« This Week on EXOPOLITICS RADIO: EXOPOLITICS - The Starchild Skull with Lloyd Pye; HAARP is a Space-Based WMD, targeted against ethical ET visitors and humans, and must be banned by Treaty! by Alfred Webre | Main | Update: Denver ET Ballot Initiative, VIDEO: Jeff Peckman on David Letterman - June 10, 2008 »



Keep up the good work.

davID griffin

James -

Personally I've found there is a certain personality type that is attracted to the "paranormal" type radio shows. These types tend to be pseudo-rationalists and assume it is their duty to maintain objectivity - when this stance often makes them unsuitable for covering this area at all. I tend to think they should find something else to do on talk radio.

Two shows that come to mind are X-zone and The Paracast. At least the Paracast lot have some background knowledge - Rob McConnell is just a bit slow on what the area is about. He has Kal Korrf - the laughable Billy Meier debunker on - this says it all!

I'm sure there are more stations... in fact I *know* there are ;)

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