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Patrick Sullivan

The language that is being used by the ET to talk to us is called a "Meta Transiliatory communication."

It is defined as "An abstract function of reason."

This type of communication enhances perception and sharpens analysis and allows a receiver to employ the power of reason to view the abstract nature of power, among other things.

This is but one definition. The level of thought power that is behind these messages leaves one in wonder and amazement at how far away could the thinking powers of the ET be from us.

Our nuclear war machine operators have no difficulty understanding ET; they understand that ET is "Blowing the horn on them."

This is why ET is still classified "Above top secret."

When the people finally figure out that the nuclear arsenals of the world have our name on them; "You're going to wonder where the yellow went."

Our nuclear war fighting elite faced a question in 1946; select a straegy of Peace, or go ahead with a build up of nuclear weapons.

It was understood at that time that to go ahead with a full scale nuclear build up of nuclear weapons would in one way or the other, lead to the mass destruction of the human race.

Their other choice was to select Peace. They chose nuclear war for us with the clear understanding that this would lead to the destruction of the mass of the human race. This fateful decision-to destroy humanity in total, except for themselves hiding in the underground shelters- was made in 1946.

When it came to the decision of war or Peace, Our nuclear war machine operators decided that they would rather "Fight than switch."


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