitor to earth to bolster his case for greater public scrutiny of UFOs is to take his campaign to the Democratic Party convention in August, where Barack Obama will formally win the presidential nomination.
Jeff Peckman revealed a video of what he believes is an extra-terrestrial, at a press conference in Denver, Colorado.
Mr Peckman, a website entrepreneur, is campaigning in support of a ballot initiative that would let the people of Denver vote in November on a plan to establish a city-wide extra-terrestrial affairs commission.
Under his proposal, which he says would cost $75,000 (£38,000) a year, the new body would ensure that government offices, police and firefighters are trained to deal with extra-terrestrial visitors. It would also release details of UFO sightings which it judged to be credible.
His plans have met widespread amusement and scepticism, but have also generated a wave of support from those who believe that man is not the only intelligent life in the universe.
Journalists were allowed to view the video tape but not broadcast it because the Nebraska man who took the footage, Stan Romanek, has sold his story to a documentary maker.
Mr Peckman has released one still image from the tape, which shows an alien-like head in Mr Romanek's window. But several spoofs of the video, mocking its content , appeared last week on the internet.
Mr Peckman, who is 54 and lives with his parents, told The Telegraph hat he has had such an enthusiastic response that he is now confident he can secure the 4,000 signatures of support that are needed to get his proposal on the ballot paper in November's election.
Dozens of UFO enthusiasts, inspired by coverage of the video, today fanned out at the Peoples' Fair in Denver's civic centre park to begin collecting the signatures. To further bolster support, Mr Peckman plans to hold a benefit concert around the time of the Democratic convention, due to be held in Denver during the final week of August.
He is now in talks with a collaborator, Michael Luckman, author of the book Alien Rock, which claims, among other things, that Jimmy Hendrix was a visitor from another planet and that Elvis Presley regularly conversed with extra-terrestrial guests.
Mr Peckman said: "It would be the perfect time, when there is so much attention on Denver and so many people who would be in positions of power will be here, to flesh out this issue.
"We are thinking in terms of doing a benefit concert about the time of the convention. It would be a celebration of species all over the galaxy.
"I'm confident we'll be on the ballot. There has been huge interest. I have done more than 50 interviews with media from around the world. I am close to a deal with a local radio station to support the collection of the signatures. We've had 30 or 40 people offer to help since the video was screened."
Mr Peckman said his interest in extra-terrestrials dates from when he first saw Mr Romanek's video last year. "I had always some belief in extra-terrestrial life and that there had been some interaction on earth. But he said that Mr Romanek's evidence, not just the video he showed, is very convincing. He has had 100 unique experiences with extraterrestrials and UFOs.
"I think more people should hear about that. Through a ballot initiative I can get that information to the people. They can learn about the cover-up and learn about these interactions with extra-terrestrials. The word will be out.
"I want a commission to collect the best available credible evidence and make that available to the public on a website or in a museum. I want to make sure that government officials are trained to deal with these interactions and with people who are having some kind of extra-terrestrial experience."
Mr Peckman is encouraged by polls that show seven out of ten voters in Colorado believe in UFOs.
He has previously had success in getting another initiative on the ballot. In 2003 some 32 per cent of voters backed his proposal that local government should act to cure what he believes are "pools of stress" in the population at large.

In search of space aliens: His ideas are a mile high â and beyond
ET panel backer won't let critics bring him down
By Lisa Ryckman
Originally published 12:05 a.m., June 7, 2008
Updated 11:53 a.m., June 9, 2008
Jeff Peckman is a 54-year-old who lives with his parents, promotes technology that supposedly creates harmony by manipulating electromagnetic fields and is behind an initiative to form a commission on extraterrestrials in Denver.
An easy target, to say the least: over the top, outside the box, off his rocker or ahead of his time?
"He's less ahead of his time if you put him in Boulder," said a friend, Jeff Mettais. "He's more ahead of his time in downtown Denver."
Peckman is derided, dismissed and deemed a doofus by detractors. But his family and friends consider him smart, funny and level-headed, a visionary who's not afraid to toss a spark into the tinderbox of public policy, even if he gets a little singed.
His projects - everything from technology called brain fingerprinting to an Oregon ballot initiative to label genetically engineered food to a proposed design for a building complex outside Rome - represent his desire to contribute to the greater good, done with absolute sincerity. And for every two strangers who consider Peckman a few cards shy of a deck, there's another who thinks he might be onto something.
"He's a very bright person, very energized," said Tom Frey, executive director of the Da Vinci Institute in Louisville, a nonprofit futurist think tank that lists Peckman as vice president of special projects.
Consider: In 2003, Peckman championed Initiative 101, which would have required the city to promote peacefulness. The campaign cost $2,000, and the initiative lost - with a respectable 32 percent of the vote.
"That is phenomenal," said Michael Mendocha, who has known Peckman for 30 years. "Somebody should be looking at this and saying, 'Let's harness this genius.' Jeff's got uncanny timing."
Pursuing his potential
In person, Peckman looks and sounds like your favorite college professor, the one who could get the whole class debating novel solutions to the world's problems. Tall and lanky with a full head of silvery hair and bright blue eyes, he favors button- down collars and gray suits and exudes a quiet intelligence mingled with a wry sense of humor.
"He doesn't take himself too seriously, but he's also very serious about life," Mettais said. "He's the most authentic and honest and sincere guy I know. He's the real deal. He's out there trying to make a positive difference."
Peckman's goals: "Clean air, healthy organic food, healthy buildings, harmony among the different populations on our planet - and the populations not from our planet," he said.
Peckman began venturing into uncharted territory as a 5- year-old, exploring the fields around his boyhood home in Paola, Kan., about 44 miles south of Kansas City.
The family eventually settled into an uneventful middle-class life in southwest Denver - dad Victor at work as a pipefitter, mom Lorene raising four kids at home, Sundays at church and dinner together in the evening. Peckman attended Goldrick Elementary, Kepner Middle School and Lincoln High School, where he had friends among the hippie kids and the jocks.
Even now, he remembers the moment in grade school when he was introduced to a concept that would shape his future.
"A friend ran up to us on the playground and said, 'My dad says you're using a tenth of your brain,'" he recalls. "I resolved almost immediately that I would develop my full mental potential. I saw a relationship between that and problems in the world and on the local level. I thought perhaps that's a cause - we aren't using our full human potential."
The way to do exactly that became clear after Peckman, then 18, attended a lecture on Transcendental Meditation, based on the teachings of the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. TM had such a profound effect on him - stress relief, renewed energy and focus - that Peckman became a teacher himself after a year at Mahareshi International University in Iowa. He married another TM teacher in 1978, and they spent the 28 years of their marriage traveling and teaching.
Promoting solutions
Peckman first popped into the public eye in 1998, when his name was put on the ballot as the U.S. Senate candidate for the Natural Law Party, a now-defunct group based on the Maharishi's teachings.
"Being a candidate, it's all about yourself. I don't like promoting myself. I like promoting solutions I know about," Peckman said.
His resolve to enter the world of ballot initiatives began at the moment when he and other third-party candidates were forced to put their campaign literature on the floor during a big political event, while the major parties sat at tables.
"Here I am with my stuff, a whole range of solutions, and it's stuck in a box on the floor. I thought, ballot initiatives are the way to go if you want to engage people in thoughtful deliberation about anything."
His Initiative 101 was dubbed "Safety through Peace."
"What I was introducing was the discovery that stress does build up in people and overflows, becomes secondary stress in the whole environment, just like secondhand smoke. And then everybody's affected," he said. "Just as there are ways to reduce individual stress, there are ways to reduce collective stress. When you do that, you'll see all these stress-related social indicators decrease: crime, violence, accidents, fires, hospital admissions, drug use."
Depite being ridiculed and misunderstood, the initiative got more than 28,000 votes.
"People call him a peacenik and this and that," said his younger brother, Tony. "But what's wrong with somebody wanting to have a commission just to kick around ideas about how (it) can make the workplace and schools a little more peaceful? It's never been done before, so of course, there are going to be critics and cynics."
Peckman wrote Measure 27, a 2002 Oregon initiative that would have required the labeling of genetically engineered food. Although it lost, it was endorsed by Paul McCartney, Consumers Union and others.
He also acted as a design consultant for a proposed construction project outside of Rome using Sthapatya Ved, an ancient Indian science that promotes health and well-being in building and design.
What do the feds know?
The seeds of the ET commission were planted a year ago, after Peckman heard a lecture by Stan Romanek, of Colorado Springs, who claims to have compelling evidence of involvement with all manner of other- worldly things. Peckman spent months quietly researching the issue before creating the initiative, which he calls a way to bring the public up to speed on what the government knows.
"He's not the kind that sits out with his binoculars looking for UFOs and joins UFO groups," said his ex-wife, Kathryn, still a close friend. "Jeff is such a networker, and he pulls people together. He started looking at it as a current event. Jeff is pretty level-headed that way. He's come to believe that it's very feasible. He didn't think he'd be in the public eye when he started."
For the record: Peckman didn't shoot the infamous alien at the window - Romanek did. Peckman never said anything about an alien invasion. And he never told anybody about his initiative - it was discovered in the public record by Rocky reporter Daniel J. Chacon.
"He's not an attention-getter, and it's not that he's so passionate about it," Tony Peckman said. "Jeff's main objective is that the government should open some of the files. He came across people who had a lot of evidence, and he thought, 'Why shouldn't we see it?' "
Derision goes with the territory for someone who puts extra- terrestrials and Denver in the same sentence. It doesn't bother Peckman, who never takes it personally, no matter how personal it gets.
"He's not afraid of the backlash," said older brother Rod. "We joke about it: Who's going to call me a goofball or weirdo this week?"
It does bother his family that Peckman has been mocked for moving in with their elderly parents after his divorce a couple of years ago. "He's doing a real service to his parents," Kathryn said. "They have medical problems, and I don't know what they'd do without him there right now. And he's doing a startup business. It's a mutually supportive thing."
Peckman's startup involves "Metatron Technology," which supposedly reduces stressful effects of electromagnetic fields generated by power lines, computers, cell phones and other electrical or electronic devices.
"I love these subtle technologies that are just very cutting- edge, a little ahead of the knowledge quotient and the market," he said. "I like to be right there as it's making its entry into the public's awareness - and to help do that, if I can."
Peckman is confident that his latest initiative not only will get on the ballot but will pass. And in the meantime, he's fulfilled one goal: getting people talking about a new idea.
"(My family) probably all wish I would get a normal job, because they know I invest a lot of time in things like this and don't get paid much, if anything at all," Peckman said. "At the same time, it does make for interesting conversation."
[email protected]
The ballot initiative
Jeff Peckman needs the signatures of about 4,000 registered Denver voters to place his plan for an extraterrestrial affairs commission in Denver on the November ballot.
* Here's the abbreviated version of his ballot initiative:
Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations?
© Rocky Mountain News
Update from Jeff Peckman June 10, 2008
From: Jeff Peckman <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 21:52:20 -0600
Subject: Surreal. I'm on Letterman 6/10.
To: undisclosed-recipients
Dear Friends,
Life is funny. My ballot initiative campaign (_www.extracampaign.org_
<>) to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs
Commission in Denver continues to draw a surreal amount of unexpected
media attention.
On Tuesday, June 10, I'll be on stage with David Letterman. The other
guests are Mark Wahlberg and Alanis Morissette.
On June 7 there as a more in depth profile in the Rocky Mountain News to
assess whether I'm for real or just delusional for doing this ballot
initiative. It came out quite well.
His ideas are a mile high - and beyond
ET panel backer won't let critics bring him down
Also June 7 was a slightly exaggerated headline in the London Daily
Alien video man Jeff Peckman asks Barack Obama to back UFO plan
It's hard to even remember how many interviews I've done in the last
month but it's probably at least 50. That includes an uplink on Larry
King Live May 30.
This week has been a little more quiet in terms of interview requests
but who knows what could happen after the Letterman show, providing I
don't mess up.
I hope you are all well and happy.
[addendum note â Jeff Peckman will appear on Tuesday June 10th at 11:30 pm on the David Letterman Show]
e-mail address: [email protected]
Below is a suggested format for a letter you may wish to send to David Letterman in advance of tomorrowâs program. Modify, cut and paste or alter as needed.
Dear Mr. Letterman
I am very pleased that you and your producers have decided to have Jeff Peckman on your program on Tuesday night.
The Extraterrestrial issue is one that has been of deep concern to many across the planet reflecting a concern that we as citizens have not been told the truth about what the UFO issue is all about.
The United Nations, France, Britain, Brazil, Mexico and other countries have released files and reports about the reality of unidentified aerial phenomenon.
Since this issue has been covered-up by the American government for over 60 years â the American public has had to draw is information from researchers and activists such as Jeff Peckman. CIA files, FBI files and international intelligence agencies have on record hundreds if not thousands of communiqués and exchanges about the UFO issue.
Despite this the media has been highly skeptical and derisive about this issue â treating it with ridicule. I hope that in your interview with Mr. Peckman you will attempt to treat him and the issue with respect and the seriousness it deserves.
It is also important to point out the UFO/ET issue has been a matter of exchange in the current Presidential campaign as demonstrated by Tim Russert of Meet the Press asking Dennis Kucinch and Barrack Obama about their views on UFOs. I highly recommend you consider posing the same questions to Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain when you have them on your program.
Finally, while it is important to remember that the craft used by these Extraterrestrial civilizations to achieve interstellar travel utilize a radically sophisticated form of free energy, it is also crucial to know that this technology has been procured by deep black budget military operations. They have been with holding this information and associated advanced technologies for decades. This, in spite of a barrel of oil reaching $140.00 per barrel; the most significant social and economic issue of the day.
You may wish to ask Mr. Peckman about how UFO craftsâ use of free energy from the quantum vacuum of space would totally eliminate the need for fossil fuels.
I trust you will address the issue with the seriousness it deserves.
Contact Details:
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto
Michael Bird - Director
(905) 278 1238
Provided by
ZlandCommunications ©
News Service
[Toronto ON, Canada, June 9, 2008] - David Lettermen of the renowned Late Show will host guest Jeff Peckman this Tuesday June 10, 2008 at 11:00 pm ET. Mr. Peckman, a Denver activist seeks a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission.
A spokesperson for Exopolitics Toronto is quoted as saying, "It is uncertain how Mr. Letterman will handle this issue on Late Night, the most popular late night show in America. However Exopolitics Toronto and its colleagues at PRG are enthusiastic about CBS television's decision to engage the ET issue on one of its most popular programs."
The spokesperson went on to say, "Now, in addition to Larry King's serious treatment of this global and highly politically sensitive issue on his CNN program over the last several months, the matter of an ET presence will make its debut on yet another major network before quite literally millions of viewers in North America and beyond by means of cable and world satellite TV. David Letterman possesses a serious intellectual acuity when confronted by serious social issues. The news-worthiness of this one single event could be staggering for the disclosure process."
While it is important to remember that the craft used by these Extraterrestrial civilizations to achieve interstellar travel utilize a radically sophisticated form of energy, it is also crucial to know that this technology has been procured by deep black budget military operations and that they have been with holding this information and associated advanced technologies for decades.
This, in spite of a barrel of oil reaching $140.00 per barrel; the most significant social and economic issue of the day.
David Letterman could, if he and his producers approach the issue seriously, awaken the consciousness of Americans and viewers abroad concerning the deep geo-political implications of the ET issue through Mr. Peckman's presence on television Tuesday June 9.
Exopolitics Toronto is suggesting that the Late Show receive in advance hundreds if not thousands of e-mails of support of the ET matter as an issue of serious reality and one hopefully not to be exposed to comedic ridicule or derision.
To send your feedback before and in advance of this crucial program use this e-mail address: [email protected]
Please try to include the word Extraterrestrial as the first word in the subject line.
The Letterman web site is:
Exopolitics Toronto forwards this important notice to Canadian and international media outlets on behalf of PRG - the Paradigm Research Group - in Washington DC.
Exopolitics Toronto congratulates PRG on its excellent source coverage of this event.
Review the PRG Press Release below and distribute this alert to all contacts.
Canadian Press wishing details locally use contact information below.
Contact Details:
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto
Michael Bird - Director
(905) 278 1238
Provided by
ZlandCommunications ©
News Service
Paradigm Research Group
Press Release - June 9, 2008
Re: Jeff Peckman
Washington, DC - Jeff Peckman, the Denver-based political activist seeking a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission will appear on the Late Show with David Letterman on Tuesday, June 10.
On May 30 Peckman held a press conference in Denver where he showed a video of an alleged alien filmed by Stan Romanek. This event received international media coverage.
PRG notes two significant aspects of Peckman's current advocacy:
1) he is a long standing political activist who has engaged a range of issues and run for office. The exopolitical process leading toward formal disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has been held back by the unwillingness of non-exopolitical activists and activist organizations to challenge the ridicule curtain and join the disclosure process for mutual benefit. The extraterrestrial presence issue has significant implications for alternative energy, global warming, secrecy reform, space weaponization, peace and many other activist efforts.
2) he has brought the contactee/abductee issue front and center by featuring the Romanek video. Whatever opinion one may have of this video, behind it are tens of thousands of detailed reports of contact between humans and extraterrestrial beings - four decades of mounting evidence. This is THE number one exopolitical issue to be resolved in the post-disclosure world. It is not comfortable. It will not be easy. So what? Where does it say in the Constitution that maintaining a free republic and dealing with reality would be easy?
PRG fully supports Jeff Peckman's efforts to further demystify and broaden the public engagement of the extraterrestrial presence issue.
Recent Rocky Mountain News article on Peckman:
Stephen Bassett [email protected]
Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
[email protected] 202-215-8344
Paradigm Reseach
Press Release - June 9, 2008
Re: Jeff Peckman and Joseph Buchman
Washington, DC - Jeff Peckman, the Denver-based political activist seeking a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission will appear on the Late Show with David Letterman on Tuesday, June 10.
On May 30 Peckman held a press conference in Denver where he showed a video of an alleged alien filmed by Stan Romanek. This event received international media coverage.
PRG notes two significant aspects of Peckman's current advocacy:
1) he is a long standing political activist who has engaged a range of issues and run for office. The exopolitical process leading toward formal disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has been held back by the unwillingness of non-exopolitical activists and activist organizations to challenge the ridicule curtain and join the disclosure process for mutual benefit. The extraterrestrial presence issue has significant implications for alternative energy, global warming, secrecy reform, space weaponization, peace and many other activist efforts.
2) he has brought the contactee/abductee issue front and center by featuring the Romanek video. Whatever opinion one may have of this video, behind it are tens of thousands of detailed reports of contact between humans and extraterrestrial beings - four decades of mounting evidence. This is THE number one exopolitical issue to be resolved in the post-disclosure world. It is not comfortable. It will not be easy. So what? Where does it say in the Constitution that maintaining a free republic and dealing with reality would be easy?
PRG fully supports Jeff Peckman's efforts to further demystify and broaden the public engagement of the extraterrestrial presence issue.
Recent Rocky Mountain News article on Peckman:
Joseph Buchman, Libertarian candidate for Congress in Nevada's First Congressional District, continues to receive attention for his willingness to engage the extraterrestrial presence issue as part of his campaign.
Following in the footsteps of President Jimmy Carter and PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, Mr. Buchman is speaking as a balloted candidate directly to the government imposed truth embargo on the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This takes some courage.
PRG fully supports Mr. Buchmanâs effort to bring the extraterrestrial presence issue into the political process. It is certain that others will follow his lead. Now, if only that were to include the current presidential candidates.
Recent Article about
Campaign Website:
Contact: Stephen Bassett
[email protected]
Paradigm Research Group
Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
[email protected]
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