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James Will

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George LoBuono

Boylan's excoriation of those who criticize the (abducting) gray alignment has caused him to retreat into a corner: either accept the given aliens as right in all that they do, or swim with Cabal sharks. It's all too black and white, lacking in basic, informed critique. A man with a PhD in psychology should know better.

From the perspective Boylan has taken, we couldn't possibly get it right. Instead, we need to cede authority and tutelage over this planet to the gray alignment. For an alignment that reportedly values equalitarian politics, Boylan's elitist "Councillor" routine is most contradictory. An unappointed, self-arrogating position isn't consistent with an honest approach to humankind. Instead, it suggests that there's much to hide, a fear among the given aliens that if we move the subject into common, election-related discussions, the lid will come off.

So, instead, we have Boylan talking about Sasquatch peoples living underground, a grand plan to remake this planet--just give control to the aliens and it will all be fixed. And if we don't? It seems so much like a threat. We know there's a breeding program, and abductees (and common sense) suggest that there are breeding program operatives placed in our societies. The overall scheme closely resembles what Marshall Vian Summers reports as another alien group's warning about a potentially destructive intervention here, by an abducting alignment.

To try for more varied contacts would simply find out more about various aliens, so Michael Salla's proposal can't hurt. I agree that Boylan did some worthy reportage in the past, but his more recent contempt for critics, his quickness to label critics as CIA or Cabal-related, and his singular sense of himself have gotten him into hot water.

Lacking critique and simple precaution, Boylan's all-or-nothing approach makes him vulnerable to a potentially fateful irony. Because he assumes that he's the prime, reincarnated human contact to "Star Nations" he isn't capable of seeing that their intervention has involved some very ugly, typically colonial manipulations---the use of bizarrely destructive elite human operatives (Boylan even says Star Nations feel sorry about this). But Boylan thinks he can demand that Star Nations cut off all ties to "Cabal" operatives. What he can't see is that they essentially own a number of such operatives.

As is typical of a colonizing, overgrown aggregate, use of such operatives is the prime manipulative strategy of such aliens, apparently. How could anyone be so naive as to not at least consider the possibility? Boylan's problem is that by making so many presumptuous claims (last year's promised human piloting of an alien craft to appear over major cities, the current claim of a Star Nations environmental crew to appear publicly, etc.) Boylan has been set up to look very bad. The aliens he claims to be so close with appear to be trying to discredit him by suggesting that such will be done, and then it doesn't happen.

In other words, Boylan makes grandiose promises of alien events that don't happen, and he claims that Star Nations will now disown the Cabal.

Doubtful. It's their most obvious, most predictable prong for manipulating human affairs. As Phillip Krapf reports those very same aliens to have said (Boylan endorses Krapf's writings, by the way), one alien told Krapf that his aliens infiltrated some 10,000 of their operatives onto one planet, allowing them to become “heads of military units, key scientists, government leaders, and chief executives of industrial complexes, including armament manufacturers. Through sabotage, subterfuge, misdirection, persuasion over great masses of the host populations, and careful manipulation of government policy,” the aliens achieved their ends on the given planet. (The Challenge of Contact, p. 76-77)

However, Boylan is incapable of either seeing or admitting that that appears to be the strategy here, also. It's a simple, easily predictable pattern in a colonizing alien intervention. It would be disastrously naive to expect otherwise. Even friendly, non-intrusive aliens reportedly suggest that it isn't wise to ask others to intervene on our planet. By setting Boylan up to make claims that don't materialize, the "Star Nations" appear to be dumping on him---stark example to anyone else who presumes to tell them what to do.

Common sense is a good guide re the question of allowing alien occupation of this or any other young, emerging planet. As a reincarnated, pre-eminent Councillor of Earth, Boylan has set himself above that kind of common input. At an age when he should be more circumspect and cautious in his statements, he isn't.

The politics of other worlds is a deep and complex subject. We need more inquiry, more discussion and global sharing on such subjects, not a single arrogant designate. Remember: in Phillip Krapf's reports, the (admitted) abducting alignment said THEY chose the human "ambassadors" for their attempted opening to humankind. That's a violation of protocols. Humans must choose their envoys, not a colonizing alien group. It's so starkly wrong, so sheer a disdain for basic human judgement.

What else do they do that they don't want us to know about?


Oh and by "ET false flag issues" i meant the Illuminati pipe-dream of reverse engineered craft being used by bad humans in a bad way, not ETs themselves.


Oh and by "ET false flag issues" i meant the Illuminati pipe-dream of reverse engineered craft being used by bad humans in a bad way, not ETs themselves.


Bizzare. Webre has always been geniune and covers the big picture, even false flag terrorism and ET false flag and disinfo issues. its just plain bizarre to think of Alfred and Michael Salla as "cabal disinfo"

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