Mr. Hellyer’s speech may be viewed at:
The text of the speech:
Exopolitics Toronto
Media Release
The Honourable Paul Hellyer’s Keynote Address at the 2008 X-Conference – Washington DC
Toronto ON Canada May 2, 2008 – Any Canadian interested in a dynamic assessment of where the planet stands in its current fragile plight must view the accompanying video of Mr. Hellyer’s keynote address at the Washington DC X-Conference on Saturday April 19, 2008.
Mr. Hellyer’s speech is a finely orchestrated narrative about how and why we are being lied to about an Extraterrestrial presence and what we need to do about it.
Each of you who choose to listen to this historic speech will be convinced that an immediate investigation must be launched into what military and non-elected government personnel have been hiding from us for over 60 years and how our duly elected representatives have be kept out of the loop; in Canada, in the United States and beyond our borders internationally.
Not only is the truth being withheld, democracy itself has been abrogated by an invisible elite determined to control everything from access to proper and just health care, economic autonomy, to the price of oil and who on the planet becomes educated.
Exopolitics Toronto and its Director Michael J. Bird who was in attendance at this historic event urges all who are in receipt of this message to view Mr. Hellyer’s speech and decide whether or not action is required to allow for an open dialogue about the presence of Extraterrestrials and… the TRUTH.
Exopolitics Toronto is of the belief that no one can take a position on this delicate issue off-handedly unless they are informed and aware of the issues involved. Exopolitics Toronto remains accessible to any journalist, broadcaster or politician who wishes to discretely inquire, in total confidence, about the larger complexities of this matter.
The decision is yours.
Mr. Hellyer’s speech may be viewed at:
The text of the speech:
Exopolitics Toronto Contact Information:
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto
Telephone 905-278-1238
Exopolitics Toronto
Director – Michael J. Bird
Distributed by: ZlandCommunications
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