COOPRADIO.ORG: Leuren Moret: HAARP - as a space-based weapon of mass destruction - and Environmental War - PART II
PART II: A conversation with Independent Scientist Leuren Moret on HAARP - as a space-based weapon of mass destruction - and Environmental War.
WHEN: Monday June 23, 2008 @ Noon-1 PM PDT
WHERE: Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM LISTEN LIVE:
Host: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Leuren Moret Bio:
HAARP is a Space-Based Weapon of Mass Destruction and must be banned by Treaty!
WHAT: A conversation with Independent Scientist Leuren Moret on HAARP - as a space-based weapon of mass destruction - and Environmental War. This is a substantive, scientific discussion of the empirical evidence of the history of HAARP and for the following events as HAARP-induced acts of Environmental/Scalar Warfare.
DEFINITION OF HAARP: Ionospheric research facilities started 1950s.
Ref: Dr. Rosalie Bertell, “PLANET EARTH: The Latest Weapon of War”
PARTNERS IN HAARP: USA/SOVIET UNION 1978, UK, International Consortium of 5 countries [University of California]
LOCATIONS: USA: Gakona, Alaska, Arecibo Observ. Puerto Rico
UK: Aquiteria, Cyprus; Australia: Pine Gap
Internatl.: Jicamarca, Peru; near Tromso, Norway
Russia: near Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod (“SURA”),
Apatity, Kharkov, Ukraine; Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan; Newfoundland
*BROOKS AGNEW: 1983 did radiotomography w 30W
100% accuracy, a unique frequency for each substance
*HOMESTAKE GOLD MINE: East side Mt. Shasta gold mine discovered by satellite (ore body 6.5 X 3 miles)
*JAN. 1, 1995 – N. Sea Draupner wave first documented rogue wave
* 1995 Queen Elizabeth 2 - North Sea
* Hawaii anti-Taro Professor at GMO facility
*Kobe earthquake (7.3) 5:46 AM Jan. 17, 1995
*Sumatra earthquake (7.6) 8:23PM Dec. 26, 2004 “Boxing Day”
*China earthquake (7.9) 2:28 PM, May 12, 2008
- WEATHER MODIFICATION: heat up pressure zones, increase hurricane intensity (very sensit. to seawater surface heat 1 C)
*Hurricane Katrina Aug. 29, 2005
*Black Sea Nov. 11, 2007
*Myanmar May 2-3, 2008
*Iowa floods June 10, 2008
- MINING: Uranium in Tibet, Afghan, Kazakhstan
*1950s CIA expedition to Tibet
*Russians take U in Afghan
*Clinton & Canadian Mining Magnate Franck Giustra to
meet Pres. Nazarbayev ($33.3 million plus another $100 million to
Clinton foundation.)
*200 Supercargo ships disappeared in 20 years, 5 boats a week
*Hawaii – Anti-GMO Taro Professor
*Kobe earthquake (7.3) 5:46 AM Jan. 17, 1995
Seismic network
Barings Bank and Queen Elizabeth
*Sumatra earthquake (7.6) 8:23PM Dec. 26, 2004 “Boxing Day”
Submarine accident/Navy ship offshore from Sumatra
Seismic network – Asian energy shipping lanes
Military presence – OIL
*Hurricane Katrina Aug. 29, 2005
Houston anchor – steering Katrina around oil refineries
Hurricane hit New Orleans but next day military explosives took out levee
*Black Sea Nov. 11, 2007
Putin/Bush war over oil pipelines
Pollution main concern in Black Sea
No storms ever in Nov./that intensity
UK HAARP: Aquiteria, Cyprus
Zbiegniew Brzezinski, a Rockefeller recruit and founder of the Trilateral Commission, had much revealing information to give back in the seventies about technologies that are being disclosed now. He wrote in Between two Ages, 1971:
“Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth ... one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very large population in selected regions over an extended period.” (Zbiegniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, 1971).
HAARP: Science used for the development of a global weapons system
by manipulating the magnetic energy of the earth and all living things
for the purpose of maximizing profits, increasing wealth, and
concentrating the wealth and control in the hands of a few.
HAARP is the ultimate weapon for the establishment of a Zionist state which has total control of Planet Earth.
LISTEN TO PART I : If you missed PART I of COOPRADIO.ORG: Leuren Moret: HAARP - as a space-based weapon of mass destruction - and Environmental War, you can listen here:
Dear David Grinspoon - Hi! Thank you for your email. Grandiosity is the flip side of your paranoia, but anti-semitism is not part of any of the radio interview which I guess you did not bother to listen to.
Your publishers had sent me your book to do an interview with you on Vancouver COOP RADIO, and after this exercise, you certainly are not objective enough for the Monday Brownbagger at COOP RADIO.
Let me introduce myself. I am the author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe. Here is what Rabbi Cardozo wrote of my book:
As our globe gets smaller and smaller, our eyes start to focus more and more on the many worlds around us. It is not just that we need more physical space for ourselves, but also existentially. We are contemporaries of God and we are duty-bound to reveal more of His greatness. Consequently, we must ask ourselves, how shall we discover more and more of Him? Alfred Webre's book makes us realize that this may be possible in ways we did not imagine some years ago.
– Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo, noted author, scholar, and lecturer, Dean, the David Cardozo School, Machon Ohr Aharon
The line you refer to in your email comes from the outline of the interview with independent scientist Leuren Moret, who wrote the outline. I would urge you to listen to the interview, which does not refer to Israel, and does not refer to anti-semitism which would be a hate crime under the laws of Canada.
As I understand it, Leuren Moret is using the term Zionism to refer to a political movement, not to a religious or cultural reality or to the judaic religion.
In this sense, Zionism is a functional term used to describe an international war crimes racketeering organization centered around international banking networks in the City of London and Wall Street under the mediation of the House of Rothschild (whose net worth is estimated at $100 trillion) and the Rockefeller/Brotherhood of Death syndicate and whose networks operate the permanent war economy, including command and control of international organizations, national governments, parliaments and politicians of the G-8 and other nations, mainstream non-governmental organizations, mainstream media, financial institutions, and military-intelligence networks.
The ultimate goal of political Zionism is establishment of a world Zionist state, which has total control of Planet Earth. This international war crimes racketeering organization is the same network that is responsible form the war crimes of suppressing new energy technologies, and using a perversion of science in a space-based WMD (HAARP) to trigger environmental warfare, ranging from the Myanmar Cyclone (May 3) to the China earthquake (May 12) to the May-June Iowa floods. The death tool in Myanmar and China exceeds that of Hiroshima.
Please listen to the interview, which relates to a very important public policy issue, and to a perversion of new energy science. It is Part II in a series of programs on HAARP.
After you have listened to Part II urge you to listen to Part I (the URL is in the above URL).
The Space Preservation Treaty is now being upgraded to specifically ban HAARP as a space-based environmental WMD.
I believe that, as a supporter of academic freedom, you will find the information in Parts I and II of great interest.
I look forward to your feedback on the actual programs.
I am also ccing Steve Kaplan who is now on our ICIS Advisory Board, and who I think will be able to translate some of the cultural and political nuances for you as well. Mr. Kaplan is a Judaic scholar and an anti-zionist.
In closing, I would urge you to follow in the footsteps of Rabbi Cardozo and be a mensch.
With all best wishes, Alfred Webre, JD, MEd
Yale University '64, Yale Law School '67
Vancouver, BC
2008/6/23 David Grinspoon :
"HAARP is the ultimate weapon for the establishment of a Zionist state which has total control of Planet Earth. "
Oh, come on, please leave the anti-semitism out of your paranoid alien musings - they are much less becoming and much less harmless with this element included!!!
Posted by: Alfred Webre | 23 June 2008 at 16:03