Exopolitics Toronto
May 27, 2008
Exopolitics Goes International
[Toronto, ON Canada – May 27, 2008] The Paradigm Research Group has launched an international network of websites which chronicle exopolitical developments within their respective countries and network with other similar sites worldwide. Webmasters in 20 other countries are being sought to create new sites. See: www.exopoliticsworld.net.
This network of Exopolitical groups will serve as a planetary lattice of information, activities and policy development from which elected government officials, mainstream media and individual journalists can gather the most up to date developments concerning the UFO – Extraterrestrial issue.
This ever broadening lattice of Exopolitical information is also being assembled for the benefit of citizens who wish to become competently informed about UFO/ET issues. It is imperative that the massive monolith of what mainstream media brands as "news" be off-set by cogent and well researched data concerning the reality of an Extraterrestrial presence – long since established as fact since 1947.
It is a standing order that elected officials, senior editors, journalists and well-heeled free lance journalists and columnists censure and avoid any acknowledgement of UFO/ET issues. As is the case with investigative news programs such as 60 Minutes in the USA or W5 and the Fifth Estate in Canada, it is clearly evident that general mainstream media continues to ignore the factual data suggesting the existence of a massive "UFO – free energy" cover-up.
With the possible
exception of The National Post in Canada – a widely accredited
mainstream newspaper owned by Canwest Publishing Inc. – no other North
American newsprint ownership has taken the opportunity to extol the
authenticity of the UFO/ET issue. See: http://network.nationalpost
It is worth noting that avoidance techniques used by major mainstream media are enhanced by the unrelenting salvo of attention-grabbing yet meaningless news about Demi Moore's wedding jitters, Britney Spears' current pregnancy or a 'whose who list' of who Angelina Jolie's critics are. These "profound and absorbing" questions continue to displace the radically serious issues of government secrecy, why we grow corn to feed cars, the billions spend on defense while children in rural and urban communities lack food and how free-energy sources used by ET craft could and will eliminate the use of fossil fuels.
The international exopolitical organizations represented in the EWN (Exopolitics World Network) strive individually and collectively to raise planetary awareness of the disparity among these issues and to highlight the unethical discrepancies inherent in the priorities of news agencies.
The Exopolitics World Network is the first stage in the development of a global news approach to the UFO/ET issue. It will soon become a reference point from which all international news agencies will draw their information about the UFO/ET issue.
Journalists who consider themselves leading edge news analysts would do well to contact Stephen G. Bassett or any of the Exopolitical Directors for an enlightening review of why the UFO/ET issue is the most profound geo-political story in human history.
Links to the EWN
can be found at: http://www.exopoliticscanada
Comments and questions are invited.
Contact Information in Canada:
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto
Telephone 905-278-1238
Exopolitics Toronto
Director – Michael J. Bird
Distributed by: ZlandCommunications
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